There is a class of people in this country who are incapable of minding their own business. This mandate is the essence of their domestic policy. It is also their globalist foreign policy. They have a thirst for power and an unquenchable desire to control and micromanage and dictate everything to others.
“I can tell you, Mr President, that we stand strongly with you, partners do as well. I heard the same thing when I was at NATO a couple of weeks ago and we look to Russia to cease reckless and aggressive actions”, Blinken said, speaking alongside Zelenskiy.
He said Washington was “actively looking at strengthening even further our security cooperation and our security assistance,” but gave no details. …”
What about women’s rights in Afghanistan?
That’s also our business like Crimea or the Donbass or refugees from all the world’s various war zones who ought to be resettled here. If it is necessary, it is your responsibility to fight for these things, however, as a citizen and adult you are not responsible enough to “like” or “retweet” posts on Facebook and Twitter without STRICT SUPERVISION for engaging in “domestic extremism.”
“We Stand With Ukraine Against Russian Aggression ” Secretary Blinken
“After promising Russia in 1989, that, if they chose to let Germany Reunite, the United States would never push NATO any further eastwards, we not only will continue to make a farce out of that promise, we will continue to uphold the criminal overthrow we brought about in 2014 of the legitimately-elected sovereign Ukrainian Government of President Viktor Yanukovich’s, as supervised by then Vice-President Joseph Biden.
And, in so doing, we uphold our manifest right to continue our undeclared war of destruction and conquest against both Vladimir Putin and Russia, that policy which we will continue to sell to The American People as ‘making the world safe for democracy’, this by confronting tyranny wheresoever we find it.
and … because fighting tyranny is what we, Americans, do, we make sure to find it in every corner of the world, because we regard the proliferation of our Corporate/Globalist Neo World Order, as ordained by G … well, we don’t use that word anymore – ordained by Rothschild.
Any questions?
Crank up the lying presses and let the LGBTQ bombing runs begin against the oldest Orthodox Cathedrals we can find, as the bells ring for Holy Vespers!!!”
What Russian aggression? The Democratic process was used to decide the fate of Crimea.
They voted the wrong way so it doesn’t count. By Crimean Russians voting overwhelmingly to side with Russia, their own country, history, culture, language, traditions and religion it must have been fraud. Had the CIA fixed the election against the Russian’s own interests then it would have been democracy in action.
Excellent biting prose!
Elections only count when the tribe affirms them.
The Chinese and Russians have a couple decades of pent up restraint with our overlords bullshit. We are in for some chop if Russia calls the bluff. Buckle up.
Ummm……what tribe do both of these men belong to ?
Anthony Blinken is absolutely correct when he states “we” stand with Ukraine/Afghanistan/Israel/Iraq/Saudi/Taiwan/S. Korea/The people of____ (fill in the blank) because his royal “we” refers to the deep state and the deep state only. There isn’t an ounce of support in the whole country beyond a fifty mile radius from the Capitol, NYC and college campus faculty lounges. The first time these idiots get their nuts caught in a vise in a place like Afghanistan and try to use conscription (i.e. “national service”) to fight their war they will learn this hard lesson.
On Dec 5, 1994 Ukraine gave up its Soviet arsenal of nuclear weapons as outlined in The Budapest Memorandum after declaring its independence in 1991. The Budapest Memorandum stipulates: The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine, in accordance with the principles of the CSCE [Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe] Final Act, to respect the Independence and Sovereignty and the existing borders of Ukraine. In Feb 2014 there was The Revolution of Dignity, also known as the Euromaidan revolution or the 2014 Ukrainian revolution, when a series of violent events involving protesters, riot police, and unknown shooters in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv culminated in the ousting of elected president Viktor Yanukovych, and the overthrow of the Ukrainian government. Because Yanukovych was Putin’s puppet, his overthrow was used by Putin to scare the Russian speakers in eastern Ukraine by claiming that the new Ukrainian government were Nazis who would soon rampage through their neighborhoods. To ‘prevent’ this, Putin began arming those Russian speakers with military aide and troops. No matter whose side you want to take in this scenario, the fact remains that Russia violated the Budapest Memorandum by seizing Crimea and encroaching into eastern Ukraine.
Data laid it all out. I think in our disgust with the US, degeneracy and the tribe in general we oversimplify things a great deal to come to our own conclusions. These other countries are just as corrupt and garbage as our own. Blindly cheering for anyone not American is a very Leftist themed mindset. The Budapest Memorandum was signed and agreed upon we cant choose to simply disregard that in the big picture
Not that any of is Americas business
@Captain Schill…
No, Kind Sir, Data did not ´lay it all out´, but, made a statement that was extremely misleading, if not outright fanciful.
And that is?
Russia did not ‘seize’ the Crimea, but, rather, Crimeans seceded from the fake Anglo-Jew construct of Modern Ukraine, and, in so doing, they lookt to their brethren in Russia for help.
Moreover, it is extremely important you understand something here, which is seems that you do not – Data’s assertion that Russia is in violation of the Budapest Memorandum is incorrect, because that memorandum was agreed to by Russia at a time when The West had assured her that she would not go east with NATO, after the reunification of Germany.
In case you did not notice, The West has crept right up to Russia’s door, and, in recent years, has not only tried to overthrow Byelorussia, it has too many times too count tried to overturn Russia, bother overtly through draconian sanctions and covertly through such measures as trying to divide The Orthodox Church.
Thus ‘The Budapest Memorandum’ was made void many year ago by The West.
As to the erstwhile president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovich, who was overthrown by an effort led by Vice-President Biden, he was the legitimate head of The Ukraine, this not just my view, but, the view of many ‘neutral Western observers’, who had gone to watch the Ukrainian elections.
To sum up – The West is making a war of reconquest against Russia, it the same war it has waged since Vladimir Putin removed Russia from it’s control and reasserted Russian sovereignty in the early 2000s.
What is going on is a world war, fought in such a way as that it occurs right under our noses, and yet we notice not a thing.
Please forgive me for have been so straightforward with you over the facts at hand.
I hope things are improving for you and your family up in Gotham City!
“The Revolution of Dignity,”
Ahhh yes the glorious Revolution Of Dignity. That’s not vomit inducing at all. By all reports not that the glorious revolution has succeeded Ukraine is the most dignified country in Eastern Europe! You mean the Revolution Of Dignity where a violent American backed and coordinated mob illegally overthrew the elected President of Ukraine? That Revolution Of Dignity?
> The Budapest Memorandum stipulates: The United States of America, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland, reaffirm their commitment to Ukraine,
Is funding and coordinating a violent putsch in Ukraine a violation of that Memorandum or is it only a violation when Russia does something bad?
As far as I’m concerned the reckless morons involved in the illegal coup invalidated any previous agreements. Crimea is culturally and historically Russian and it’s part of Russia now. If you have a problem with that and want to selectively go around enforcing international law then I guess seethe more is the only option for you.
I’m sure you also have excuses for the Holodomor, Katyn Forest, and Chernobyl…
“I’m sure you also have excuses for the Holodomor, Katyn Forest, and Chernobyl…”
You don’t think that comparing Crimea seceding and joining the nation to which they’ve always belonged to Katyn is a bit of hyperbole?
Moreover, nobody is excusing Soviet-era atrocities.
My hope is that it is not so long in the future when you notice that modern-day Russia is NOT the Soviet Union, but, rather, a close fascimile to Czarist Russia.
I think it’s a bit ridiculous to infer from my opinion on Crimea that I’m some kind of apologist for Soviet crimes. Couldn’t be further from the truth actually but we’re not talking about the Holodomor here and modern Russia is nothing like the brutal Stalin regime.
@Lyov Mishkin…
“As far as I’m concerned the reckless morons involved in the illegal coup invalidated any previous agreements. Crimea is culturally and historically Russian and it’s part of Russia now.”
Yes, absolutely – those with the disease are blaming those who’ve taken sick!
As to previous agreements, I think all the parties concerned know that only one agreement is in effect – if The West further attempts to press matters east, blood will flow.
It must gall those in charge of The West, that, in their blatant several year attempt to get rid of Lukashenko, and, thus, overturn, Byelorussia, or in having attempted to refilch The Donets/Crimea area away from Russia, on the cheap, that both efforts have come to absolutely naught.
I wonder if the geniuses in charge of The West have figured it out that, if they push matters any further to The East, there will only be two likely outcomes – either Russia wins are the world goes up in flames.
Yes, I wonder if the geniuses at the State Department have figured that out…
Does (((Blinkin))) stand with the Palestinians over Israel or does that hit too close to home?
Good point, Sir, but, with Leftist American Jews you never know – many of them are not pro-Israel, others are very much.
In any case, you are quite right to search for hypocrisy here.
I swear that kike has the eyes of a demon.
I do not see the dæmonick eyes, Sir, in Secretary Blinken, but, nonetheless that of an inveterate dissembler…
Many do……
…….among other physical traits.
Ukraine’s president is also Jewish. He’s probably begging Blinken to send in the gay helicopter regiments.
Their commitment to protecting a country’s territorial integrity does not apply to Serbia or Syria.
Their commitment to supporting the self-determination of peoples does not apply to Crimea, Donetsk or Lugansk (or the CSA).
Their commitment to “democracy” does not apply to Allende, Yanukovich, Mossadeq, Morales or countless other leaders and countries.
Their commitment to opposing interference in the political processes and domestic affairs of other countries does not apply to themselves (or to Israel).
Their commitment to opposing military aggression also does not apply to themselves (or to Israel).
Which country was the “Evil Empire” anyway?
Their commitment to protecting a country’s territorial integrity does not apply to Serbia or Syria.
Their commitment to the self-determination of peoples does not apply to Crimea, Donetsk or Lugansk.
Their commitment to “democracy” does not apply to Allende, Yanukovich, Mossadeq, Morales or countless other leaders and countries.
Their opposition to interference in the political processes and domestic affairs of other countries does not apply to themselves (or to Israel).
Their opposition to military aggression and occupation does not apply to themselves (or to Israel).
Which country was the “Evil Empire” anyway??