Poll: 6 in 10 Republican Voters Favor New $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan

Infrastructure isn’t controversial.

The division is entirely over what is considered “infrastructure.” Is infrastructure also paid family leave and fighting climate change and promoting “equity” in transportation?

Yahoo News:

“For years, numerous pundits have insisted that bipartisanship is effectively dead in Washington, with the parties too polarized — and the disincentives too steep — for most lawmakers to cross the aisle on big legislation.

But now, according to a new Yahoo News/YouGov poll, 6 in 10 Republican voters say they favor the new $1.2 trillion infrastructure package negotiated by a bipartisan group of senators and endorsed by the Biden White House. …

The survey of 1,592 U.S. adults, which was conducted from June 22 to 24, found that a full 60 percent of self-identified Republicans approve of the “compromise infrastructure plan” recently put forward by “Republican and Democratic senators” that would “rebuild roads, bridges and other traditional infrastructure and cost $1.2 trillion” — while just 17 percent of self-identified Republicans oppose it. …

Overall, most Americans (51 percent) also favor the compromise infrastructure package, including 48 percent of Democrats and 54 percent of independents. Across the board, just 17 percent of each group say they are opposed. …”

Most people support rebuilding roads, bridges, ports, airports and things of that nature and investing in things like broadband internet access. Steve Bannon supported a “trillion dollar infrastructure” plan.


“The $1 trillion-plus price tag of President Donald Trump’s infrastructure plan has grown a lot since the early days of his campaign. But Washington would bear only a small share of the costs, hopes for action in Trump’s first 100 days fizzled and some potential supporters have grown dubious. Here are the ways Trump’s proposal have raised hopes — and the roadblocks that have emerged. …”

Ideally, we would tax Wall Street to pay for a modest infrastructure plan which would be broadly popular, but that doesn’t appear to be on the table in either party.

Business Insider:

“I’m the guy pushing a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan,” said Bannon. “With negative interest rates throughout the world, it’s the greatest opportunity to rebuild everything. Ship yards, iron works, get them all jacked up. We’re just going to throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks.”

Do you remember when we voted for Donald Trump in 2016?

This was part of the MAGA agenda. It went nowhere in the Republican Congress because the True Cons wing of the party in the Senate blocked it and focused instead on repealing Obamacare and passing a massive corporate tax cut to reward their donors. Shortly afterwards, they lost control of the House to Nancy Pelosi because there isn’t a constituency for their preferred economic agenda.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The problem is: this bill is a poser. It mouths platitudes to roads and bridges, but in reality is a giveaway to special interests like empty passenger rail trains, and a bunch of pork is written into it. On top of that, as you mentioned, the rich aren’t paying anything into it. Tax the upper middle class who wants, and uses, Acela. This is not a good bill.

  2. Bring back the CCC and get the ghetto blacks working building infrastructure. Maybe then they will stop shooting each other in Chicago.

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