The Bulwark: Bring On The COVID Passports

The True Cons have always had this self image of being extremely highminded people who are devoted to “principles” and the “Constitution” to which we have responded with a gigantic eyeroll.

So, it is fitting that they are going out into the political wilderness as a bunch of treacherous useful idiots who are arguing in favor of vaccine passports on MSNBC. The stereotype that we created of them being a group of sanctimonious hypocrites, born losers and worthless cucks who hate paying taxes, who love wars, who love scolding people and who are addicted to virtue signaling was on target.

The Bulwark:

“Then bring the stick; require proof of vaccination for adults. The more businesses, venues, sports teams, offices, stores, and airlines require vaccine passports, the faster we will get our lives back. The passports provide reassurance, while creating a powerful incentive because they are the tickets to our hot summer of liberation.

And, no, passports are not an assault on our freedom. Until about five minutes ago, it was a principle universally acknowledged that the right to swing your fist stops at another person’s nose.

As Erwin Chemerinsky, the dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law, wrote last year: “With coronavirus, your freedom stops when it endangers others….”

Not getting jabbed is a choice. But choices have consequences; and the rest of us are free to shun those who make stupid and dangerous choices that put us at risk. …”

Did these people ever believe in anything?

I’m sure they enjoyed calling people “racists.” What else though?

Note: I think a lot of people don’t want to get the COVID vaccine because of what you see in the video above. The jab turned this guy into a faggot prancing around his apartment.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Covid Passports will never happen in The South, at large, and woe to him, or her, who tries to do it.

  2. How did the corona virus come to America?…,Did the the corona virus kayak to America,,,,trillions of corona viruses kayaking across the Pacific Ocean?

  3. These are the same Dems shouting “my body my choice” when it’s in regards to women murdering babies!

  4. My patience is getting exhausted by these anti vaccine people. We even had a recent outbreak at work and these bums still won’t get vaccinated. I don’t get it, vaccines have been a normal part of public health for decades, you have to get measles, polio, DPT, etc. vaccines before you enroll in school. When America was Great nobody behaved like this. None of this dumb crap went on when the polio vaccine came out, people were grateful for the gift. Nobody in serious countries are acting like this over the vaccine. This is yet another example proving Bill Maher was right when he said Americans in 2020 are not a serious people.

    • +1.

      It is needed. Unfortunately some shitheads are making stupid videos that are causing Conservatives to reject vaccinations.

      This is compounded by the fact that liberal xenophiles don’t believe in migration in any meaningful way (and Conservatives and Nationalists only believe in migration when it comes to demographics or crime). There is more dangerous strains in the UK now and India (I believe another found in India) due to viral mutations (viruses are living organism and evolve). The lack serious lockdown quarantine and migration restrictions is a serious problem. Viruses enter hosts. Hosts migrate and spread the disease. People are so self-absorbed and hyper-individualistic. There is no authoritarianism- no sense of duty and discipline. There is no collectivism. These newer variants will probably spread.

      In a serious country, ALL migration would’ve been halted immediately (with protocols for those who are abroad and where they’d go) and strict isolationism established (airports should be controlled by the state by I digress). Complete forced vaccination (yes like polio) would be mandated. And yes you’d need a vaccination passport to travel, so we don’t continually spread the disease around the world. You have Conservatives and Nationalists and many of the Right, the so called believers of restricting migration and closing borders, now wailing about how this will affect their freedom (because they’re really liberals from an earlier era) when something could inconvenient them personally. It doesn’t matter to them how much this disease spreads or whether it spreads into the homeland. Liberals are not to be outdone because they don’t want to have any restriction of migration, because it would lead to xenophobia. Liberals would rather have extinction than have that happen.

      This is not a serious country. I agree. This is not a serous world.

      • @Nightowl

        The vaccines seem to be still working for newer variants for now. But I wonder how long? It’s incredibly depressing. Not a serious reality.

      • The UK has a Hindu Home Secretary. Of course Indians and Pakistanis brought new strains of the plague here. We will need mass deportations of South Asians soon. A total cleanse of the country.

        • This is true. But keep in mind a white person can travel and contract a disease and bring it back.

          But yes, members of different groups can and do bring in diseases. It’s not a good idea to allow migration from an area when there is an outbreak in a specific country (like Indians and a new outbreak is occurring).

          Also, a lot of these 3rd world backward countries have backward eating habits, health and food regulations leading to a higher chance endemic outbreak.

      • Tory (white) areas in the UK adopted vaccination quickly. The nigs and wogs didn’t. End of story. We will need to banish these nits and lice.

        • There are white people who are Conservatives that are rejecting it and are skeptical of vaccines. Liberals are making extremely cringe videos about vaccines, going to the opposite extreme where they use the vaccine to virtue signal their superiority, but at least they take it. It’s causing Conservatives to not take vaccinations. It’s becoming a retarded parody between two groups of white people.

          • Wrong. The vaccine doesn’t protect you from getting Covid.

            I will wait until some of you have your children, and see what happens.

      • There is no authoritarianism- no sense of duty and discipline. There is no collectivism.

        There shouldn’t be. Thank the gods.

        You have Conservatives and Nationalists and many of the Right, the so called believers of restricting migration and closing borders, now wailing about how this will affect their freedom

        Brown people and Black people should be restricted from going wherever they want, and the rights and freedoms of Jews and White Progressives should be taken away. All other Whites who aren’t bothering anyone or otherwise aren’t committing crimes should be left alone.

        This isn’t hard to understand. Its just “inconsistent,” which tickles your autism. Also, you don’t get a cookie for pretending to look out for everyone. Nobody cares about the high and mighty plans of intellectuals to “save the world.” The world – and the people in it – aren’t worth saving. Cancerous meat eating and shitting in a blueberry world floating around an orange ball of plasma in an endless black vaccume that will, eventually, recede out of existence.

        But, you know, Nietzsche said “yay to life,” and the scowl on his face coupled with his 12 inch wide mustache made every who read him feel ashamed for saying “no” to life. The man was right about Christianity and Rome, IMHO. And that is it.

        It doesn’t matter to them how much this disease spreads or whether it spreads into the homeland.

        There are close to 8 billion people in this world. I’d happily see that reduced to less than a billion. Which would also help the environment. Its cute how you are suddenly in the business of protecting human life when it allows you to justify a totalitarian power grab.

        Liberals would rather have extinction than have that happen.

        Extinction is always preferable to slavery and subjugation, particularly when its a quick death, like diseases tend to do. Maybe the liberals have a point for once.

        • Totalitarianism always existed. All organs of the society get taken by ideological factions, solidify, and align to an overarching ideological Order developed by said group, enforces the ideals and determines what is and isn’t socially acceptable, until a new group takes over. Just continue to howl as factions align institutions to their ideals, or in your primitive speak, “Dem libtards have taken everything and turned it woke! I can’t be left alone! My traditional values are being destroyed and they’re creating a new society!!1!!!!11!!111” The only difference is that Liberalism masks totalitarianism better/ it’s more subvert. When one group hasn’t consolidated enough, it’s because there is a transitionary period where ideological factions wage war for control and dominance to steer society in the direction they want. Don’t hate me because I give you truths that you aren’t able to handle because you’ve been coddled; I’m just the messenger.

          “The world – and the people in it – aren’t worth saving.”

          There you go again between flip flopping between “humanity should die, the Earth can and will go extinct, all or most animals and wildlife, who cares, but don’t commit white genocide against my pasty white race of fatties because I’m ethnocentric.” Your nihilism clashes against your ethnocentrism which is odd as hell. With your level of nihilism, I wonder why you are still living? Just to consume, I guess. That’s the difference between you and I… and we will never agree on this. I believe the Earth is worth saving. Because, despite the some vile and ugly shit, there is also beauty I want to save and preserve (and that includes the Earth). I did not let nihilism consume me. I overcame it and see beautiful things like this this: There is also wonderful people among the shit. People who care; people who are inspiring; people are thoughtful. And most importantly, I want future descendants that I want to see enjoy the world that I leave behind. Hopefully, one day you’ll see that.

          “All other Whites who aren’t bothering anyone or otherwise aren’t committing crimes should be left alone.”

          Diseases don’t care how traditionalist or SN you are. Learn how diseases work- how bacteria/viruses/parasites infect and spread. They should not be left alone. Anyone who travels (or moves around even in a country) should be stopped and lockdowns done. Traveling should be halted. Period. That should be the mode during a pandemic (or more accurately before a pandemic to prevent the spread of a disease in the first place). If people had a little bit of self-discipline and sacrifice, we’ve could’ve gotten out of this pandemic much better. But you’re right, most people are like you, which is why the world will go down the shitter.

          “There are close to 8 billion people in this world. I’d happily see that reduced to less than a billion. Which would also help the environment. Its cute how you are suddenly in the business of protecting human life when it allows you to justify a totalitarian power grab.”

          Total gotcha, huh? Except if you read my shit (and I know you do my little stalker), I talked about before, African’s quadrupling population (along with India and China), and my issues with antiracists who dress their racial hate against white people under the veneer of environmentalism (AOC and Greta). All their environmentalism largely is fixated on white people (who have some of the lowest birthrates vs other groups btw). I’ve talked about it several times. But unlike you, I don’t think a disease is the way to do reduce the population (which can get out control for starters).

          “Extinction is always preferable to slavery and subjugation, particularly when its a quick death, like diseases tend to do. Maybe the liberals have a point for once.”

          We already know that. You would rather have extinction than slavery. You’re warped and a twisted little man. The entire Earth, future generations, our children and their children and so on, and every species would be extinct, if, in your self-created hypothetical binary world, you had to deal with slavery (i.e. hardship). Because you’ve taken the whole “rather live on my feet than my knees” larp in the worse way possible (then again. let’s be honest when was the last time you’ve ever been on your feet for long periods of time? You live on your ass. and never gone to a gym or ran since probably P.E in high school). I would hope you are sane enough to understand that extinction is worse. But again, we already covered you don’t think about anything but yourself, and base everything on what violates your freedom and rights. Literal extinction, the void, negation of life, ranks lower than slavery in your book, got it. Diseases lead to a quick death? Is this one of your many gems of wisdom, DP84?

          And of course your first association with “authority” is not “discipline,” and “sacrifice,” but “slavery and subjugation.” Because, you probably never had any in a day of your life. A reactionary liberal- but Liberal nonetheless. Don’t you have meat to eat and drive some SUV to own the libtards and make a racist Leftist like me cry (like you think you do)?

          I’m sure you’ll respond as [now] personal groupie, because I hurt your feelings and made you angry. I’m honored, truly, but, the feeling isn’t mutual (as I didn’t even bother to read or continue the last response you made in our last dispute). Frankly, we covered these topics before, and we’re never going to agree. We’re night and day. The sun and the moon. Black and white. At this point, this is beating a dead horse. So there’s no point to this.

          Stay mad:

          • enforces the ideals and determines what is and isn’t socially acceptable, until a new group takes over

            Round and round the wheel spins, crushing regular Whites underneath it. Instead of jockeying for power and letting the wheel continue to spin, we should break the wheel. Its a more effective strategy then playing the game

            Just continue to howl as factions align institutions to their ideals

            Conservatives and Populists combined make up 52% of the voting population, whereas Liberals make up 44% and Lolberts make up a measly 4%. We may not have the financial resources or the cultural clout to steer things where we want, but we have the capability of voting for Republicans and/or non-woke Democrats in perpetuity, thereby thwarting the worst of Progressive excess, while simultaneously making the Left miserable and bitter in the process.

            where ideological factions wage war for control and dominance to steer society in the direction they want.

            It may yet be theoretically possible for White Nationalism to compete in that war, what with the PMC’s pissing off the Normies and pushing them to say more and more based things, but it won’t be your faction of the Movement, which wishes to combine Racism with Modernism, Cultural Liberalism, Wokeism, and Totalitarianism.

            There’s no place for Spencerism and Brahminism in the Pro-White Movement. There’s a place for Right Wing ideologies, and I’m personally 100% in support of Racist Feminism, but what you preach about “duty” and “authority” died decades ago and isn’t coming back. No sane White person wants it.

            With your level of nihilism, I wonder why you are still living?

            To make life as comfortable and as compliant to my sensibilities as possible, hence why I troll and stalk Lefty bug burger eaters like you. The way I see it, if people won’t naturally do the right thing, I’ll bully them and shame them into doing so until they go away and bother someone else.

            I believe the Earth is worth saving. Because, despite the some vile and ugly shit, there is also beauty I want to save and preserve

            FWIW, I’ve taken multiple vacations to California since 2015. I’ve driven up and down the Pacific Coast Highway and spent hours in the 95 mile “scenic crawl” through Big Sur. I’ve toured Hearst Castle and twice visited Yosemite. I’ve looked out over the San Francisco Bay from a look out point parallel to the top of the Golden Gate Bridge. I’ve stayed at all the delightful little towns along the coast between San Fran and LA, from Santa Cruz to Monterrey to Santa Barbara.

            I know what natural beauty looks like, and I support the wildpark conservation efforts that Pro-White champions Theodore Roosevelt and Madison Grant started. I do NOT support banning beef, as we do not need to ban beef to save the environment, and no previous conservationist ever said we needed to until AOC came along with her (((Green New Deal))).

            I’m trolling you this whole time on the “let the Earth die” stuff, and you’re too drunk on your lust for power to catch the nuance. Environmentalism is generally good. “Environmentalists” like you are wolves in sheeps clothing.

            Anyone who travels (or moves around even in a country) should be stopped and lockdowns done

            If this was Ebola, Small Pox, or the Black Plague, sure. But this aint that. Its Covid-19. Its a disease that everyone except fat people has a 99% chance of surviving. Covid was never dangerous or deadly enough to justify the restrictions or the lockdowns, especially when administered by tyrannical fiends like Anthony Fauci and Gavin Newsome who look for any excuse in the book to “never let a crisis go to waste” and make a power grab with it.

            I get that you like such power grabs, but you should be against them when they are made by rulers who don’t have Pro-White interests at heart.

            If people had a little bit of self-discipline and sacrifice

            GTFO. It was over when immigration from China was allowed to continue after Covid was identified. The best thing to do after that was to ride it out and let the disease have its pound of flesh.

            The initial CDC projections in March 2020 if we did nothing was 2 million dead Americans. Considering that hundreds of thousands of Americans die every year from cancer and car crashes, and considering we never shut down our economy or halt our way of life to stop that, we likewise never should have locked everything down when Covid reached America.

            and my issues with antiracists who dress their racial hate against white people under the veneer of environmentalism (AOC and Greta).

            Except you don’t care about regular White people, as we established last time. This is nothing more than moral window dressing. Your agenda is indistinguishable from that of AOC and Greta Thunburg, regardless of intentions.

            The entire Earth, future generations, our children and their children and so on, and every species would be extinct, if, in your self-created hypothetical binary world, you had to deal with slavery (i.e. hardship).

            Since my “Yes Chad” approach didn’t work before and painted an inaccurate picture about me, I’ll just say here that all this here is bullshit, unjustified fear mongering with dubious if non-existent basis in scientific reality. Grow up. The Earth isn’t dying, and it isn’t necessary to implement any of the radical, destructive Green policies that you insanely support:


            And of course your first association with “authority” is not “discipline,” and “sacrifice,” but “slavery and subjugation.”

            Its 2021, not 1521. Authority was a necessary construct in a previous, medieval, uncivilized world. We don’t live in that world. We don’t need discipline or sacrifice to the degree you think we do. We are capable of self-regulating, and don’t need to sacrifice our standard of living for future generations when future generations will be able to enjoy the same things as us, so long as we don’t commit self-sabotage.

            Frankly, we covered these topics before, and we’re never going to agree.

            Don’t care. If I happen to see an ignorant comment of yours, I’m going to reply to it. Deal with it.

          • “If I happen to see an ignorant comment of yours, I’m going to reply to it.”

            Sure, reply to it. You’re hilarious. That’s fine. I’ll sidestep it like shit on the sidewalk and carry on from now on. You’re not even worth a detailed response.

    • You know Bill Maher is fully vaccinated and still came down with Covid this week. So did 8 fully vaccinated members of the NY Yankees. What good is a vaccine that doesn’t prevent infection or transmission of the illness it is being administered for?

    • @Nightowl – The polio vaccine actually was a vaccine – a weakened version of the contagion but still actually made up of the same thing.

      An mRNA “vaccine” * is one that is produced from messenger RNA. Genetic engineering is the process used to make mRNA viruses.

      The mRNA vaccines depend on newer technology, namely nanotechnology, and none of these vaccines have been approved for general use in large populations of people.

      And re the *: The definition of vaccine was changed by the Merriam-Webster dictionary to include components of the COVID-19 mRNA injection.

      So you see my friend (any reader of OC considered one), those of us skeptical of both this pandemic (>99.7% survival rate) & the, “warp speed” solution to it (both problem solver & serum), have our reasons for.

      Btw too, I can’t speak for others but I a not, “anti-vaccine”; I am however, “anti-genetic therapy” as in, being a guinea pig for, and, irrespective your patience level, every single person who submitted to “the jab” is one. (Please see above regarding long term trials on.)

      • People under age 30 shouldn’t be vaccinated. Period. Ethnic minorities should be rounded up jabbed and dumped back home. Roundup and Relocate.

    • These are not the dead viruses of usual vaccines. Do some research. I don’t need my DNA producing proteins that it isn’t supposed to. The fact they are pushing these with such incessant fervor and incentives makes me suspicious in itself.

    • And your social security account number was never going to be used for identification purposes. If you think this will end with universal “vaccinations” and Covid “passports” you need to get out more.

  5. When corporate Glovalism finally gets full control, they’ll make birth control a condition of employment for both men and women, because people having families costs corporate globalists too much money.


    This is not the polio vaccine, which was eagerly embraced because polio was a disease that had killed & crippled countless people for decades, while this mystery vax is designed to fight a virus that kills a tiny percentage of those who get it, the vast majority of whom are already very old & sick. Plus the jew-usurped gummint has squandered all credibility since the ’50s.with decades of lies.

  7. As a White man I feel that it is my duty to reject my privileged status and refuse to be vaccinated until every single BIPOC has taken the shot. I’ve been at the front of the line long enough.

  8. They’re starting to bribe people into getting the shot that haven’t gotten it yet. Why do you need to bribe people into getting a supposedly life saving “vaccine”? Our overlord’s propaganda narrative is breaking down. Keep in mind, these are the same overlords pushing “Diversity” and “wokeness” on us.

    • It’s amazing to hear the rationalization of people getting the vaccine. They don’t want to get Covid. But so many of them don’t go to work everyday, and they just go to the store occasionally…so they’d be barely exposed to anything, if they stopped doing more.
      If they REALLY didn’t want to get any germs, they wouldn’t be going to restaurants and getting “take out”, which is probably touched, coughed on, etc. by a dozen or more people. They wouldn’t go to sports bars or casinos.
      So they risk taking this vaccine, which doesn’t even immunize them. I don’t see why they trust the people pushing it, either.

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