In 2017, Rev. Robert Lee gave a speech at MTV’s Video Music Awards.
My name is Robert Lee, IV. I’m a descendant of Robert E. Lee, the Civil War general whose statue was at the center of violence in Charlottesville. We have made my ancestor an idol of white supremacy, racism, and hate. As a pastor, it is my moral duty to speak out against racism, America’s original sin.
He later resigned from his church, reportedly due to anger from his congregation. However, he was still able to give sermons about “hate” to a much larger audience via the media. He was on television, notably on The View. He wrote repeatedly for the Huffington Post. The Root used his name for a story supporting a lawsuit to remove a Confederate monument from Statesville, North Carolina, and to heap scorn on “backward” Americans who honor the Lost Cause.
His 2019 book, A Sin By Any Other Name: Reckoning with Racism and the Heritage of the South, got mostly favorable reviews. Whoopi Goldberg and Jesuit priest James Martin, both clergy of the new State Cult in their own way, urged people to buy it. In 2020, The New York Times quoted him at length in an article justifying anti-Confederate iconoclasm. The Washington Post published a column by him called “Robert E. Lee is my ancestor. Take down his statue, and let his cause be lost.”
Robert Lee, IV’s racket may be over. The Washington Post published a devastating piece showing that there is “no evidence” this man is related to the Southern hero.
The reverend’s responses were bizarre:
The reason the Post focuses on his “heritage and lineage” is because that is the only reason anyone cares what he thinks. And if he’s not descended from Robert E. Lee, he wouldn’t have any more standing in the lawsuit than anyone else. Reverend Lee craves admiration for renouncing his heroic ancestor, but you can’t renounce what you never had.
Some whites pretend to be non-white to get the benefits. In this case, the reverend pretended to be a Robert E. Lee descendent, a white hero — but to denounce him. The purpose is the same: turn your back on a heritage it has become fashionable to despise.
Bernice King was a fine one to write the preface for his book. She had a long legal squabble with her siblings about who got to cash in on Martin’s high rolling legacy. The gods have a sense of humor.
Reverend Lee has a “ministry” to fight racism? If racism is a “sin,” it’s not in the Bible. Nor does the Bible condemn slavery. When Sam Francis pointed that out in 1995, he was demoted at The Washington Times.
The institution Francis was mocking, the Southern Baptist Convention, has lost members for 14 straight years. It’s probably not a coincidence that the SBC is now mired in a fight over whether to adopt Critical Race Theory. Why go to church to hear the same things you hear in the newspaper and on television?
If being “anti-racist” is a requirement to be a Christian, there were no Christians for all recorded history until just a few years ago. God must not be a Christian either. In Deuteronomy 28: 43-45 He calls replacement migration divine punishment for breaking His law:
The foreigners who reside among you will rise above you higher and higher, but you will sink lower and lower. They will lend to you, but you will not lend to them. They will be the head, but you will be the tail. All these curses will come on you. They will pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you did not obey the Lord your God and observe the commands and decrees he gave you. (New International Version)
General Robert E. Lee had a humbler understanding of Christianity than does this upstart. For the general, it meant “trusting in Christ alone for salvation” and knowing that he was “nothing but a poor sinner.” Robert E. Lee’s real family protects his legacy with quiet dignity.
Modern-day messiahs are leading white people to the promised land of anti-racism. Unlike the Israelites who died before seeing Canaan, we see what’s ahead. We know what happened to Zimbabwe, South Africa, and countless post-white cities within the borders of what were once our countries.Jonestown was just the most extreme case of spiritual/racial egalitarianism.
The Bible forbids bearing false witness. It also commands us to honor our ancestors. It takes no courage to pander to journalists who slander our valiant dead. Our mission is to take up the legacy our heroes left us. I would say it is closer to the divine purpose than selling out your kin for a byline in the Huffington Post.
Whites can only atone for their racist past by tolerating an infinite torrent of verbal abuse and physical violence from blacks. If Whites don’t accept this and fight back, at gunpoint the majority Nonwhite US Military….thanks to the 1965 Immigration Reform Act…..will force them onto Lebraun James’ cotton field.
This is the endgame of Critical Race Theory:‘WHITE GENOCIDE….The US Military is already on board with WHITE GENOCIDE…..
Anti-Whites deny White Genocide, then they justify it.
“If being “anti-racist” is a requirement to be a Christian, there were no Christians for all recorded history until just a few years ago. God must not be a Christian either. ”
Indeed, I have repeatedly posited this to my fellow Southerners; they who have been attempting to evaluate the new ‘Wokeness’ and the old ‘Liberalism’ we were all force fed.
To boot, when it comes to what sort of view we ought take on the publicity campaign to redub White Southern Replacement with ‘Diversity’, I have repeatedly quoted to our fellow Southerners the opening chapters of The Book of Judges, where God repeatedly outsources harsh punishment of the Jews for their rebellious integration with other races and race-mixing.
Scripture is clear – you may not be, but it is.
Nationalism is God’s plan.
Yet, even if we lend no credence to The Bible, whatsoever, we see in the very nature of humans, and, indeed, human history, that Nationalism, in all it’s varied manifestations, is the way.
He got found out and knows his grift is over so he’s groveling for forgiveness like the pasty white faggot that he is.
For punishment he should be forced to change his name to Robert E. Pee for “urinating” on the grave and honor of a man much better than himself.
White self hatred is sick.
“White self hatred is sick.”
Especially when we should be doing everything possible to preserve and advance our race.
Agree and agree. The average White in the US is liberalized, and worries more about the other races, than his own, despite all of the crime being done to us. Despite our paychecks being ravaged by taxes to support these people.
Sometimes, I wonder how these people rationalize any of it.
Maybe Prohibition would be a good thing, because so many people drink too much to numb out.
Now that marijuana is legal, you have all of these boomers in line for their weed card.
All of this contributes to the apathy.
Most lefties are mid-wits: smart enough to dutifully and flawlessly memorize the anti-white lessons they were spoon-fed in college and at work, but lacking any spark of genius that would enable them to recognize that TPTB are feeding them bullshit.
I see it in my own family. I form alliances with those members who are like minded, and of those of a different opinion I patiently wait a change of mind, realistically knowing that it may not come.
So this imposter is a minister. Has he ever read what the the Bible says about bearing false witness?
“The Bible forbids bearing false witness. It also commands us to honor our ancestors. It takes no courage to pander to journalists who slander our valiant dead. Our mission is to take up the legacy our heroes left us. I would say it is closer to the divine purpose than selling out your kin for a byline in the Huffington Post.”
Well said, Brad.
I was hoping that James Edwards would mention this Lee incident on the Political Cesspool this past Saturday night.
Karma finally caught up with that groveling fraud. Robert E. Lee is 1000 times the man that fake will ever be.
“As a pastor, it is my moral duty ”
Since when, is any media preacher moral ?
I bet you 5 to 1 he is a Christian Zionist. More than any other Protestant denomination Southern Baptists have the most Christian Zionist fanatics. Why do I think if Christ was here today one of his parables would be called The Good Palestinian? Christ as a Zionist? If so, why did he rebuke Simon the Zealot because he wanted to overthrow the Romans by force and reestablish a Jewish homeland. But what do I know? I was supposed to be raptured off in 1988 according to Hal Lindsey who promised me since Israel was born in 1948 and a Biblical generation was 40 years then in 1988 we would all be raptured off. He even wrote a book in that regarded titled 1988. Of course now they say Lindsey was mistake a generation is 70 years so..2018…. but wait we mean 75 years the average lifespan of a nation in the modern world so…2023 then.
All of this just panders to the egos of the Judeo-Yankee usurpers, and to their claimed right to rule America, for its own good.