Poll: Voters Overwhelmingly Distrust Big Tech

We have a bevy of polls to discuss this morning.

We love our polls on this website because they help us at least get a sense of the political landscape. There are lots of people in our community who believe they are a tiny minority.

FOX News:

“When it comes to Big Tech, one issue is bias. The latest Fox News national survey finds only 26 percent of voters trust social media companies to make fair decisions about the content posted on their platforms. Far more, 69 percent, don’t trust them to be fair.

While Democrats (37 percent) are twice as likely as Republicans (19 percent) to trust social media companies to make fair decisions about content, majorities of both distrust them (58 percent and 78 percent respectively). 

Another issue is Big Tech’s size and reach. Roughly half of voters want to bust up some of the most high-profile tech companies: 53 percent favor breaking up Facebook, while 46 percent feel the same about AmazonApple, and Google. …

For comparison, 65 percent say the IRS is too powerful and 51 percent say the same about the FBI. …

Currently, 82 percent of Republicans think the government is too powerful, up 13 points from 69 percent two years ago. …”

Republican voters loathe Big Tech and believe the federal government is too powerful. So, if you share those sentiments, your views are now general across the Republican base.

Joe Biden is still underwater on immigration, 54 to 41.

83% of the public is concerned about inflation. 50% of the public is extremely concerned and 33% are very concerned. Only 16% of the public isn’t concerned about inflation.

70% of the public say that the rise in grocery prices have caused them financial hardship. 68% of the public say the same about gas prices.

51% of Americans now say that the FBI has to much power. This is up from 40% two years ago. Public opinion has turned against the FBI.

43% of Americans continue to believe that “Whites are favored over minorities.” This result is unchanged. 36% of Americans now believe that minorities are favored over Whites. It was only 23% two years ago. This is further evidence of a big spike in White racial consciousness.

48% of “Latinx” voters and 29% of black voters disapprove of Joe Biden’s immigration policy. This is significantly higher than the share of those groups that Republicans normally win in elections. 60% of Independents disapprove of Joe Biden’s immigration policies. 56% of suburban voters, 54% of suburban women and 51% of college-educated Whites disapprove of Joe Biden’s immigration policy.

68% of Americans have been negatively impacted by higher gas prices including 75% of Hispanics, 70% of blacks and 67% of Whites. 58% of Biden voters and 77% of Trump voters agree on rising gas prices. 73% of White working class voters have been negatively impacted by rising gas prices.

70% of Americans have been negatively impacted by rising grocery prices including 79% of Hispanics, 76% of White working class voters and 67% of Independents. 65% of Biden voters and 77% of Trump voters have been negatively impacted by higher grocery prices.

Best of all, 51% of Americans think the FBI has too much power including 59% of Republicans, 56% of Independents, 61% of Hispanics, 49% of Whites, 54% of blacks and 53% of White working class voters. 51% of suburban voters agree and 48% of suburban women agree.

The people who are not concerned about any of this tend to be progressive activists and “journalists” who are deeply out of touch with Middle America and even Democrat Leaning Working Class (DLWC) voters in general. They are also the people who are saying we are “extremists” on cable news!

If the Right is looking for a winning message, it is clear that attacks on Joe Biden and the Democrats on immigration, political correctness or wokeness, censorship, civil liberties, gas prices and inflation are landing. There are several other issues which also work to the advantage of the Right. The polls show a dramatic rise in White anxiety and the perception that minorities are favored over White people.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The path to victory is clearly laid out & wide-open, but the Repuglicucks are whores for the billionaires like Zuckahboig.

    There needs to be a competent, heavy-hitting outsider to step up & grasp the golden ring: another Dump, this time one who isn’t nothing but a colossal liar and fraud.

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