They deeply care about your health.
The same people who support defunding the police and who don’t care about a tsunami of a million illegal aliens potentially infected with COVID flooding across the border are doing this purely on the basis of “science.” Force will be used to moved the “unvaccinated” out of their comfort zones. Except when they are illegal aliens. In that case, it would be an outrageous violation of their civil liberties!
“The Delta variant is spreading rapidly in California and nationwide, but happily so are crackdowns by public and private employers aimed at limiting the ability of their unvaccinated workers to infect others with COVID-19.
On Monday, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced new rules requiring vaccination or regular testing and masking for the 246,000 state government employees; the rules will apply as well to workers at both private and public healthcare and long-term care facilities. Similar workforce rules have popped up around the nation, including in the city of Los Angeles.
On Thursday, President Biden said civilian federal workers and on-site contractors, too, would need to receive COVID-19 vaccination or submit to regular testing and other infection-control restrictions to remain on the job. Meanwhile, Google, Facebook and a number of other tech companies say they will require employees to be vaccinated in order to return to their desks when their offices eventually reopen.
Hooray. It’s time the stubbornly unvaccinated are held to account for their part in the resurgence of COVID-19. …
But whatever the reasons people may have for not getting vaccinated, we need to move them out of their comfort zones for the sake of their own safety — and ours. …”
Obviously, it is wrong.
Every adult has the right to make their own health decisions. It used to be a free country.
What do you expect though from the people who believe they have the right to censor the internet and weaponize the “intelligence community” against private citizens and who see Trump supporters as “enemies of the state” and “domestic extremists” anyway? They’ve already made up their minds long ago that you are less than a citizen and have no constitutional rights worthy of their respect. Illegal aliens are treated far better than this class of American citizens.
Note: BTW, you are “fascism” and “authoritarianism” for sitting in your house, watching these people in disbelief and voicing your opinion on the internet. You shouldn’t be allowed to do that! It’s extremism!
“Every adult has the right to make their own health decisions. It used to be a free country.”
Yeah. No. You would literally get us all killed if there was a super AIDS virus. Muh freedom to spread infectious diseases. Finally they’re doing something right.
“They deeply care about your health.”
I don’t give a fuck about your health. If you want to get COVID, that’s fine. I do care about a disease that spreading to others because an individual doesn’t want to cooperate.
“The same people who support defunding the police and who don’t care about a tsunami of a million illegal aliens potentially infected with COVID flooding across the border are doing this purely on the basis of “science.” Force will be used to moved the “unvaccinated” out of their comfort zones.”
Yeah. Liberal idiots do not get this concept of migration and how diseases spread across countries and continents. You have a point. That still doesn’t warrant people not actually helping and the disease spreads further when it has already breached the country. Your whataboutry is deflective bullshit. And not everyone is “these people” who wants vaccinations. So the generalization here is moot. Liberals/Leftists/Libtards bring their own shitty catastrophic problems that make the problem worse. So do you. What’s new?
Liberals trash, under me, would be the first to go due to being the initial problem when the outbreak first started and not closing the borders preventing the primary spread from the beginning. I still wouldn’t tolerate liberal reactionaries who don’t believe in vaccinations and prioritize freedom individualism and their rights ME ME ME ME mentality when there’s a literal pandemic. People need to learn the value of collective action and collectivism overall. China has its shit together better than we do. Because every individual recognizes that the world doesn’t revolve around them but the collective whole.
Let me check.
Oh … it looks like we had 398 deaths yesterday. Clearly, draconian actions are necessary to quell this pandemic, which totally ISN’T tapering off and ISN’T under control now that the people the virus kills have been vaccinated.
You can take your experimental non-vaccine and shove it. I hope you don’t have auto-immune or other problems in the future. I am not going to get anyone sick. I stay away and don’t get up into other people’s faces like some idiot. A “vaccinated” clown who is spreading the virus(yes, CDC admits this is happening) will probably get me sick, though.
@ aspiretothestars, “china has its shit together better than we do”!?, You for real man,,? Dog & cat eaters, they thieve, they steal, organs on demand, persecute christians, falun gong, biggest poluters in the world, they bully worst than we do, police state society, social credit system,, I can go on and on,, well smart guy, the bible says the kings of the east, are going too march on down too armeggedon, who knows, maybe you will get a chance too say hello, too the pla before the festivities, are over with, they are dangerous people, who are issue laden themselves, with a lot too prove, I am sure you will find that out…..
Strictly speaking this virus illustrates that people should wash hands, retire from social company when ill, cough sneeze and sniffle a lot less around others, if at all, etc etc…it requires a wholesale reassessment of how we act around each other when even feeling slightly ill. I’d guess many more lab altered corona virus will start to show up as attacks now. If I were a weapons lab director id be altering the virus with CRSPR to attack different racial groups now.
The paranoid instinct in me suspects that AI is directing all this. Skynet as a methodological audit of our society and this is some kind of grim algorithm at work. End of the Anthroposcene.
Earthbound asshole (formerly known to only himself as ‘Aspire to the stars).
Iceland has a 98% vaccination rate, and they have massive INFECTIONS of the COVID man-made engineered VIRUS!!!
“Iceland, where nearly the ENTIRE adult population is fully vaccinated, is setting daily records for new infections, mostly among the vaccinated. Hospitalizations are not up yet. It would be stunning if they don’t rise soon.”
The people who AREN’T vaccinated stand a better chance of living after the disease, than those who were so WILLING (like dogs) to be guinea pigs for a non-approved non-Vaccine.
You’re probably one of the ones whose entire body is going to become one giant BLOODCLOT, due to this EXPERIMENTAL VACCINE.
“‘So the most alarming thing about this is that there are some parts of your body — like your heart and your brain, and your spinal cord and your lungs, which cannot regenerate — when those tissues are damaged by blocked vessels, they are permanently damaged. So I now have 6 people in my medical practice who have reduced effect tolerance, which means they get out of breath much more easily than they used to….literally what’s happened to them is they have plugged up thousands of tiny capillaries in their lungs — and the terrifying thing about this is….that once you block off a significant number of blood vessels in your lungs, your heart is now pumping against a much greater resistance to trying and get the blood through your lungs — a condition called pulmonary artery hypertension. A condition of high blood pressure in your lungs because the blood can’t get through because so many of the vessels are blocked. People with pulmonary artery hypertension usually die of right sided heart failure within three years.’”
@Aspiretothestars People are suddenly presenting with heart problems, blood clots, pneumonia, and other conditions.
You aren’t protected by the vaccine, you can still get it. Still think it’s a safe vaccine?
It’s well known, that they want to get rid of white people.
Why would you trust it? I don’t feel sorry for you, if you wind up with something.
“Every adult has the right to make their own health decisions. It used to be a free country”:
In an extremely crowded space, like most of the U.S., which is now the world’s third most populous “nation,” and where most people are CONSTANTLY travelling, not just locally but across county and state lines, making an average dozens or hundreds of face-to-face contacts daily, they DO NOT have a right to disobey public health rules and spread this contagion with impunity – no more than they have a right to disobey safe driving laws, speed limits, seat belts, safety inspections, licensing, etc. on the U.S.’s very crowded streets and highways. The U.S. used to be “free” long ago when it was much less populated. Freedom still exists only for the few who can afford to buy it, and those who live in the few remaining wilderness areas.
“It used to be a free country”:
Not very free, only much less crowded, and the free land available for homesteaders was taken from the defeated, smallpox-decmated indigenous people.
Socialism is the system that maximizes freedom for ALL people, not just for a few who can afford to buy it.
The same people busy destroying my race suddenly care about my health.
LOL yeah.
This is why I don’t trust the vaccine. They are doing everything they can to ruin things for us, and get rid of us. So why would we trust their vaccine?
@ ” those who would trade freedom, for safety, deserve neither……. Ben franklin
@ the vaccine mandate, is precursor to the ” me ark of the beast ‘.
I wonder if the liberals and feminists are concerned about the unvaccinated migrants and illegals being shipped around the nation into their towns?
I’ve thought about that too. The border is wide open, they are coming in, all ages, and no pressure to get tested or get the vaccine.
This is aimed at whites.
RE: AspireToReeeee
The vaccine doesn’t appear to work.
Vaccine is more a prophylactic than a vaccine.
“Not very free, only much less crowded, and the free land available for homesteaders was taken from the defeated, smallpox-decmated indigenous people.”
Fuck ’em.
“Socialism is the system that maximizes freedom for ALL people, not just for a few who can afford to buy it”
“But whatever the reasons people may have for not getting vaccinated, we need to move them out of their comfort zones for the sake of their own safety — and ours. …”
Filthy commie cunts, who use their access to the kikemedia to advocate & cheer on the oppression of those who refuse to meekly submit to mystery shots & the constant attacks on the White race, must be slaughtered.
This is the same bunch who refused to quarantine homosexuals. They were allowed to willfully infect bisexuals who then infected their wives and girlfriends. There was a case of a dentist who even went out of his way to infect his patients (who weren’t at risk at all) like literally, a child, a virgin, and a grandmother.
Under Obama NOTHING was done to quarantine visitors from China where the SARS virus also originated. The death toll took much younger people than the COVID virus. Nor were visitors from African countries which were Ebola Central put in quarantine or kept out of the country.
The American people just had to suck it up and accept the risks of accidental content. Now, NOW we must all take a questionable “vaccine” whether we want it or not per these same people? The same people who vowed not to touch it when Trump was still president? I didn’t trust the jabs then. I don’t trust them now. Especially with the same Snake in Human Form, FAUCI, in charge of them. Neither the data nor MY feelings about these shots change with the affiliation of the party who controls the government.
My body, my choice, my consequences if this latest variant is as bad as the hype. From my research, the Delta variant is even milder than the original COVID virus. Too damned bad if all these billionaires who invested in these experimental shots, because they were never FDA-approved and they can’t get sued don’t see the kind of profits they envisioned.
You want the “vaccine,” take the “vaccine,” with my blessing. You don’t need MY permission to take it and I certainly don’t need YOURS to refuse it.
How is it still a pandemic? When Biden came in office, suddenly, the numbers went down. People were going out to eat and other things. Masks are off.
So how is it still a pandemic?
Don’t people see the contradictions?