Liberal Larry Reacts To Donald Trump’s North Carolina Speech

I missed Donald Trump’s big speech in North Carolina last night.

Liberal Larry is correct though to sense that America’s regional cultures have survived into the 21st century and that their ingrained differences over the meaning of liberty and equality remain one of the most potent divisions in American politics. Rural Alabama and Portland are polar opposites.

There are other divides at work these days which have opened up over the past century which intersect with these preexisting cultural fault lines. The biggest ones are the urban vs. rural divide, the modernist/cosmopolitan vs. traditionalist divide which is strongly associated with it, the education divide between the PMC and their contempt for the working class and the male vs. female divide.

Note: White Nationalists and the Alt-Right have always downplayed these other divides in favor of focusing on racial solidarity. In reality, a single, college-educated White woman with progressive values who lives in a big coastal city is culturally and politically further apart from rural White voters in the South and Midwest than most non-Whites who live in those same areas.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “In reality, a single, college-educated White woman with progressive values who lives in a big coastal city is culturally and politically further apart from rural White voters in the South and Midwest than most non-Whites who live in those same areas.”

    Correct. On top of that, those non-whites in said rural areas are probably far more likely to support at least some part of functional or formal secession than the progressive busybodies on the coast.

  2. “The South must be stopped before it rises again”

    It won’t be stoppt, because not only are we no longer badly outnumbered, we have as much or more manufacturing, including high-tech, as any other place in this country.

    Moreover, no amount of mercenaries hired to fight us will make up for the fact that, this time, the vast majority of White Farm Boys from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Iowa, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Massachussets, Ohio, Minnesota, New York, Illinois, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, and Michigan will not be against us, but, WITH us – not to mention all our cousins from the Red Plains’ States and Rural Northwest.

    Nope, no amount of obsessive Pentagon scenario planning, nor media disinformation will change or overcome these things.

    The South has got it’s dander up and is rising, on that you can bet your sweet ass!

  3. Your right, I share much more with some of my black neighbors here in the Ozarks. I know a Orthodox priest who is a decendent of Daniel Boone’s son Nathan Boone slaves. His great grandmother was Nathan Boone’s slave. I share very similar values with them, than I would a west or east coast progressive. Regional differences really do matter.

  4. I’ve never seen Larry so triggered in the few times I’ve watched his videos. He’s on his way to stardom.

  5. If the South seceedes and brings back segregation, that would be the country I’d most like to live in, and I’m not a Southerner. I just find myself liking Southerners more often than not.

    “Note: White Nationalists and the Alt-Right have always downplayed these other divides in favor of focusing on racial solidarity. In reality, a single, college-educated White woman with progressive values who lives in a big coastal city is culturally and politically further apart from rural White voters in the South and Midwest than most non-Whites who live in those same areas.”

    Idealitic loyalty to Whites that are traitors made me drift away from WN, (though I am still sympathetic to their cause), for the simple reason that if you make a nationalist country with White libs, you will always be fighting them. White lib brains work a little differently is all: 1 + 1 = random number. They can’t help it.

    • @John

      Or our worthless, scalawagged, reconstructed, and cucked state governments, either.

  6. @ thee personality known as “Liberal larry”, has nothing to fear from ” thee confederate states of america “, we will see too it, he gets thee psychiatric treatment, he needs.

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