Jimmy Dore: Google Caught Helping CIA Spy On You

The Right is far more skeptical of all American institutions now.

Note: George W. Bush and Mitt Romney are more popular among Democrats than Republicans. Politico Magazine recently ran an article on how Democrats love Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney now.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Technology is good but it will also be our downfall, especially when it comes to computers and all the satellites looking down on us. We progressed too fast.

    • And yet, Dear John, for all their technology, advancet weaponry, and satellites peaking at everybody on the john, they cannot beat a bunch of medieval goat herders in Afghanistan…

  2. “Google Caught Helping CIA Spy On You”

    This is something that most Americans are slow to realize : that the distinction between The Private Sector, in this country, and The Publick, is slim, indeed.

    People do not realize the layers and layers of government over us, and, thus, are slow to realize how mentally programmed we are.

    This, unfortunately, is not a recent phenomenon, though, in recent decades the layers have grown more onerous.

  3. Oh good lord Google was started by the CIA. It’s funded by In-Q-Tel, the official CIA investment firm. The principals of Google, Larry Page, Sergie Brin and Eric Schmidt – all three openly Zionist Jews – are known for helping the CIA stage “color revolutions” against governments in the Middle East that Israel want destroyed.

    I thought everyone knew it’s just been a major topic of conversation among white men online for 20 years.

    I’m sure Jimmy Dore would call that an example of “White Supremacy” but just remember he smokes a LOT of pot, so you can’t really expect him to make much sense.

    • ” It’s funded by In-Q-Tel, the official CIA investment firm. ”

      I think it’s fair to say that, all big tech firms are working partners with zog, especially MSFT.

  4. “The Right is far more skeptical of all American institutions now.”

    Give me a break. The approval of these odious institutions by so-called Right is still massive. In fact, they all enjoy majority approval by “the Right” except the Department of Education, and even that nest of liberal lunatics is barely underwater.

    This goes to what I’ve been saying for years despite almost no one agreeing with me: there is no “Right” to speak of in the US. The US is an inherently liberal country because it was founded to promote “Enlightenment” ideology, which is liberalism by another name. The Powdered Wig Gang were dangerous radicals and they instituted a regime that reflected their beliefs. Born radically liberal, the US has since become even more so. In order to truly be of “the Right”, Americans have to reject their country’s national creed at its most fundamental level, All Men Are Created Equal, thereby becoming ideological heretics, and few are willing to do that.

    • This is definitely true of the CIA and FBI, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the media and most other national institutions with the exceptions of the military, the police and churches.

    • Ray,

      Well written. It is what I have noticed as well. If one believes in equality then there is little to no justification to fight liberalism. The fundamental belief system of the USA guarantees victory after victory of the liberals. Also it is only those parts of the country with large numbers of blacks that make some Americans conservatives. What is conservative continues to head Left. If the United States was all white I think it would resemble Scandanavia or Great Britain.

      Would even the South have been near as conservative in the past without the pressure of large amounts of blacks in their society? Being more rural might have helped some but overall?

      I disagree with Mr. Wallace. I do not think the military, police, or the churches are against liberalism. Modern christianity is mostly just communists with sacraments–assuming any validity of the modern clergy to begin with.

      • I said that the Right tends to have confidence in the military, police and the churches. Otherwise, the Right distrusts most institutions like the media or the universities or Corporate America or Wall Street, etc.

    • “Americans have to reject their country’s national creed at its most fundamental level, All Men Are Created Equal, thereby becoming ideological heretics, and few are willing to do that.”

      All men are created equal was part of a *propaganda* document that the Founders used, to trick liberals overseas into helping them in their war against the British Empire.

      When it came to putting it into law what they wanted the country to be, the White Founders addressed the US Constitution “To Ourselves and our Posterity,” and no one else. The fact that the right flat out REFUSES to repeat basic facts like this, is why they lost the country.

      Liberals repeat. The right does not repeat. Result: Liberals run everything.

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