Loudoun County, VA is the richest county in the United States.
I’ve written at length about the Democrat Independent Liberal Elites (DILEs) or the woke progressives. They are affluent, college-educated White professionals with modernist, cosmopolitan and antiracist values who live in large metropolitan areas and their wealthy suburbs. Basically, wherever you find lots of rich and educated White people, you will find Democrats, Whole Foods, CRT and “trans.”
Just as homosexuality is a known risk favor for HIV or obesity is a risk factor for diabetes, a post-graduate degree is a risk factor for being a cultural degenerate and believing stupid things about race. This isn’t to say that everyone who is an affluent, college educated White professional has been infected though. This is just where this cultural disease is concentrated and where the pressure to conform is the greatest because these people are the most exposed to other PMCs. Ground zero for the outbreak would be the faculty lounge of Ivy League universities or the New York Times newsroom.
As we saw in Southlake, TX, New York City and even Beverly Hills, CA, there is a growing revolt going on against this garbage among White parents in even the bluest parts of the country. 75% of Americans oppose white privilege training in public schools. This is only supported by the 6% of Americans who are progressive activists who are punching above their weight. The people who are throwing the stones live in a glass house and doubt about what they are doing runs deep in the Democratic Party.
The most encouraging trend in the country is that we are seeing so much push back against this garbage even in places which you would think would be lost to the enemy like NOVA. It seems that White people need permission from authority figures to say what is really on their mind. By seizing on CRT as a culture war wedge issue and drawing attention to anti-whiteness (something which began late in the 2020 campaign), FOX News has given these people permission to push back against progressive activists whereas previously they didn’t feel like anyone in power had their backs on the issue.
Yes, this is weak sauce for us, but it is still an important development that normies now feel under siege for being White in a way that wasn’t true in the past and more importantly that their leaders are encouraging them to speak out about it. Previously, they would have been attacked as “racists” by conservative elites like David French. It is important that these elites have been discredited.
Note: It is a good thing that there is more space now to discuss anti-whiteness in the “mainstream” (if that even still exists), but our position must be that being explicitly pro-White is the solution.

That’s nice but speaking out isn’t going to change anything. I’ll leave it at that because most of you know what I mean. One mother spoke out and was removed and no one did a thing to stop her from being silenced.
Enjoy your self-made dystopia, affluent White suburban libs.
Wokeism=Homosexual Pederasty=Democratic Party Family Values
“Just as homosexuality is a known risk favor for HIV or obesity is a risk factor for diabetes, a post-graduate degree is a risk factor for being a cultural degenerate and believing stupid things about race…”
@Fr. John+ …
I do not know if this is Mr. Griffin’s best line or thought, for he has had too many to count.
It is a good one, though, of that there is no doubt!
You know it’s gotta be bad when the part of Virginia that has few Virginians left, becomes ‘the epicentre’ of The Woke Backlash…
Speaking out has already changed things in Texas. These people are not, as I keep having to remind people, are not 90 feet tall. The more resistance, the Less they can do about it. Children matter, even to prog parents
Yeah, they only want it for lower class Whites. Just like every other joy of diversity, the shitlibs agitate for it, donate large sums of money for it, then work to make themselves exempt from it.
This is why understanding of the class war is so important for pro-Whites (overwhelmingly lower or middle class) going forward. White nationalists see this and think “finally Whitey is fighting back.” No, the rich are fighting back while trying to throw you and your family under the bus. They still want your kids going to a majority non-White school. They still want you or your sister or your brother or your kids to be murdered by diversity. But they’re the good Whites, the PoC allies, so this stuff isn’t supposed to apply to them.
It’s easy to be a wet blanket but also very exciting to see so many “normies” awakening. You have to start somewhere and seeing grass roots white people rise up is a good place to start. We should welcome good news and the opening of so many white minds.
Yes, anything which makes it easier for normies to slip into our way of thinking is significant. The bridge needs to be built from their end more than our end. Everyone in our circles already knows the score about race and is already pro-White.
My point was that it’s not the grass roots uprising you think it is. It’s just another occurrence of wealthier Whites trying to avoid the consequences of the policies they push for others. They’ve been doing it for decades. If you ignore the class war, then you miss this. We should want them to face the consequences, not avoid them. I want shitlib Whites to be cancelled, their kids discriminated against, their wealth taken in the name of “equity,” and so on. They deserve that and worse.
“White nationalists see this and think “finally Whitey is fighting back.” No, the rich are fighting back while trying to throw you and your family under the bus. They still want your kids going to a majority non-White school. They still want you or your sister or your brother or your kids to be murdered by diversity. But they’re the good Whites, the PoC allies, so this stuff isn’t supposed to apply to them.”
And the Hits.. just keep on coming! Bravo!
Nothing less than a National Socialist Christian Ethnostate will guarantee our Children’s Future.
No, not a Hitlerian vision. A THEONOMIC, CHRISTIAN MONARCHY. Quake in your boots, pagans.
Exactly. Who have these people been voting for since they got their Big G jobs and moved to Loudon County? For that matter, who have they been voting for since they were in college?
NIMBY = Not In My Back Yard NOMWY = Not On My White Youngins’
In a decadent age, we may well be demographically collapsing because of the pervasive nihilism in the “cultured” managerial class that steers this ship of fail toward ever greater depths of materialism. Even so much so that we roll over and die from boredom and lack of motivation, like pandas who won’t fuck to save their own species.
But just like a panda, if you attack it or its brood directly, it will rise up and lash out, rediscovering its will to live and more importantly to fight back with overwhleming force if need be.
The White race needs an existential crisis to shake it from the sloth of this cozy modern life. The sooner and more shocking the better, as it will reduce the collateral damage to real people in the long run.
A visceral understanding of that threat needs to be burned into a couple successive generations so that vigilance takes hold again and a rejuvenation of the people can take root.
That threat better include the Chinese, because they are eating our lunch on all fronts, and will kill us all if it suits them.
The Jews are destroying themselves faster than we are. They aren’t the real problem.
The (((fifth column))) that set up this genocide is still in power.