I can’t remember the last time that I sat down and watched a sitcom or went to a theater to watch one to one of these movies. I tuned out of popular culture years ago.
Note: I’m pretty sure the last movie that I watched in a theater was 1917 which came out in 2019 and that was really an exception because it was a history movie.
Simple maxim:
If it’s hollywood, it’s a lie.
I tried to watch Willie’s Wonderland with Nicolas Coppola (alias Cage). It was just awful. Cheap rip-off of 5 Nights at Freddie’s with gratuitous black on blonde sex scenes and obligatory white trash rednecks. Hollywood is gone as a major social influencing force and good riddance. Next to go are probably defense contractors. I don’t see any evidence that Boeing and Lockheed can build aircraft that even fly let alone compete with China or Russia.
I refuse to watch their poison. I hope every movie they make loses money.
1. Race-mixing
2. Same-sex couple
3. Evil blonde villain
4. Decent White guy who needs brown person help
4. Noble black or non-White hero
Does that about cover it?
5. Blonde skanks for negro bucks.
But not too much as that does ruin theatre receipts in China.
You forgot,
Genius jew, who knows everything and saves the day.
The strategically placed niggers in the background of 1917.
Also the negro bucking up Churchill “They’ll never take Piccadilly!”in the movie with Gary Oldman.