Stunning and brave.
“In September 2019, the streets of Auckland, New Zealand, were a sea of protesters. Across the globe, several million people were marching as part of the “School Strike 4 Climate” youth movement sparked by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg. But few demonstrations were more sweeping than the one in New Zealand’s largest city, where up to 80,000 marchers filled the streets.
Less than two years later, however, one of the groups that organized the Auckland event is disbanding because of what it says is its own racism.
In a Facebook post, School Strike 4 Climate’s Auckland chapter said it was shutting down because it “has been a racist, white-dominated space.” It directed people concerned about climate change to Indigenous-led groups and said it would not be organizing any more climate strikes. …
New Zealand’s School Strike 4 Climate movement was criticized in March 2019, when its first strike was scheduled during a festival for Pacific Islanders. “There was a growing perception that SS4C was just an extracurricular activity for upper-class [White] kids,” Stuff, a New Zealand news website, wrote earlier this year. …”
Was it ever anything else?
To my knowledge, it is the same class of people who support this nonsense in every Western country. It is nothing but a virtue signal and status marker.

And, of course, caring about “BIPOC” is also just an extracurricular activity for upper-class White kids.
Well, the Left cancels itself.
I mean that’s really all I can add to this post. Pop some popcorn gents. Western civilization is being held up by toothpicks. This will be fun to watch.
At this rate, how long will it be before our children begin to commit suicide, solely because they think themselves of an irredeemably tyrannical skin colour?
@Ivan – I think this is often at least partially responsible for the epidemic of deaths of despair; or slow-motion suicides — the trauma of decades of psychological abuse for being White.
Yeah, its already happening. Both in actual suicides and White kids simply removing themselves from any type of productive or meaningful life.
What does BIPOC stand for, Bipolar Chinaman?
Jeff Davis is giving the Bellamy Salute!
” a racist, white-dominated space.”
The kind of space I would thoroughly enjoy, given the right goals.
The people of New Zealand will love it when the Chinese gobble up their country. There already are plenty of them there ready to act as a fifth column. It’s doubtful the Chinese will have any use though for the stupid, violent, angry Polynesian aborigines who feel so put upon by the White man.
Why did Australia and NZ fight against the Japanese in WWII, so they could be conquered by the Chinese instead?
Apparently so. If you were to ask people that question in NZ you would be arrested for hate speech. Most of the people in NZ younger than 30 probably don’t even know that NZ fought against Japan in WWII as part of the British Empire. It’s doubtful those idiots have an ounce of concern about the Chinese threat.
I’m pretty sure that if we make the seas rise and desertify the tropics we can change the climate for good and exterminate the BIPOC threat. Climate Change is White Supremacy. Let’s got on with it.
Did they actually do anything racist? Or is it just the fact that only White people give a shit about the environment, and therefore, the fact it was an organization filled with Whites made it racist? I suspect it was the later. I don’t like Greta or her impertinent global campaign, but at the same time, I don’t see how these climate protests were racist or hateful.
Has a “BIPOC” ever been in a protest of anything that doesn’t affect them in particular? Concern for the environment is a “White thang”.
At least the climate change protests will be diminished since BIPOC can’t organize anything.
Of course it is the latter. You should know by now that too many Whites in one place is Pure Evil.
Based and red pilled when you get a bunch of white libtard weirdos together to help save the planet with green peace activism but you end up hating counties where POC pollution is the worst so you accidentally do nazism
tldr the group disbands due to their own retarded antiwhite race politics and calls themselves racists fricking beautiful lol
In this country, Fridays For Future has declared war on the German Green Party. Never enough popcorn.
@countenance – Ah, yes; how amusing the destruction of civilization is. Keep shoveling in that popcorn — you’re destined to choke on it.
“BIPOC”….what a demented strategy. Whites are indigenous to somewhere too, you evil bastards. It is obvious we are being de-humanized and set up for complete erasure.