American intervention in ALL of these wars was a mistake.
“In the realm of global conflicts, World War II is often viewed as the quintessential battle between good and evil.
Nonetheless, a whopping one-third of Americans either believe that it was a mistake or remain unsure about the US’s involvement in the so-called “good war,” according to a new poll by the Economist/YouGov.
The study, which was conducted in honor of Memorial Day, asked 1,500 Americans whether it was a mistake for the US to participate in wars from World War I to Iraq. To ensure accurate representation, the sample was weighted according to gender, age, race, education, 2016 presidential vote, registration status, geographic region, and other designations, per the site.
The poll found that a whopping 18% of participants were unsure if Uncle Sam should’ve participated in WWII, in which President Franklin Delano Roosevelt deployed troops to fight the Nazis and the Japanese Empire in 1941.
Meanwhile, 14% thought fighting in the “War Against Hitler” was a mistake while 62% believed that contributing soldiers was the right decision. …”
This used to be common sense in the 19th century.
Why embroil ourselves in the world’s endless conflicts when we have the most favorable geography of any of the world’s great powers? Why not mind our own business?

WW1 was the big mistake, on everyone’s part. It was a big blow to our gene pool, led to all those other wars on the list, and put White man on the path to completely losing his self-confidence.
Most people still don’t realize just how devastating WWI was.
American intervention in WW1 prolonged the war by two years, killed millions more, and led to World War2. It was all about making easy profits for bankers.
Yes, Wilson, like Lincoln before him, and Bush and Obama after him, was an unmitigated disaster.
“The poll found that a whopping 18% of participants were unsure if Uncle Sam should’ve participated in WWII,”
Whopping ???
It should be,
98% of Americans are CERTAIN that America should not have fought NS Germany. The other 2% are institutionalized.
The lies and propaganda are just too pervasive.
The “Greatest Generation” is gone, the “Silent Generation” and Boomers are passing. Those numbers will grow.
Half Hungarian Jew and half White-Anglo blood, that settled the South, neither side of me sees that fighting Germans in WWII was anything good.
In fact, it was bad, downright bad, because not only did we kill tons of our cousins, the victory w e supposedly won gave too much power to those who would immediately thereafter use it to destroy our society, down here in Dixie.
Moreover, Southerners got too invested in fighting Anglo-Zio wars and in thinking that we were all one nation.
We are not ‘all one nation’, and we sure as hell aren’t all ‘under God’.
Yes, my mama & daddy’s generation did this, and many paid the ultimate price, to do what they had been trickt to believe would create a better world for you and me.
God bless them for being willing to stick up for us.
The key word here is ‘trickt’, however, for time has revealed that not only were they dupet into fighting a war with those whom we largely, if not entirely agreed, there was nothing beneficial to either White Southerners or Southern Jews in that war.
In the end, however, we, Southerners, did this to ourselves.
The plain truth of the matter is that we, Southerners, are right fond of getting the opportunity to shoot at things, and not nearly discerning enough about why, where, and for whom?
In fact, I cannot think of a single war that we, Southerners, have fought, since the 1860-1870s, that was either necessary or beneficial to us.
No more wars for the Jew England Yankee United States’ Government should we ever fight, but, only ones that are for our own sovereignty.
We need to mind our own business, and stop letting everything go to pot, here at home in Dixie.
The plain truth of the matter is that we, Southerners, are right fond of getting the opportunity to shoot at things, and not nearly discerning enough about why, where, and for whom.” No truer words were even spoken. If we wish to fight in the future, we should get a better idea of who our real enemies are.
One reason we like to fight the Empire’s wars is our lack of self-esteem from always being the Empire’s whipping boy. We plead to our Yankee betters: “We want to prove we’re good Americans by fighting and dying in your wars. Please accept us.”
Now with the full-bore attack on our heritage and monuments, we can see how much our groveling has gotten us.
Excellent comment, Sir.
Thank you!
It’s because we’re Scots. Both a curse and a blessing.
>“We want to prove we’re good Americans by fighting and dying in your wars. Please accept us.”
England conquered Scotland then the Scots became the military elite of the British. Same thing happened in North America, the Yankees conquered us and we joined their Imperial troops and became their elite fighters.
@Banned Hipster…
A good probing comment, and, to be sure, Scots and Southerners are not hardly the only ones who became the elite soldiers of their enemies, after they were sold out by their own elites.
Time for Southerners to get off this self-destructive self-neglectful train, however.
We have a civilization to rebuild, and more than a few who will need straightening out, as they try to stand in our way from being who The Good Lord gave us to be.
Hong Kong was founded by William Jardine. Medical doctor with a degree from Edinburgh. The Scots colonised the English. He used the imperial system like a sith Lord. The biography of the Taipan of Hong Kong is a real eye opener.
” we can see how much our groveling has gotten us.”
Just one look at that abomination of a YT video above, showed me that. Tattoos, piercings, and other effeminate elements, and THAT’s a ‘good ol’ country [sic] ‘Boy’????
“We have a civilization to rebuild, and more than a few who will need straightening out, as they try to stand in our way from being who The Good Lord gave us to be.”
Ye shall not dress in the other gender’s clothes, you shall not make treaties with the Xenos, you shall not lend (or finance) via usury, and more than anything… ( o nomos Theou)
““Beware of all whoredom, my son, and chiefly take a wife of the seed of thy fathers, and take not a strange woman to wife, which is not of thy father’s tribe: for we are the children of the prophets, Noe, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: remember, my son, that our fathers from the beginning, even that they all married wives of their own kindred, and were blessed in their children, and their seed shall inherit the land.” – Tobit 4:12
Ivan, start each day, with the prayer, “I thank Thee, O Lord, that I am not a Jew, a N-word, or a Chinaman”*’ and you’re pretty much on God’s team…..
*(Yes, I know this sounds like a [sic] pious Jew’s prayer… and there’s a reason. We are God’s Israel. (((They))) never were.
in the Vulgate (the RC translation) “…the passage telling us to love our enemies, used the word “inimicus” in the Latin translation, which means personal enemy. This word was used as opposed to the word “hostis”, which mean the public, or political enemy. So obviously Christ did not teach us to love the people who want to kill us; we are simply to love our brethren and forgive their petty transgressions.”
@Fr. John…
I do thank The Good Lord, not only every day, but, many times a day, and one of those is that I thank Him for having placet Himself squarely in my heart.
I also thank Him for my loved ones, starting with my wife and extending out to The Entire South.
I also frequently ask Him to help my fellow Southerners relocate their balls to do what will have to be done.
Be well, My Friend!
” Ivan Turgenev
May 31, 2021 at 5:17 pm
Half Hungarian Jew and half White-Anglo blood, that settled the South, neither side of me sees that fighting Germans in WWII was anything good. ”
“Why not mind our own business?”
You know the answer to that.
“The gentile is as a donkey, to serve his master. Otherwise he has no reason to live”
(((Banker))) wars and the later wars were for Israel.
The only reason they got Americans to fight WWII was because of Pearl Harbor and FDR’s totalitarian police state, where journalists, writers, and any dissident was squashed. FDR even sent troops to occupy the headquarters of Disney to force them to make pro-war propaganda.
Of course America would have never gotten into Afghanistan and Iraq if it wasn’t for the 9/11 false flag.
The neo-cons openly celebrated that America had finally “gotten over the Vietnam war syndrome.” They had to kill 3,000 people and make up absurd lies about “Al Qaedas” hiding behind every bush. Even then the anti-war marches were the largest in human history.
But you’d never know it because the entire mass media was nothing but pro-war propaganda. It lasted until 2005 when the entire pro-war narrative fell apart.
America cannot be conquered because of its location so everyone knows all foreign wars are for imperial reasons.
The US was actively involved in the war years before Pearl Harbor of which the US government had pre-knowledge, because at the time the Japanese communication had long since been deciphered. That’s even fairly mainstream history by now. The parallels to 9/11 are indeed striking. Project for a new American century, a clean break…, “cataclysmic, Pearl Harbor like event” and all that.
Maybe it was still a mistake by Mr. Hilter to officially declare war on the US. But what difference did it make? The enemy was already in control in the US, Britain and the Soviet Union. The allies we had, Japan and Italy, were more burden than help. In Britain it was uncertain for very long, that could have made all the difference, but the Rothschilds were long at work and have since won a total victory. The West German Republic was literally founded at Villa Rothschild… What a flex! And the vast majority of people have no idea and even if they hear it, they don’t want to know.
> the parallels to 9/11 are indeed striking. Project for a new American century, a clean break…, “cataclysmic, Pearl Harbor like event” and all that.
Without a doubt it was a mistake of epick proportions for Hitler to declare war on us.
Though I did temporary liason duty with The 2nd Panzer Division in Hesse, and saw for myself the magnificent German fighting man, your nation would never ever triumph over White Southerners in a fight, if only because we possess every bit of your stoicism, hard egdes, plus we shoot better than you, as a group.
In fact, there never have been a people in the world who can compete in marksmanship with White Southerners or with our highly-evolved hunting learned techniques of the bushwhack.
Nobody has these gifts to the levels as do we, nobody.
We will shoot your ass from 500 or a thousand yards before you can say ‘boo’.
That said, you are dead on right about the behavior of The United States’ government in it’s persistent attempts to roil up The Japanese into a full on shooting war.
If Pearl Harbour reminds you of 9/11, then the behavior of The United States’ Government reminds of how it has been trying to corner and checkmate Russia for the better part of the last 20 years.
Vladimir Putin has been, and, indeed, will be a tough nut to crack, however, particularly without White Southern help, because we are right on the verge of walking out of this Jew England Empire, and without it’s best soldiers, the empire will be badly pummeled by a resurgent Russian army full of real men.
As to the collusion of Rothschild and your nation’s founding, it is much the same with us, as most Americans neither know about ‘The Bank of England’ and how it stuck it’s toxick claws into our nation, right from the first, nor do they want to hear it.
After you study politicks for a decade or two, you become aware of something you might have seen in other fields of human endeavours : most people are not cut out for the truth.
No, they’d rather sip their cheap whiskey in a plastic cup, cut heavily by coke-a-cola and unfiltered store-bought ice, instead of drinking something really good in a crystal tumbler straight.
If George Washington was not the First Traitor why is there a statue of him in Trafalgar Square?
Weird – I had no idea of that…
“American military analysts Col. Trevor Dupuy and Martin Van Creveld, who have subjected the respective performance of the American and German armies on the battlefield to detailed statistical study. But none has yet faulted Dupuy’s conclusion that on almost every battlefield of the war the German showed best:
“On a man for man basis, German ground soldiers consistently inflicted casualties at about a 50 percent higher rate than they incurred from the opposing British and American troops under all circumstances (emphasis in original). This was true when they were attacking and when they were defending, when they had a local numerical superiority and when, as was usually the case, they were outnumbered, when they had air superiority and when they did not, when they won and when they lost.”
And the Germans had much less equipment than their opponents.
I am a US Army Vet and totally agree. The German is the master race which is why the dirty joo has attempted to eradicate him. Until yT realizes (((who))) orchestrates all of this, we will make no ground.
Joos and traitors need to leave or be eradicated.
Southerners couldn’t even defeat a conscript army of Yankees in the War between the States. To think that they could beat the best man for man military in over 2000 years is absolutely absurd. They are light years apart in military discipline and acumen.
You may as well have wrote that an Edsel is superior to a Mercedes Benz.
It’s true that the German army was the most disciplined, and its overall leadership the most skilled of any in centuries. However, Garnet Wolseley, who would go on to become a field marshal and the Commander-in-Chief of the British Army, personally toured the South to investigate their waging of the war, and he stated that even though they were relatively untrained conscripts, Southerners were the greatest natural soldiers on earth.
I’d say he was qualified to know what he was talking about.
Yes, the Southerners lost in the end to the overwhelming weight of Yank flesh & iron. So did the Germans. What proves their superiority compared to their enemies was that they both inflicted far more dead & wounded than they suffered.
Any comparison between the Germans and Southerners is laughable. Germany conducted numerous successful offensives against their enemies and occupied nearly all of Europe in 1942. By contrast, the South miserably failed in every offensive campaign against the North.
99% of the Civil War battles happened on Southern soil. And yet the Yankees won most of the battles.
The Southerners didn’t face “overwhelming” number of Yankees nor did they inflict far more dead & wounded. These are Lost Cause excuses. As you can see from the above list, the number of combatants on both sides were more or less the same in most battles.
The casualties too were roughly equal on both sides, despite the fact that Confederates fought most of their battles behind their entrenchments and a substantial portion of the Union forces were foreign mercenaries and colored troops.
The Civil War wasn’t worth it…
World two wasn’t worth it..
World War One wasn’t worth it…If America had stayed out…Hitler dies in the streets of Berlin as a homeless man…
Should have stayed out of Korean War…Let Dear Leader conquer South Korea=no Korean “Americans” in OUR White America nullifying the Native White Working Class Vote on Nov 3 2020….God Bless Dear Northern Korean Leader…!!!!!!
Read Bill Kaufman’s America First…
(((Anthony Blinken)))
The war of the 1860s was absolutely vital for Southern Sovereignty, though, in the end – by 1877 – it was only a partial success.
Totally agree with you, however, about WWI.
It was an unmitigated disaster, from the shadows of which we are yet to escape…
I predict all U.S. troops and all meddling in Afghanistan will not come to an end on 9/11/2021 as Dementia Joe has read repeatedly off of his teleprompter. The U.S. Government is planning to station about 600 Marines, a battalion, in the U.S. Embassy compound in Kabul while U.S. Army troops man Vulcan/Phalanx air defense systems to intercept incoming rockets. SF troops will roam the countryside using helicopters, calling in air strikes.
This will not prevent the Taliban from overrunning Kabul, it will just delay the inevitable at enormous financial cost and additional casualties. If the airport falls to the Taliban or becomes unusable It’s possible there will be another Stalingrad, this time in Afghanistan.
All this time China will be watching, waiting and laughing. It is truly amazing how the ruling class in the U.S. is truly incapable of learning anything no matter how many disasters they cause. As Talleyrand said of the Bourbons in France after Napoleon was exiled, “They have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.”
Re-habilitate Charles Lindbergh.
And Father Coughlin.
Well, it used to be 92% against involvement in WW 2, wasn’t it? Henry Ford was the Elon Musk of his time, Lindbergh a national hero and father Coughlin the greatest media populist of his time – light years ahead of any of the stars today. But of course “the system” and those who operate it and own the media and who created this world order changed that. And I think this is the perfect place to add something concerning the Israel, Palestine and Islam debate, too.
There is this idea that, if you play nice and be a good goy, Jews will leave you alone and pass you some table scraps. And that Israel is somehow based and an ally. (Because of Islam, or Crusades and stuff? Nevermind an actual crusader would have NEVER allied with the murderers of the messiah). Most importantly stay clear from Nazism (agree on caricatures of it), and consider revisionism as unimportant or outright reject it – American Renaissance is a peculiar example. We have ten years experience of that now and more. Does it help Jared Taylor? Or isn’t he just as much of a target for DHS and (((Mayorkas)))?
Let me make this as clear as possible: Jews own your media, they designate you the primary terrorist threat if you just want to hand down the country build by your ancestors to your children the very same time they literally lynch Palestinians in the streets and bombard them with napalm and level their apartment blocks – while committing ethnic cleansing in the West Bank and executing Oded Yinon campaigns of extermination in Syria. In Europe they can send you to jail, if you only talk about their power in the wrong way.
They brainwash your kids to cut off their balls, eat the bugs, embrace cultural Marxism and become whores for blacked. They send your sons to die in foreign wars for their interests, from the world wars to Iraq, while they sell your tech to China and fleece your economy and open your borders. They outsource your job, flood your then broken working and middle class with opiates and immigrant cheap labor and laugh at the deaths of despair of “pill billies” while families like the Sacklers count the billions they made from literal blood money. And if you dare complain about it and name the culprit Kabbalist supremacist Johnathan Greenblatt will make sure to deplatform you and send you to jail in Europe, if he can.
If you protest for your right to exist, they will send Antifa after you – which was and is a Jewish anti-Nazi militia. Maybe you are slowly starting to understand what Nazi actually means. While agitating “black power” negroes into literal race frenzies to kill everything white in sight. Don’t take this lightly: this is not shit posting, they mean it. And the grand kids of Bolshevik commissars mean it, too. And that is exactly what the Neocons are as well. But they will make sure to call you the hater, call you the violent extremist, call you the threat to democracy – to their democracy. And they will lock you up for 450 years, if you have a car accident at the wrong place and at the wrong time.
Finally they buy off your politicians and literally blackmail your presidents with Epstein’s child sex ring. Funded by Les Wexner who also financed the Lipstadt trial. – See how these things are always connected? Total criminality in their interests, the pretense of absolute morality to silence you, to enslave you. That’s rooted in their law. From usury lending onto the goyim, over hate speech and holocaust denial laws to the noahide laws. And they turned MAGA into MIGA.
I can understand that some Europeans are afraid to even talk about it. But if you know better and still have the 1st and 2nd amendment you have no excuse. And it stopped being “good optics” to support Israel a very long time ago. Once you realize that white genocide is just a feature of the world order created by people like Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, the Schiffs and Warburgs and the gentile globalists like Churchill, Huxley, Kalergi and their shock troops, you realize there is nowhere to escape to and nothing to hide behind. Today all of us live under the same globalist “New World Order” in which a few thousand families own everything. The USA then was just a few decades ahead of the curve. But the global oligarchy still must be stopped.
Very well said.
Huxley? How so? Brave New World is a warning surely.
@Deutschnational – Excellent commentary and summation of the overall status quo.
The Civil War was a huge mistake. The Union should have simply signed mutual trade and defense agreements with the Confederacy with the understanding that IF the Confederacy wanted to reunite, they would have to send their Negros back to Africa.
The Spanish-American War was a huge mistake. Spain would have sold Cuba and Puerto Rico the US eventually, just like the French did Louisiana. Had the North refrained from aggravating the South into seceding, the country would have had the wherewithal to buy Puerto Rico and Cuba from Spain.
Don’t know if WWII was a mistake – I’ll bet dollars to donuts, the British, if honesty prevailed, would admit it was, but getting into WWI was definitely a mistake. Had we stayed out of WWI, a fair Armistice would have been reached. All European powers would have taken their toys and gone home, and WWII would have never happened at least in Europe.
Japan? Inclined to think that if we had not pulled any embargoes and just quietly organized with the European powers to ship weapons to any Asian countries resisting Japan, our presence there would not have been necessary.
However, WWII was definitely a disaster. Drafting White American men opened the door to the Bracero Program (Mexican stoop labor) and the Gatt Treaty which ultimately led to NAFT and more Anti-Nativist Immigration.
Memorial Day will become Holocaust Memorial, and, Israel Appreciation Day in your lifetime.
America, meaning Whites and our formerly lawful Governments that were abandoned in 1860 has been under attack by the jews since America’s inception in 1776.
Every single war America has been engaged in since the Civil War has started with a false flag allowed/staged event to advance a World Government comprised of the British Empire which has long ago been usurped by the “jews”.
In the Civil war, the US government in Washington DC declared the defense of Fort Sumter an “attack”.
The Spanish-American War in 1898 and sinking of the Maine. The Sinking of Maine has been shown that it exploded not from a mine, but from the inside the ship. The Spanish had no hand in the war, but the jew bankers wanted war for profits. The Spanish-American War of 1898 was a joke, but in order to get physical and economic control of Cuba, the Philippines and some lesser islands we set up Spain by blowing up a primitive, outdated battleship {the “Maine”} in Havana harbor and then, naturally, blamed the act on the Spanish. The Rockefellers {another Jewish banking family} got their foreign banks; and the Roosevelts got their start, even discounting the fact that old man Delano {the D, in FDR} controlled the Chinese Opium routes for most of his life!
Using the ridiculous pretext of “liberating Cuba” and a false accusation against Spain for the sinking of the USS Maine, a warmongering faction of the American Congress and “Yellow Press” are able to impose the phony Spanish-American War upon a very reluctant President William McKinley. The true purpose of the war is to take Spain’s Pacific Ocean naval bases in the Philippines and Guam. The “crisis” of the war is also used to pass a Congressional decree to annex Hawaii as a U.S. territory, against the wishes of the native Hawaiians.
The Spanish-American War, and the Philippines War which grows out of it, are major turning points in the Globalist drive to dominate East Asia. These events mark the true origin of the war with Japan which is to come 43 years later.
Within 24 hours of the start of the war to “free Cuba”, acting Naval Secretary Theodore Roosevelt orders Commodore Dewey to destroy the Spanish fleet in the Philippines. The true, long range purpose was to achieve dominance over Asia.
The sinking of the Lusitania was used to bring the US into WW1 was totally staged by the British knowing full well that the ship was carrying munitions for England in breach of our agreements which in itself was an act of war against Germany. The sinking of the Lusitania by a German U-27 submarine on May 7, 1915 was almost as if it had been planned and rehearsed: (1) the Lusitania was carrying 4,200 cases of .30-06 Springfield rifles and machine gun ammunition for the British forces; (2) its routing and schedule were fully known and published; (3) the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill {a half Jew}, made secretly but positively sure that the German high command knew that munitions were aboard the Lusitania; (4) the Germans Embassy in America had continuously warned Americans not to travel on any ship carrying war contraband; and (5) approximately 100 Americans died in the sinking.
The attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor in 1941 was permitted to happen — our intelligence having foreknowledge that Japan was going to attack. FDR and his many jew advisors incited the Japanese attack because they knew it would start war with Germany, their real target. This is why the Japanese ambassador was left waiting until after the attack in order to deliver Japan’s declaration of war against the United States so the Jews could call it a “sneak attack”.
The entire Cold War was one skirmish after another between jew controlled Russia and jew controlled America.
In 1949, John Foster Dulles organized the south Koreans to do military incursions into North Korea knowing the North, supported by the Communist Chinese would come to the rescue. When they did it left our troops almost completely outnumbered which facilitated the calls to fight for south Korea. Soon after this Chiang Kai Sek, who was pro-republic, pro-self determination and a Western ally was abandoned so Mao could convert 25% of the world’s population, the Chinese, to Communism just like the Jews wanted for act 3 (WW3). With one stroke of the pen all of the military hardware Congress had shipped to Chang was dumped into the Pacific.
In Vietnam The Tonkin Gulf incident was a complete fabrication. North Vietnamese vessels were said to have fired on US Destroyers. Never happened but it gave a pretext for the crypto Jew Lyndon Johnson to go to war against the North Vietnam. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulf_of_Tonkin_incident
The “war on drugs” is a complete lie. CIA and other intelligence agencies ship massive shipments of drugs into the US to dumb down and demoralize the American people adding “justification” for the present police state in America, while at the same time our southern border is wide open for the smuggling of drugs and the Mexicans themselves.
In Panama, Noriega was a drug dealer working with the Bush family. When he broke his alliance and said he was going to out the Bushes drug dealings, suddenly Panama was invaded.
In Gulf War 1 Saddam asked US permission to attack Kuwait because they were drilling sideways and stealing Iraqi oil on their soil. When Iraq followed through, Saddam was double-crossed. Suddenly the US gov and jewsmedia came out screaming that Saddam, who was, by the way, a US asset, was Hitler and an aggressor and we had to defend Kuwait and brought about the destruction of a powerful Iraq setting the stage toward the expansion of “Israel’s” boundaries to create a World Government there.
Kosovo – Supposedly, a genocide killing 100,000 or more people was happening at the time, but when investigators tried to find evidence of this claim after the war, they found very little that could support it. Indeed, it has been suggested that the NATO intervention might have literally killed more people than the calamity it was preventing. http://www.antiwar.com/justin/j082100.html
And that brings us to 911 which was a Mossad operation from start to finish. (WATCH: http://www.911missinglinks.com) Everyone knows this with any intelligence training. Side note, all 16 intel agencies in America came out a year or so later and sent out an internal memo claiming Israel is the NUMBER ONE threat to the security of the United States. This memo was squashed but it spoke the truth because most of the up and coming intel agents in America are fully aware of who has taken over our nation.
Afghanistan – In fact, the Taliban were willing to negotiate with the US and give up Osama bin Laden. The US didn’t like its terms, however, and decided to do a regime change instead. It’s also a fact that the Taliban had almost completely eliminated opium production in Afghanistan which was interfering with CIA drug trafficking. By invading Afghanistan, the US has restored opium production to record levels. The US must stay in Afghanistan to make sure that opium production is not hampered by keeping the Taliban suppressed. The CIA was initially and still is in charge of all military operations in Afghanistan and no one, including the US military, seems to mind or even question why.
Iraq – The fake weapons of mass destruction. Americans incited by false reporting by the US government and the jew controlled media, because Israel wanted Sadaam out of the way. The American media is controlled by the same jews. All jews work together as an extremely organized, monolithic, multigenerational, multinational tribal criminal syndicate, all of them, networking, conspiring both openly, and secretly, in their many, many organizations and synogogues, to exploit, rule and ultimately ruin the world.
Libya – The US claimed that Qaddafi was about to commit a genocide and needed to back the rebels. Unfortunately, the rebels were dominated by jihadists sympathetic to Al Qaeda. The NWO jewish empire is trying to rid the planet of nationalism and national autonomy, thus paving the way for Zionist hegemony in the region.. In recent years, Iraq and Libya have already fallen. Today, Syria is the latest “domino” in a long line of dominos. Iran is in the globalist’s crosshairs. All these countries had/have no jew banks! This entire process likely began in the Middle Ages when the Nobility was targeted because it was trying to protect the peasantry. As happened to Adolph Hitler, any leader of any country who dares to desire the best for his nation, is going to face the wrath of the international jews. http://www.counterpunch.org/2011/08/31/the-top-ten-myths-in-the-war-against-libya/
(Almost) Syria – The US nearly staged a significant military intervention on the pretense that Assad had used chemical weapons in a massacre that was captured on video. Subsequent reporting, however, revealed that it was a false flag attack by the rebels, done to try to induce US intervention. http://www.lrb.co.uk/v36/n08/seymour-m-hersh/the-red-line-and-the-rat-line
These socalled “conspiracy theories” are not theories. They’ve been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
I recall reading somewhere that the British had imposed a starvation blockade upon Germany, to which Germany responded with its U-boat campaign.
The free exchange of information through the www is bringing new clarity to historical events once thought settled, and military campaigns formerly revered as examples of patriotism and heroism now are revealed as blunders or deliberate crimes.
Francis Bacon, I think, put it best: “Truth is the daughter of time.”
America, meaning Whites and our formerly lawful Governments that were abandoned in 1860 has been under attack by the jews since America’s inception in 1776.
EVERY SINGLE WAR AMERICA HAS ENGAGED IN since the Civil War has started with a false flag allowed/staged event to advance a World Government comprised of the British Empire which has long ago been usurped by the “jews”.
In the Civil war, the US government in Washington DC declared the defense of Fort Sumter an “attack”.
The Spanish-American War in 1898 and sinking of the Maine. The Sinking of Maine has been shown that it exploded not from a mine, but from the inside the ship. The Spanish had no hand in the war, but the jew bankers wanted war for profits. The Spanish-American War of 1898 was a joke, but in order to get physical and economic control of Cuba, the Philippines and some lesser islands we set up Spain by blowing up a primitive, outdated battleship {the “Maine”} in Havana harbor and then, naturally, blamed the act on the Spanish. The Rockefellers {another Jewish banking family} got their foreign banks; and the Roosevelts got their start, even discounting the fact that old man Delano {the D, in FDR} controlled the Chinese Opium routes for most of his life!
Using the ridiculous pretext of “liberating Cuba” and a false accusation against Spain for the sinking of the USS Maine, a warmongering faction of the American Congress and “Yellow Press” are able to impose the phony Spanish-American War upon a very reluctant President William McKinley. The true purpose of the war is to take Spain’s Pacific Ocean naval bases in the Philippines and Guam. The “crisis” of the war is also used to pass a Congressional decree to annex Hawaii as a U.S. territory, against the wishes of the native Hawaiians.
The Spanish-American War, and the Philippines War which grows out of it, are major turning points in the Globalist drive to dominate East Asia. These events mark the true origin of the war with Japan which is to come 43 years later.
Within 24 hours of the start of the war to “free Cuba”, acting Naval Secretary Theodore Roosevelt orders Commodore Dewey to destroy the Spanish fleet in the Philippines. The true, long range purpose was to achieve dominance over Asia.
The sinking of the Lusitania was used to bring the US into WW1 was totally staged by the British knowing full well that the ship was carrying munitions for England in breach of our agreements which in itself was an act of war against Germany. The sinking of the Lusitania by a German U-27 submarine on May 7, 1915 was almost as if it had been planned and rehearsed: (1) the Lusitania was carrying 4,200 cases of .30-06 Springfield rifles and machine gun ammunition for the British forces; (2) its routing and schedule were fully known and published; (3) the First Lord of the Admiralty, Winston Churchill {a half Jew}, made secretly but positively sure that the German high command knew that munitions were aboard the Lusitania; (4) the Germans Embassy in America had continuously warned Americans not to travel on any ship carrying war contraband; and (5) approximately 100 Americans died in the sinking.
The attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor in 1941 was permitted to happen — our intelligence having foreknowledge that Japan was going to attack. FDR and his many jew advisors incited the Japanese attack because they knew it would start war with Germany, their real target. This is why the Japanese ambassador was left waiting until after the attack in order to deliver Japan’s declaration of war against the United States so the Jews could call it a “sneak attack”.
The entire Cold War was one skirmish after another between jew controlled Russia and jew controlled America.
In 1949, John Foster Dulles organized the south Koreans to do military incursions into North Korea knowing the North, supported by the Communist Chinese would come to the rescue. When they did it left our troops almost completely outnumbered which facilitated the calls to fight for south Korea. Soon after this Chiang Kai Shek, who was pro-republic, pro-self determination and a Western ally was abandoned so Mao could convert 25% of the world’s population, the Chinese, to Communism just like the Jews wanted for act 3 (WW3). With one stroke of the pen all of the military hardware Congress had shipped to Chang was dumped into the Pacific.
In Vietnam The Tonkin Gulf incident was a complete fabrication. North Vietnamese vessels were said to have fired on US Destroyers. Never happened but it gave a pretext for the crypto Jew Lyndon Johnson to go to war against the North Vietnam.
The “war on drugs” is a complete lie. CIA and other intelligence agencies ship massive shipments of drugs into the US to dumb down and demoralize the American people adding “justification” for the present police state in America, while at the same time our southern border is wide open for the smuggling of drugs and the Mexicans themselves.
In Panama, Noriega was a drug dealer working with the Bush family. When he broke his alliance and said he was going to out the Bushes drug dealings, suddenly Panama was invaded.
In Gulf War 1 Saddam asked US permission to attack Kuwait because they were drilling sideways and stealing Iraqi oil on their soil. When Iraq followed through, Saddam was double-crossed. Suddenly the US gov and jewsmedia came out screaming that Saddam, who was, by the way, a US asset, was Hitler and an aggressor and we had to defend Kuwait and brought about the destruction of a powerful Iraq setting the stage toward the expansion of “Israel’s” boundaries to create a World Government there.
Kosovo – Supposedly, a genocide killing 100,000 or more people was happening at the time, but when investigators tried to find evidence of this claim after the war, they found very little that could support it. Indeed, it has been suggested that the NATO intervention might have literally killed more people than the calamity it was preventing.
And that brings us to 911 which was a Mossad operation from start to finish. Everyone knows this with any intelligence training. Side note, all 16 intel agencies in America came out a year or so later and sent out an internal memo claiming Israel is the NUMBER ONE threat to the security of the United States. This memo was squashed but it spoke the truth because most of the up and coming intel agents in America are fully aware of who has taken over our nation.
Afghanistan – In fact, the Taliban were willing to negotiate with the US and give up Osama bin Laden. The US didn’t like its terms, however, and decided to do a regime change instead. It’s also a fact that the Taliban had almost completely eliminated opium production in Afghanistan which was interfering with CIA drug trafficking. By invading Afghanistan, the US has restored opium production to record levels. The US must stay in Afghanistan to make sure that opium production is not hampered by keeping the Taliban suppressed. The CIA was initially and still is in charge of all military operations in Afghanistan and no one, including the US military, seems to mind or even question why.
Iraq – The fake weapons of mass destruction. Americans incited by false reporting by the US government and the jew controlled media, because Israel wanted Sadaam out of the way. The American media is controlled by the same jews. All jews work together as an extremely organized, monolithic, multigenerational, multinational tribal criminal syndicate, all of them, networking, conspiring both openly, and secretly, in their many, many organizations and synogogues, to exploit, rule and ultimately ruin the world.
Libya – The US claimed that Qaddafi was about to commit a genocide and needed to back the rebels. Unfortunately, the rebels were dominated by jihadists sympathetic to Al Qaeda. The NWO jewish empire is trying to rid the planet of nationalism and national autonomy, thus paving the way for Zionist hegemony in the region.. In recent years, Iraq and Libya have already fallen. Today, Syria is the latest “domino” in a long line of dominos. Iran is in the globalist’s crosshairs. All these countries had/have no jew banks! This entire process likely began in the Middle Ages when the Nobility was targeted because it was trying to protect the peasantry. As happened to Adolph Hitler, any leader of any country who dares to desire the best for his nation, is going to face the wrath of the international jews.
(Almost) Syria – The US nearly staged a significant military intervention on the pretense that Assad had used chemical weapons in a massacre that was captured on video. Subsequent reporting, however, revealed that it was a false flag attack by the rebels, done to try to induce US intervention.
These socalled “conspiracy theories” are not theories. They’ve been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
If you have not read it already you must read Pat Buchanan’s “The Unnecessary War”.
Fourteen percent believe getting involved in WWII was a mistake. It is another shoah.
14% shows how little Americans know about WW2. 248 armed conflicts after WW2; US started 201 or 81% of them, killing 30 million so far.
I refuse to read lengthy “blog posts” posted as “comments” on here. It’s not your own personal blog. There’s a point where a comment is just too long when it’s 10 paragraphs.
While I certainly have my days when I am not prepared to read 2 page comments, all in all I really appreciate that so many commenters, you included, try to bring refreshing insights and aspects of knowledge not commonly sought here.
But, yes, pithiness is not a gift that everyone shares with you!
I agree, Mr. Pilot. That inconsiderate, assholish behavior discourages visitors from reading the shorter and more interesting/succinct posts. If it takes you more than two or three sentences to make your point then GTFO.
@ pilot
Yes, you’re absolutely right.
People should learn to condense their ideas to the essential points, briefly.
There should be a ‘MORE’ button. Where someone can post the critical points of their comment , say 1000 characters, if the reader wants to see the details or expansion of the ideas, he can press ‘MORE’ and read the full contents of the poster.
Time is at a premium.
Haff you ever heard of thees new Web site called Occidental Dissent? A hasbara, a retard, and a lapsed Catholic off his medications walk into a comments section.
That’s the joke.
“You suck, McBain!”
[McBain pulls ring from pineapple grenade with his teeth, tosses it into audience, whips out submachine gun to massacre survivors]
Sorry for the length of it, but look at it as a history lesson. So many facts about (((America))), that many Americans are not aware of.
It was good. I read all of it.
After thinking about this more, there is one thing I will say to y’all – life is not supposet to be one short text, or a frantic instantaneous gratification after another
Too many folks are too impatient nowadays, and, along with the brevity that brings with it, too many folks cannot actually string together several pertinent paragraphs of engaging thought in a row.
So, no – those who wish to be brief, fine – but, it definitely is not the sole merit.
More than a few commenters here have taught me so much about our history I did not know, starting with Mr. Griffin, himself, to Billy Ray Jenkins, Mr. James Owen, Michael Cushman, Fr. John, 12AX7, November, and many more who names I cannot immediately recall, but, whose thoughts run deep, long, and wide.
“Americans not sure if fighting Nazis was good”
Yet more retarded, Talmudic venom from a tribe that is constantly making demands of its gentile hosts, never happy, never satisfied and forever ungrateful.
Hitler and inner circle were over confidence that they could achieve German empire of Europe.Poland was a buffer zone between two supper power with Russia.And combine with the British and U.S naval power.Nazi should have quit when they reclaim their land from the Verssaile Treaty.
Please board the short bus, and repeat remedial WWII history, especially, as it pertains to the European Theater of Operations.
Trigger bot.
It was after WWII that our enemies really began the propaganda that has created the country we have today. One of their talking points is that nationalism is bad and we should embrace globalism, which will lead to peace. This is false. Nationalism, and by this I mean an ethnic group having a country of its own, is necessary for the survival of that ethnic group. I do believe that a country should mind its own business and not interfere in the affairs of another country; however, interference in other countries’ affairs by the US is still happening even as globalism has been forced on us and nationalism has been destroyed.
The population of the North was 18.5 million; the White population of the South was 5.5 million. Enlistment strength of the Yanks was 2,672,341; for the South, 750,000 to 1,227,890. By 1863, the Union armies in the field outnumbered the Confederates 2 to 1, an advantage which would only grow in the last 2 years of the war. Of course the North had vast superiority in manufacturing and therefore armaments, transportation & all the other necessities of war. .
Despite these big advantages, the Yanks lost an estimated 16,100 more dead & 81,150 more wounded.
By any measure, they should have been able to make relatively short work of the Confederacy. That they failed to do so is testimony to the fact that
1. the Northern generals for the first couple of years were clowns and
2. the Southerners were men who’d spent their lives with guns in their hands & their asses in saddles, while many of their Yank enemies were urbanite factory workers & shoe clerks, the ancestors of today’s bugmen.
The North never fully mobilized their manpower. As Shelby Foote noted, “The North fought that war with one hand behind its back.” Most of the Union enlisted men were in garrison duties in the captured Southern territories and maintaining and guarding the long lines of supply and communication. Only about 40% of the Union forces saw combat, as opposed to 70% for the Confederacy. Only in very few battles the Federals had actual numerical superiority.
In Gettysburg, the largest battle of the war, the Federals and Confederates had roughly equal numbers. In Chickmauga, the second largest engagement of the war, the Confederates had more numerical superiority and they also suffered more casualties. In the Seven Days Battles the Confederates deployed far more number of soldiers than their opponents. The Yankees whipped the Rebels in all but one of the Seven Days Battles.
The real Confederate casualties were much higher than reported. Unlike the North, the South never had proper records, rolls or returns of their troops. They also had a habit of under-reporting the casualties. For instance, Lee initially reported only 15,000 casualties for his Gettysburg campaign whereas his real casualties exceeded 30,000.
The geography of the South was naturally suitable for defensive warfare. The Confederates most of the time fought behind entrenchments and strong defensive terrains. The Yankees won despite this and had much better casualty ratios than their opponents.
The territory of the Confederacy was equal to the size of modern Spain, Italy, France, Germany, and Poland combined. It took Napoleon eight years to conquer similar size of territory. The North conquered the South in mere four years, and unlike Napoleon, they were able to keep it.
“The territory of the Confederacy was equal to the size of modern Spain, Italy, France, Germany, and Poland combined. It took Napoleon eight years to conquer similar size of territory. The North conquered the South in mere four years, and unlike Napoleon, they were able to keep it.”
Napoleon’s foes were long-established states with better military establishments than that of the new, agrarian Confederacy. I hope you’re not implying that Napoleon was inferior to the likes of US Grant. To give credit where it’s due, he saw the way to victory (constant attacks on all fronts to prevent Confederate manpower shifting), but that should’ve been obvious to any reasonably intelligent commander with such superior resources, He did, however, show a flash of genuine brilliance with his Vicksburg campaign.
Perhaps one of the reasons the Yanks fought “with one hand tied behind their back” (they did) was the their own people were dubious about the justice of the abolitionist-incited war.
As one bitter Ohio man wrote home after the Emancipation Proclamation: “I used to be for Abe, but I’ve gone clean back on him. The nigger can go to hell for all of me.”