Rising: Political Sectarianism Is Killing Us

It seems to be dawning on him that there is no turning back.

We’re on a runaway train now. The sheer number of radicals in the American population on both sides is exploding. It is not something new either. It is something we have seen on several occasions in the past. These self-righteous fools who know nothing are going to drive us right off the cliff.

From my perspective, the absolute cluelessness of the DC thought bubble has never been on greater display than over the past nine months or so. These people didn’t seem to grasp how the rollout of the systematic racism thing that is being trumpeted by the political, cultural and corporate establishment was going to land out here. Everything is going to be fine! We’re going to have a rip roaring economy and “muh shots in arms” and No Drama Joe is going to go easy and things are going to cool down!

All of those people who watched everything that happened last year and then everything that is being rolled out now are going to “deradicalize” with Joe as president.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Sectarianism is part and parcel of democracy.

    It’s only becoming more honest and naked now (and overtly violent).

  2. Saagar laments about human nature. People believe in a higher purpose of their cause and higher ideals that they subscribe to and will wage war in the name of those ideals. Politics is war without bloodshed- where your side wages ideological war, through talking and non violent means, to try to gain control of the State and dictate the direction that society moves in. When the “politics of talk” breaks down we see the more “traditional” politics of force and violence emerge.

    One side takes over the institutions and realigns society to an ideology/ideal in its totality. Another side has grievance of those institutions being used against them.

    “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” – Carl Philipp Gottfried

    “War is not merely an act of policy but a true political instrument, a continuation of political intercourse carried on with other means. War therefore is an act of violence to compel our opponent to fulfill our will.” – Carl Philipp Gottfried

    • No idea which one is more true accurate. Decided to include both quotes.

      Anyway, some music.

  3. Northern Ireland at the peak of the violence between sectarian communities never even matched Detroit.

  4. Saagar Enjeti: “When who you are is diametrically opposed to someone else, the only logical conclusion is war”

    Is there some kind of problem with this conclusion? If somebody takes their beliefs and inherent identities seriously, then by logical extension they *must* view their political opponents as being in opposition to their very existence within said identity group. The only way for said sectarianism to not exist is if people didn’t have any deeply seated beliefs whatsoever, atlhough perhaps civic nationalists like Saagar would rather have empty pablum about values instead of substantive argument.

    Mr. Enjeti seems to be beside himself over the polarization the United States, and sees our “new” sectarianism as some aberration from a historical norm. If there’s anybody who isn’t grounded in historical principle, it’s Saagar himself; division over political throughout most of human history has often been very violent. More often than not, violent acrimony was the norm rather than the exception, and this is even true in the united states.

  5. When the NatSocs came to power Hitler told his opponents, you censored and imprisoned us, so now we are going to censor and imprison you. His argument was accepted by the German population, because the precedent of silencing and imprisoning your opponents had already been set by the Weimar SJWs, long before the Nazis ever came to power.

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