City Journal: What’s “Normal” In America

Populism isn’t a “historical aberration.”

There isn’t anything that we believe which isn’t deeply rooted in American history and especially in Southern culture and the Jeffersonian tradition. We’re the normal Americans. They’re the weirdos who has poisoned themselves with modernism, cosmopolitanism, antiracism, postmodernism and political correctness which they have picked up over the past century as new leftwing intellectual fads from Europe have arrived in this country.

City Journal:

“A few days ago, 216 employees of Simon and Schuster, along with several thousand people from outside the trade publishing house, sent a petition to top executives of the company demanding that they stop publishing anyone who had anything to do with the Trump administration. Their rationale for making such a demand was that Trump’s presidency was a dangerous historical aberration. According to the Wall Street Journal, the letter insists that Simon and Schuster not treat “the Trump administration as a ‘normal’ chapter in American history.”

Before I sat down to write this essay, I had to ask myself several questions. Will the opinions I express jeopardize my position at the liberal university where I teach? Will they endanger my relationship with my liberal publisher? Will they roil my relations with my neighbors in the ultraprogressive New Jersey suburb where I live?

That I had to ask is not “normal.” …

If woke progressives had been honest about the populist confusion and discontent sweeping the country, on both ends of the political spectrum, they would not have rung the bells of political apocalypse. They would have taken yet another incarnation of American energy in stride—as they do when it happens on their side. But to continue their cultural onslaught, they need to stigmatize as abnormal everything that stands in their way. No wonder the Simon and Schuster petitioners put the word “normal” in inverted commas. They have no idea what it is.”

Wall Street Journal:

“The 216 employees who signed the petition represent about 14% of Simon & Schuster’s workforce. Among the more than 3,500 outside supporters, according to a letter accompanying the petition, were writers of color including Jesmyn Ward, a two-time winner of the National Book Award for fiction. A representative for Ms. Ward confirmed that she had signed the petition. …”

James Carville is right.

There is a bigger populist backlash than 2016 brewing against those people “back East.”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “What’s “Normal” In America”

    When I was a kid, it was abundantly clear what, ‘Normal’, was. Now, ‘normal’, is a disputed concept, one which, even, has become villified, in many regards.

    I do think that Simon & Schuster knows what normal is, but, because that is implicitly White Gentile, or, at least, as far as this country goes, they just refuse to acknowledge it.

    For that reason, they, and all the Simon & Schusters, will not be welcome in the coming Dixie, not unless they change their tune.

    • “When I was a kid, it was abundantly clear what, ‘Normal’, was. Now, ‘normal’, is a disputed concept, one which, even, has become villified, in many regards.”

      Way too many commas, dude. You even use the “yob” comma! For example, an educated person would write “He went to the store.” You would write “He, went to the store.”

      “I do think that Simon & Schuster knows what normal is, but, because that is implicitly White Gentile, or, at least, as far as this country goes, they just refuse to acknowledge it.”

      You’re not a white gentile, so why do you care?

      “For that reason, they, and all the Simon & Schusters, will not be welcome in the coming Dixie, not unless they change their tune.”

      So now you rule Dixie, Judah Benjamin? Don’t forget to burn all your correspondence and papers so future historians won’t know.

      • @Yankee

        > So now you rule Dixie, Judah Benjamin? Don’t forget to burn all your correspondence and papers so future historians won’t know.

        Ivan is a wannabe Emperor Norton of North Carolina.

        But the real Emperor Norton had his own currency and the California bartenders would accept his money if he promised to give an entertaining speech before he got drunk.

        I’m guessing Emperor Ivan isn’t nearly that cool

      • Whites in ‘Murka – and elsewhere in the world –

        are living in….

        Jewish Times.

  2. JonesTown Massacre Waco Siege Manson Family moment approacheth. Mixed race cult someplace about to implode. The center can’t hold.

  3. America now has a majority of quite simply “bad people” immigrants who resent whites, blacks who resent whites, brainwashed white youth immersed in the culture of drugs and bastard children. They are like a bad kid who murders their parents in famous crime cases. They want to murder mid 20th century America because they resent it for being good and don’t want anyone disciplining their bad behavior. I watched Breaking Away (1979) last night and was visibly struck by how wholesome and white America was 40 years ago. (Despite the bad hairdos and “the college cargo cult” theme of the movie with going to college seen as a magical talisman that opens the door to all this opportunity that indebted Gen. Xers and Millenians now know isn’t true.) This is the country these bad people want to kill and send down the memory hole.

      • Re Bloomington “nice” – Not anymore, it isn’t. Antifa rules it, fully endorsed by the mayor. Look up the case of Sarah Dye, organic farmer. Red Ice Radio did an excellent interview on the subject a couple of years ago. I believe the Dye family’s lawsuit is still an open case.

    • Those 1979 white people brought the immigrants in and silenced, screamed down and voted out everyone who opposed replacement.

      It is everywhere. In France, Jean Le Pen wanted restrict immigration in 1992. There was no Jewish conspiracy but 7 million white people took the streets and stopped immigration restrictions.

      Immigration is 100% white made disaster. Even by actively working for immigration or avoiding the topic and of course refusing to vote for any anti immigration candidate.

  4. “But to continue their cultural onslaught…”

    There have been many hate crimes committed against the South in the past few years — vandalizing, removing historical items, writing inaccurate accounts, books, other media vilifying the South, physically intimidating/attacking Southerners, putting up “hate maps” to assist in crimes of vandalism/destruction of our historical items, voting to remove historical items, etc, etc. The people who hate the most are the ones accusing others of hate as they go after the history and heritage of White Southerners. Our supposed leaders seem clueless in stopping these radicals. It appears we may have to wait until we finally have our own nation to avenge ourselves. But what we CAN do now is start recording every transgression committed against us by orgs (SPLC, ADL, etc) and individuals: recording the dates, names of the perps, specific details, verifiable references, etc of hate crimes against the South.

    If/when we have our own Southern nation we can avenge ourselves by going after these orgs and individuals who have committed these hate crimes and seizing all their assets and deporting them and use the money from their assets for a heritage fund to restore everything these criminals destroyed and build security around all our heritage items to prevent hate crimes in the future.

    Hope some heritage org out there will scan the media, official documents, etc for past transgressions and record them and start recording the new hate crimes of each org/persons that happens in the future. We can avenge the South, it just may take more time than we would hope, but we will never rest until it is done.

    May God Save the South!

    • “There have been many hate crimes committed against the South in the past few years…”

      One commenter here can’t not slur New England in anything it writes. This New England hating is absurd. The center of power in the U.S. moved thousands of miles away from New England decades ago, to a place where the aforementioned robot commenter is “located.”

      • Washington DC, New York City, and Los Angeles are the main centers of power. Most of the termites are located in and around those three places.

    • @Banned…

      Yes, Sir – The South most assuredly shall be avenged, and, yes, we will never rest until it is done.

      And that revenge?

      By reinstituting practically every institution we have lost, and watching the scalawags and aliens pine, whine, and then self-deport.

  5. Everything is upside down and backwards. What was once immoral is now moral. Right is wrong.

    • @John…

      Very true, Sir, and, if I do recall, predicted by Saint Paul in his letter to Timothy.

  6. My first exposure to Simon and Schuster as a publishing house was ¡Do It! by Jerry Rubin. It was a real “normal” sort of book too.

  7. I agree with the sign carrier that’ Transphobia’ is ‘White Supremacy’, or, at least, it certainly is Southern White Supremacy, not to mention, Polish, Hungarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Byelorurssian, Moldovan, Romanian, Bulgarian, Slovak, and not to mention the rest of the world, like the new liberal love, Islam, which will have none of it.

    No, nothing of The LGBTQ movement, above all, transgenderism, represents anything to us other than anathema.

    For that reason, and for many more, ‘Transphobia’ will be gradually institutionalized all across a resurgent Dixie.

    If you are a Southerner, and you don’t like that, move north and live like the Modern Yankee wannabe you are.

  8. “Populism isn’t a “historical aberration.”

    There isn’t anything that we believe which isn’t deeply rooted in American history and especially in Southern culture and the Jeffersonian tradition. We’re the normal Americans. They’re the weirdos who has poisoned themselves with modernism, cosmopolitanism, antiracism, postmodernism and political correctness which they have picked up over the past century as new leftwing intellectual fads from Europe have arrived in this country. ”

    A fantastick paragraph, and never more necessary.

    No, we, The Rural and Smalltown Southerners, Pllain’s Staters, Heartlanders, and even many of those who are such in New England, are not the ‘Extremists’, but, instead, represent not only The Centre today, but, as it has always been in The West.

    This society, the new one they are pushing for the last 75 years – it’s ‘The Extremist’, by a long shot.

  9. Carville’s boy Slick once gave a speech crowing about how Whites were about to become a minority in America. This fugly bastard set the table for this “woke” jewshit being rammed down our throats; now he sees it’s gotten way out of hand – but being a partisan hack, his only real concern is that it’s a loser for his beloved party.

    • @NBF…

      Yes, that’s Carville’s only concern – knowing his party is headed for the graveyard, this after being tended to by a rising White Populist/Nationalist undertaker…

  10. A lifetime of reading history and politics has given me a certain insight.

    Evil people are more willing to join forces and organize to impose evil.
    “Good” people will not organize to oppose evil or fight for the good. Good people are weirdly indifferent to very much beyond their own personal lives.

  11. “Carville actually lives in New Orleans in the year 2021?”

    Carville strikes me as one of the last normal Democrats who went back home after his stint of public service.

    President Carter & President Truman did the same thing.

    Today’s Democrats stay back East the entire time now. If memory serves Clinton lives in Jew York and Obama still lives in D.C where he is probably trying to upend some of Bidens few sensible policies (tariff.)

    • Good point. Today’s ambitious political whores from the sticks fight to get to the New jewrusalem (DC & jew Yawk), and when they make it, they want to stay stay with “their people” for life – not go back to live with the shit-kickers in Flyova.

  12. Right you are! National Populism predates the United States! I refer to Bacon’s Rebellion in colonial Virginia. A famer, Nathaniel Bacon, was sick of having his workers killed by Indians while the governor looked the other way. And why did the governor look the other way? Because he had a lucrative monopoly on the fur trade with said Indians and di not want to do anything to upset them. (This is the short version) So wealthy elites have a history if ignoring white middle and working class people and till do today! And let is not forget Denis Kearney and his White Workers Party who fought corporate elites who were bringing Chinese into California by the millions and displacing white workers. The Chinese Exclusion act was a direct result of Kearney’s activities!

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