Racism was the real pandemic.
The “far right” was the real threat.
The lab leak theory was false because the people who believed it hate Democrats. Alex Jones was saying at the time that it escaped from a lab which means by definition that it was “debunked.”
“In early spring 2020, I reported an article for The New York Times on which I put the tentative headline: “New Coronavirus Is ‘Clearly Not a Lab Leak,’ Scientists Say.”
It never ran.
For two reasons.
The chief one was that inside the Times, we were sharply divided. My colleagues who cover national security were being assured by their Trump administration sources — albeit anonymously and with no hard evidence — that it was a lab leak and the Chinese were covering it up. We science reporters were hearing from virologists and zoologists — on the record and in great detail — that the odds were overwhelming that it was not a lab leak but an animal spillover. …
For about a year, that was the general wisdom among science writers. The “lab-leak theory” migrated back to the far right where it had started — championed by the folks who brought us Pizzagate, the Plandemic, Kung Flu, Q-Anon, Stop the Steal, and the January 6 Capitol invasion. It was tarred by the fact that everyone backing it seemed to hate not just Democrats and the Chinese Communist Party, but even the Chinese themselves. It spawned racist rumors like “Chinese labs sell their dead experimental animals in food markets.” …”
Sadly, this is how “science” is wielded this days.
If you believe the Big Lie that a man can magically transform into a woman by wishing it were so, you are following the “science.” It is “transphobia” to insist that reality doesn’t work that way.
If you insist on wearing a mask outside in high summer temperatures after you have been vaccinated, you are following the “science.”
“Science” means blind obedience and a pew hard level of certainty and conformity and shouting down people who ask questions. It is a cultural marker of your political tribe!
Some years back, I developet several rules of thumb about the Mainstream Media :
#1. If they say it, the truth will be found towards the opposite direct.
#2. Listen carefully for what they do not say, and therein will lie something critical.
#3. Ask yourself why they are presenting their report the way they do, so as to discover whose interest the are representing.
“#1. If they say it, the truth will be found towards the opposite direct.”
Amen to that !
All three are excellent rules , for a critical reader.
they use vagueness and nebulous statements to misdirect the reader to an unjustified conclusion, omitting details.
Thank you, Sir!
And, yes, to your addition.
Though it is difficult at first, after a time one can get downright good at reading through them, as you have.
Some years back, I developet several rules of thumb about the Mainstream Media :
#1. If they say it, the truth will be found towards the opposite direction.
#2. Listen carefully for what they do not say, and therein will lie something critical.
#3. Ask yourself why they are presenting their report the way they do, so as to discover whose interest they are representing.
“Sadly, this is how “science” is wielded this days.”
Sam3 as in the (((Soviet union))).
Science is politicised to conform to the governments agenda.
You don’t dare mention race and science in the same paragraph, not in a positive sense.
The New York Times purposefully prints propaganda they know to be false because that is their job. They do it ALL THE TIME, consistently, since the very first edition.
They lied about 9/11, the anthrax attacks, Iraqi WMDs, the DC Sniper – that was Jayson Blair himself who purposefully made up a bunch of false narratives to distract from the reality of the multiple shootings in DC leading up to the election.
The New York Times published gallons of inks worth of lies during the Cold War, and they used to openly shill for the USSR in the 1920’s and 1930’s – because the New York Times is a Jewish propaganda outfit and at the time Jews were major supporters of the USSR and communism generally.
Imagine if Jussie Smollett had not been caught – the New York Times would be writing about “white Republicans lynching Black LGBT celebrities” to this day, every single election.
Steve Sailer likes to make fun of them because they write about Emmett Till and “redlining” more and more ever year, the further away those events become.
Of course they write about “The Holocaust” in nearly every single print edition and are so blatantly ultra-Zionist they always write, “Palestinians were killed” – (by who?) – in the passive voice – while always doing the opposite if a Jew is killed, “Palestinian terrorists killed Jews.”
These are not credible people, they are just Jew propagandists and their hirelings.
The New York Times has always been owned by a rich Zionist Jew family.
The death grip kikes & their filthy goy whores like McNeil have on jewnalism means that itz all lies. A hermetically-sealed biosphere of leftist snobs talking amongst themselves, deciding what the (((Going Line))) will be, with no input from the Racist Flyova Scum. This lipless turd admits it – and justifies it. His admission is basically: “Yeah, I got it wrong – for the right reasons. So fuck you. HEH HEH!”
The JYT would never lie to the goyim.
This article by the former NYT Science writer Nicholas Wade — who funnily enough has written about the truth of racial realism — is also well worth reading and makes many of the same points:
Just the location of the origin of the epidemic speaks in and of itself. How can that not be the prime theory to investigate? You know if a new disease popped up right outside Fort Detrick the press and foreign nations would take no time blaming the USAMRIID lab. Maybe it did occur naturally, but Occam’s Razor points to the most fruitful direction to investigate. A lab leak would also explain the incredible amount of secrecy the Chinese attempted during the opening phase of the epidemic. Almost like they knew right away they needed a coverup.
I don’t know about the “Far Right”, but the Real Right suspects the CIA and/or the DoD released the virus during the military games held in Wuhan in 2019. They figured they would damage China and if the virus got back to the US they would blame it on Trump. This would be an action completely in character with the Pentagon and the CIA, which are as liberal as the rest of the DC sewer.