I think we all know what this means.
Just as more black people are being shot in Baltimore, the black kids are falling behind in Baltimore City Schools because of the upsurge of “white supremacy” and systematic racism.
“BALTIMORE (WBFF) – A stunning Project Baltimore report about how poorly city students performed this school year, has one state lawmaker calling for school administrators to be fired. But some City leaders have a different response.
“This is a real crisis. A crisis that needs outside of the box thinking,” said Maryland Delegate Nino Mangione, a Republican who represents Baltimore County. …
Mitchell and Mangione are both reacting to a Project Baltimore investigation that found in the first three quarters of this school year, 41% of all Baltimore City high school students, earned below a 1.0 grade point average – that’s less than a D average. …”
Look at that huge racial gap.
The existence of racial gaps can only be explained by “racism.”
Zero GPA and yet middle of his class? They grading on a curve or what?
Uh, talk about how blacks drag down our fine WHITE children.
Colin Flaherty did a podcast mentioning the several young WHITES who had their lives ruined, by Baltimore public schools. How they had to carry bear spray to protect themselves, were beaten, couldn’t study because of harassment etc. Several dropped out as a consequence, had little opportunity, many turned to drugs, several to eventual suicide.
There are deadly consequences to ‘affirmative action’, ‘fair housing’, ‘equal opportunity’, DEADLY !
So when right wing whites say, “We need to have more children!”, that argument falls short, because more children will just be abused by the teachers and the educational system. They let them prey on white children, as if it’s somehow justified.
It’s not better to have more white children unless you can protect them or raise them away from blacks and other nonwhites. I used to think it was good, that children would be exposed to how nonwhites really are, but not now, not at the expense of their mental and physical well being.
“This is a real crisis. A crisis that needs outside of the box thinking,”
Yes, tickets to Africa.
A time machine. Honestly though, who at this point would really care if a nuke exploded over sone of these cities? Who would look back? I foresee a nuclear blast in a diverse city followed by whites shrugging. Imagine for a moment if Philadelphia were glassed. Or Marsailles or a suburb of Paris, Who’ed cry over it vanishing in a flash? If that sort of hypothetical horror were met with such indifference what does it say about the condition of our condition? These scenes are fantasised about in our video games and films so I’m not making it up.
41.3% is a deceitful scalar quantity.
Show us the rest, the quality of subjects taught, a global comparison , with say Finland, Hungary, Singapore etc.
Hahaha, we know the answer.
They dumbed down the education system and they still can’t compete.
” dumbed down the education system ”
Did they ever!
Really hurts WHITE folks, in manifold ways.
These Black-failure posts are hilarious and red meat for a certain audience, and general distraction keeping people from recognizing, from discovering, the most important, fundmental “systematic” problem.
The most important, fundamental, systemic problem is the idea that “. . . All Men are created Equal”. Basing national policies on lies and errors leads to all sorts of irrational, destructive policies which have put the U.S. and other western countries on the road to oblivion.
I am guessing that you have not reproduced, Betamous – although you wife probably has some naturally conceived Black kids.
Which he (it?) is very proud of.
If anonymous truly wants to blame capitalism, or what passes for it in this country, he should name the Jews responsible for the predatory system we live in.
“name the Jews responsible for the predatory system”
Amen !
Just think, they will be the next generation of pilots, doctors, engineers, teachers and “leaders”. Think of the glorious future that awaits us. The Chinese must be quaking in fear as the see the U.S. go full woke especially in the military.
In engineering school, if you had a GPA < 1.0 you were a member of the “Square Root Club”. If you took the square root of your GPA, it increased!
Square Root Spades
A gpa of zero. LOL
If niggers weren’t so violent it would be great to keep them around just for the humor they provide.
Really ?
Ever hhear of the Big Bayou Canot rail disaster ?
Not too funny.
A dumb nigger explaining how an even dumber nigger is not compatible with White standards. Irony?
Sad irony, jokes on us. a cruel joke.
Sometimes when you’re around working class or middle class blacks you overhear them making fun of ghetto blacks, the “hoodrats.” Once I heard two of them laughing so hard they were in tears about a mutual acquaintance who had been evicted for lack of payment from a project apartment that had only a $20 monthly rent. Yet only they are allowed to ridicule. If a white person did, all of them would be in stonefaced solidarity against the white supremacist bigot who dared to notice.
Same as ‘nigger’ , in rap or comedy by blacks, totally acceptable.
Oh lord, if a WHITE says it, lightning from above.
Sometimes when you’re around working class or middle class blacks you overhear them making fun of ghetto blacks, the “hoodrats.” Once I heard two of them laughing so hard they were in tears about a mutual acquaintance who had been evicted for lack of payment from a project apartment that had only a $20 monthly rent. Yet only they are allowed to ridicule. If a white person did, all of them would be in sronefaced solidarity against the white supremacist bigot who dared to notice.
Really it’s no shock. Iq is a very real thing lying America and the lying West will not talk about. So, that means more tax dollars get flushed away on ” students” who have the brain power of the basketball they so love.
There are no desirable black school systems, neighborhoods, towns, cities or nations. But the biggest problem is even saying the obvious gets you banned or fired or ignored. Thus, America falls further behind when we once dominated.
This is why all these side distractions are taught like critical race theory. It once again ignores the black elephant in the room prone to low test scores, violence, anti social behavior and worse, Keisha plopping out yet another bay- bay paid by the state and the cycle gets worse.
Diversity is clearly a disaster meant to stir up strife and ruin White norms. Look at the mess England is becoming with that cuck mess Boris Johnson. What a pitiful weak leader. Ever thought you would see Blm riots in London? That was strictly created from decades of importing non Whites so now London is run by a Muslim. Only lunatic. cowardly, self hating Whites promote this nonsense. No other group promotes diversity if they are in charge except stupid Whites.
As far as Baltimore schools, it’s over. They might as well call it ” Baltimore Penitentiary Schools.” There will be no creative people coming out of them but plenty of criminals. And South Africa is clearly the end result of it all.
@ Baltimore, st.louis, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Atlanta, c’ville, new Orleans and Memphis, all of our cities suck, all the metropolitan areas suck, they are ugly, hostile, unhappy places and I wonder why !?
Con Inc blames Democrat rule.
I’ve seen them. Mr. Kroger, two C’s, two D’s and an F – that’s a 1.2 grade average. Congratulations, Kroger, you’re at the top of the Delta pledge class.