BREAKING: We are demanding that Uber Eats end its practice of misgendering and deadnaming trans drivers.
— ACLU (@ACLU) June 22, 2021
Our client Laine Repic, who is a Kansas-based driver, has faced harassment and discrimination because the Uber Eats app shows his former name to customers.
— ACLU (@ACLU) June 22, 2021
Uber Eats, in spite of being contacted by Laine repeatedly, has not made updates to their app.
Everyone should have access to an accurate ID.
— ACLU (@ACLU) June 22, 2021
We’re asking the Biden administration to lead and issue an executive order so that trans, non-binary and intersex people can have IDs that reflect who we are. https://t.co/2vafOOG9NA
Now that the ACLU has abandoned its original mission of defending the civil liberties of everyone, it has moved on to these more exotic woke progressive issues.
More petty nonsense, to distract us from serious matters.
When you get that ID, don’t you dare use it as proof of voter eligibility!
You would be surprised how many Jewish men want to transition to women. The ACLU is doing this to help its own kind. It was the same scenario with feminism and the queer movement. Jews do not care about women or queers they only want to help other Jews. And it just so happens there are a whole lot of Jews who want to cut their thingy off and prance around in a dress. It is the inbreeding. Mental illness is in Jewish blood. You know Jews have been producing kids with their sisters and cousins for centuries, and God does not approve.
The ACLU is just another arm of the jewish octopus.
A few months ago, Michael Tracey tallied up the topics of the most recent 100 tweets from the ACLU and something like 80% of them were about trannies. They have just become a tranny advocacy group now.
A certain sigh that the ACLU has outlived its usefulness.