Joe Biden Recognizes #PrideMonth2021

Welcome to Weimerica.

Pride stands for moral and cultural degeneration.

Joe Biden didn’t even wait until Pride Month to wield his pen to push “trans women” in women’s sports and transgenderism in the military. He got that done in his first week in office in January.

The official policy of the Biden administration is that White children should be taught to hate themselves for being born White and “domestic extremists” should be purged from the military, BUT “trans girls” should be encouraged to join and to play in women’s sports. Joe Biden’s DHS Secretary has also redefined sex itself as a non-biological category. Even drag queens think that Joe Biden is going too far.

White House:

“The uprising at the Stonewall Inn in June, 1969, sparked a liberation movement — a call to action that continues to inspire us to live up to our Nation’s promise of equality, liberty, and justice for all.  Pride is a time to recall the trials the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) community has endured and to rejoice in the triumphs of trailblazing individuals who have bravely fought — and continue to fight — for full equality.  Pride is both a jubilant communal celebration of visibility and a personal celebration of self-worth and dignity.  This Pride Month, we recognize the valuable contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals across America, and we reaffirm our commitment to standing in solidarity with LGBTQ+ Americans in their ongoing struggle against discrimination and injustice.

The LGBTQ+ community in America has achieved remarkable progress since Stonewall.  Historic Supreme Court rulings in recent years have struck down regressive laws, affirmed the right to marriage equality, and secured workplace protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in every State and Territory.  The Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act broadened the definition of hate crimes to include crimes motivated by sexual orientation or gender identity.  Members of the LGBTQ+ community now serve in nearly every level of public office — in city halls and State capitals, Governors’ mansions and the halls of the Congress, and throughout my Administration.  Nearly 14 percent of my 1,500 agency appointees identify as LGBTQ+, and I am particularly honored by the service of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, the first openly LGBTQ+ person to serve in the Cabinet, and Assistant Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine, the first openly transgender person to be confirmed by the Senate. …”

Who says that Joe Biden can’t pick up his pen and wade into a deeply divisive and polarizing culture war issue that is a political albatross for Democrats? He was willing to spend his political capital on “trans” because the professional class wing of his party and corporate elites support it.

New York Times:

“President Biden on Tuesday issued a presidential proclamation recognizing June as Pride Month, vowing to fight for full equality for the L.G.B.T.Q. community to be codified into law.

The acknowledgment of Pride, a month defined for many in the L.G.B.T.Q. community by marches, parades and parties across the United States, also offered Mr. Biden his latest opportunity to contrast his own behavior and priorities with those of his predecessor in office.

Last year, Donald J. Trump steadfastly ignored Pride, refusing to acknowledge the celebration of many Americans nationwide with even a presidential tweet, overruling suggestions from several aides that he write one. Embassies overseas were told they were prohibited from flying the Pride flag. …”

A year ago, June 1 was one of the worst days of the George Floyd riots and Donald Trump had his hands full with all of the chaos. Donald Trump came out from his bunker and vowed to restore “law and order.” Trump was simply overwhelmed by the magnitude of the crisis.

Daily Mail:

“President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris kicked off pride month on Tuesday by touting their efforts to boost diversity in the military and to fly the gay pride flag at US outposts around the world. 

Already some embassies and consulates are flying the signature rainbow flag.

‘The U.S. Embassy to the Holy See celebrates #PrideMonth with the Pride flag on display during the month of June,’ wrote the embassy on Twitter with a picture of the flag on their building. ‘The United States respects the dignity and equality of LGBTQI+ people. LGBTQI+ rights are human rights.’

In a statement on Gay Pride Month, which begins June 1, Biden noted in his first weeks in office he signed several executive orders that expanded the definition of discrimination to include LGBTQ people and one that prohibits discrimination against transgender servicemembers, which over turned a Trump-era policy.

The president also noted his administration announced it will allow U.S. diplomatic outposts around the world to fly the Pride flag on the same flagpole as the U.S. flag, also over turning a Trump-era ban. …”

The Pride flag and BLM flag are the political establishment flags.

Last summer, the U.S. embassy in Seoul raised both during the George Floyd riots in defiance of Trump and had be told to take it down by the State Department.

A man walks near a giant Black Lives Matter and a rainbow banners at the U.S. Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, Sunday, June 14, 2020. (AP Photo/Lee Jin-man)
About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. They should finally just go through with it and take down stars+stripes and leave the HIV-Flag for good.

  2. The Democratic Party

    The Homosexual Pederast Anal Sex Party

    Democratic Family Values

    No wonder the Taliban resist the US Military occupation of Afghanistan…..

    • @Patrick – You may get your wish on that one. Islam and its adherents are ascendant in strange parallel to the Religion of Woke. You may well find out how much use Muslim men have for you. Zero.

  3. Joe Biden celebrates Homosexual Anal Sex Month as an affirmation of America’s Deepest Family Value…..

      • That dickhead thinks it’s just the Catholics but closes his eyes to the evangelicals that are just as bad or in some cases worse, especially when it comes to sucking up to Israel. krafty wanker is hypocrite WASP.

        • The Roman Catholics are in denial. This isn’t some wild accusation of homosexuality/pedophilia, it’s a matter of public record! Hundreds of Roman Catholic Priests have been caught and prosecuted. How many thousands were not named or prosecuted?

          I thought it was amusing how the Roman Catholics in most of their diocese named dead Priests as sex offenders.

          Btw, I’m sure the homosexual/pedophiles in the Roman Catholic Priesthood are ok with Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and Kevin Mc Carthy.

      • Hey, Jewboy. Name a few that are a matter of public record. Not some made up Jew movie fiction.

      • “Plenty of them in Protestant circles, as well, sir.” And the majority of them are married. So, celibacy isn’t the cause of homosexually in some priests.

    • Hey Krafty, you’ve been reading a lot of Chick tracts lately, haven’t you? Classical Anti-Catholic propaganda always claimed the priest were homosexuals. Sounds like you swallowed it whole.

      • Dalton, I’m not making wild accusations about the Catholic Priesthood. It’s a matter of public record all across the US.

        Let’s not forget that the Roman Catholic Governor of Virginia, his Roman Catholic Public Safety Director, and the Roman Catholic President of UVA caused you and others serious harm. They need reminded of it.

  4. To fully demonstrate his commitment to supporting gay rights, Biden needs to drop his diaper and spread his butt cheeks to let Mayor Pete, from South Bendover, have a ride in celebration.

    • @John…

      It’s even worse than degeneracy, Sir, which it most assuredly is – it’s satanick demonry not only designed to take down our country, but, to derail souls permanently for The Lord.

  5. Pride week, to pride month, to pride year………..

    Can someone explain to me why the federal government is entitled to tax my income?

    • They’re not. I know you already know that, but just wanted to remind you. Hey i saw this excellent recording of a Tax Lawyer who was a former parasite worm working for the IRS. He knew their schemes inside and out. He told his students the way to beat the IRS is NOT to be those guys who refuse to file, because they now have tax code allowing them to tax your “income” …sorda.
      The way to beat them is to PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS. Its always in the details with “these people” aint it? So, he eventually shows a slide straight from IRS manual guidance for income tax and Lo! and Behold! They define what “income” is right there in the manual! It tells you the exact formula to use as well, to calculate what your “income” is. *Turns out, “income” is ANY PAY RECEIVED THAT IS ABOVE YOUR AGREED UPON WAGE WITH YOUR EMPLOYER OR CUSTOMER** THAT, is your income. So, there was a special addendum form to file this correctly, but the total is zero.
      My point is, when you file exactly as he demonstrates, the amount you owe ALWAYS comes out to zero. Unless your a retard and decide to donate your money to the IRS. I will find this video and post it here.

  6. “Joe Biden Recognizes #PrideMonth2021”

    The Rural South does not recognize it and will never do so.

  7. If it is such a glorious loving thing then why doesn’t Joe drop his pants and take it in the heinie in public for all of us to see? I mean there is no shame in love now is there? Joe is not a girth phobe now is he?

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