After weeks of endless corporate media pro-war pearl clutching this takes balls. I love it pic.twitter.com/OlOJe7WfTU
— Secular Talk? (@KyleKulinski) August 31, 2021
BIDEN: “To those asking for a third decade of war in Afghanistan, I ask: What is the vital national interest? In my view, we only have one, to make sure Afghanistan can never be used again to launch an attack on our homeland.”pic.twitter.com/REVN3RCU52
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) August 31, 2021
BIDEN: “The assumption was that more than 300,000 Afghan national security forces that we had trained over the past two decades and equipped would be a strong adversary in their civil wars with the Taliban…turned out not to be accurate.”
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) August 31, 2021
This was a bold and smart move.
Donald Trump was incapable of standing up to the generals, the “journalists” and the Republican Senate with impeachment hanging over his head. Now the GOP owns stranding us in Afghanistan forever.
I liked the camera angle on Mitch the Puppet … the podium hides the (((arm))) up his butt, making his lips move. I can almost hear off-camera, “Oy vey, I tell you, truly a master at work … you don’t see that everyday goyim (wink, wink)”
Biden, the true America first president.
Biden is so loopy he forgets he was Vice President during 8 years of the Afghan War, and a pro-Afghan War US Senator for the 8 years before that.
I’m thinking if the Afghani puppet government hadn’t just collapsed we would find an excuse to stay there. Watching the Occupational Regime miserably fail in action was a twofer. I don’t see how the Petro$ lasts two more years.
Biden says “In my view, we only have one, to make sure Afghanistan can never be used again to launch an attack on our homeland”:
He’s still not telling the truth about Afghanistan. Biden is just conveniently taking the blame for the Empire’s strategic withdrawal, a necessary one-step-back before two steps forward using a different strategy. I predict that the same war continues by other methods and means.
But don’t be mesmerized by Afghanistan or you will miss all the other action on every continent, except Antarctica.
The GOP are now inciting disgruntled veterans. Right on cue.
Mad props to Dementia Joe for doing something right on foreign policy. This was the best foreign policy decision made since that notorious scumbag Bill Clinton ordered U.S. troops to leave Somalia by March 31st, 1994. Before that it was that idiot Reagan’s decision in 1986 to reverse his previous catastrophic decision to send U.S. Marines to Lebanon.
Dementia Joe doesn’t really need to justify his decision to leave Afghanistan, that burden is on the idiots, professional grifters and lunatics who wanted the U.S. to stay. The withdrawal was going to be chaotic no matter when or who ordered it. The better thing to do was to leave the Afghan “allies” behind, they are tomorrow’s terrorists and criminals. There weren’t 200,000 translators in Afghanistan else they wouldn’t need translators when they got to the U.S.
“scumbag Bill Clinton ordered U.S. troops to leave Somalia by March 31st, 1994. Before that it was that idiot Reagan’s decision in 1986 to reverse his previous catastrophic decision to send U.S. Marines to Lebanon”:
And the U.S. has not let Somalia or Lebanon alone since. More proof of my position that the Empire never REALLY lets go of a victim, like a cat always stays with a mouse or a bird. It is the logic and nature of the system.
Speaking of Ethiopia, and Somalia and Lebanon, here is Lebanese independent journalist Rania Kahlek interviewing a Somali Ethiopian on the meaning of U.S. involvement in the region:
There are zero, zero U.S. troops in Lebanon now. That is a vast improvement since 1986 when the Marine barracks was wrecked by a truck bomb with huge casualties resulting in that idiot Reagan reversing his prior horrible decision. U.S. troops in a country is a bright, red line that means U.S. casualties which the public will not accept.
That is what is limiting U.S. Government war making around the world, public anger and revulsion at U.S. casualties. It scares the hell out of the scumbag politicians, they are afraid they will lose the next election if too many American troops get killed. Politicians aren’t concerned the least with ‘doing the right thing’ but they are concerned about losing the next election.
No question, the U.S. Governments fucks with lots of countries, especially small ones that “Our Greatest Ally” doesn’t like. This interference usually takes the form of crippling economic sanctions that wreck a country like Lebanon’s banking sector. Sanctions combined with native corruption are what is devastating Lebanon now with home grown corruption being most of their problem.
Even without U.S. Government meddling places like Lebanon or Somalia would be shitholes because of the low quality of the people who live there. We have plenty of Experience with Somalis in the U.S. and they are universally reviled for cause. The Lebanese/Middle Easterners aren’t far behind either.
Fuck Joe Biden. You won’t catch me fanning his balls over this brave and smart move. I don’t owe him consistency or good faith.
He’s the enemy of me and people like me.
Maybe so.
We’re against imperialism and support withdrawing troops from all of these foreign countries. That has been our consistent and principled position on the issue across four administrations. Joe Biden can be a piece of shit and make at least one right decision.
Yeah well, my principled and consistent position is never give succor to the enemy.
Biden is scrambling to get his feet back under him, and people are giving him political cover by making this argument at this specific time. Its tactically Hannity tier.
He can be a piece of shit and be right and us not give him any credit for it.
There is every reason for us to want to see this government fall apart catastrophically, and helping the head of state maintain legitimacy is counter to our interests.
As soon as he gets his feet under him he is going back to kicking Whitey in the balls. I’d rather step on his fingers while he is floundering.
This is war Brad.
This is the mindset which has led a third of the Republican base to embrace staying in Afghanistan forever to “own the libs.” If Joe Biden came out against the vaccine, they would flip flop on that issue and inject themselves with it too
I’m not against imperialism.
I’m against this empire, which is anti White, because its against me for being White.
Being “against imperialism” sounds too much like activism to me, and activism is gay.
Are we activists now? Cause I got shit to do if so.
Fuck principles. Why should we have them when nobody else does. Just means we can’t consistently advocate for our own interests, which right now are those of the White middle and working class in the Western world.
I reserve the right to be totally and tactically hypocritical if it serves our interests.
I’d rather win dirty and survive as something still dignified and distinct, than lose gracefully with dutiful and consistent application of muh principles.
Thats called conservatism, which is effete and also gay.
In short, I’d rather be pro-white, populist and revolutionary if need be. Thats chad.
This is how I see this playing out when both approaches are taken to their logical conclusion, in narrative form cause parables are fun.
The Parable of the Virgin and the Chad….
In the comment section of a pearl clutching article on Breitbart about Jennifer Rubin proclaiming the decline of the White majority in the U.S. as “fabulous news”, two commenters take differing views of the new census data.
The Chad White Advocate says: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.”
The Virgin Conservative says: “I believe all men are created equal and so we should secure a future for brown kids too!”
The Chad White Advocate retorts: “I’ll save my White kids while you save your wife’s brown ones then.”
The Virgin Conservative says: “thats racism, ur a racist!”
The Chad White Advocate: “Yes”
The end of the argument as The Chad is now banned from commenting by Disqus…. fast forward 30 years and the Virgin conservative ends his life being smothered in a hospital bed at his nursing home, with his own My Pillow, by the brown nurse because he wouldn’t turn down Hannity. With his last gasping breath, muffled by pillow, he pleads for his life.
The Virgin Conservative says: But muh inherent dignity!
The Nigger with a Pillow says: Shut yo White ass up. I tole u, I tole u turn Hannity down. Now you gonna die cracka!
…. As his consciousness fades to black his last thoughts are of the Chad, whose great grand kids took him into their home to live his last days close to family.
Four days later the Chad White Advocate is ironically reading Breitbart again from the comfort of his recliner and comes across a pearl clutching article about the recent murder of The Virgin Conservative at a nursing home by a black nurse with a criminal record (whose record was expunged after Trumps Criminal Justice Reform), the summary of which is, Principled conservative killed by diverse nursing home staff with criminal record. Biden administration yet to weigh in as reportedly the victims last words were “I can’t breathe”.
Well at least he was consistent tho, says The Chad while laughing.
The End
That shit is hilarious, and probably a true story. Ur welcome.
You sound like Richard Spencer.
I disagree. We’re not doing imperialism the wrong way. This is a feature of imperialism. Working class kids dying on the other side of the world in some place that they have no business in for the interests of wealthy elites. The same was true of pro-White empires like the British Empire which famously got sunk in the same quagmire in Afghanistan. The American Empire also used to be pro-White and one of the key reasons that it ceased to be so and we got the present civil rights regime was because of its expansion
Ironic says: “I’m not against imperialism (…) Being against imperialism sounds too much like activism to me, and activism is gay”:
That is the typical American attitude toward imperialism, although the average American can’t define imperialism and many have never even heard of it. Average Americans are not against war, only against the losing of wars. Average Americans know, or sense, that THEY GAIN PERSONALLY from imperialism, that some of the loot being wrested from genocided or neo-colonialized foreign peoples trickles down to them. They know/feel that they’re “getting things cheaper” and “don’t have to work as hard,” because foreign countries are being destroyed, suppressed and exploited. Furthermore, the destruction and suppression of foreign countries makes them feel superior, and safe. This has been the attitude of the average member of the “homeland” population of every imperialist system in history, such as the Roman “people” (ethnically and racially mixed population) of Imperial Rome.
Imperialism, that conquers and parasitizes the world, is the exact opposite of genuine Ethno-national socialism that looks inward and builds a national economy, and respects the right of other nations and peoples to exist and be what they are.
The end result of imperialism is an unnatural, atomized cosmopolitan, etrhnically- and racially-blended population ruled by a tiny superwealthy elite.
One system is the fulfillment of the evil, selfish tendency of human nature, the other system is the outworking of God in man and provides the maximum of freedom for all.
You could make this argument about the U.S having expanded beyond the cumberland gap into the heartland that used to be indian territory before White working people and White soldiers pushed the red savages out one way or another and took all their shit.
Maybe we shouldn’t have done that. Was that the beginning of imperial expansion? Maybe it was as soon as we left the 13 colonies, or hell why not roll it back to Jamestown.
It really doesn’t matter. Navel gazing is gay.
We ARE doing imperialism wrong, because its no longer explicitly for White interests. Thats as simple or complicated as you want to make it.
Organic expansion is a natural conclusion of a healthy society, which will net more babies than it loses in old folks. More babies means more food, which means more farms, more mines more everything. Lebensraum.
Imperialism isn’t bad. Its a reaction to a naturally occurring problem that literally every successful organism has to face. The need for more space.
Being a White advocate, a White Nationalist or even a Populist isn’t about opposing war because it gets White working class people killed. Its about opposing war that doesn’t net benefit White working people as a group, because that group is the spine that the healthy part of our race has grown from, not the decadent elite intellectuals or the perpetually downtrodden White non working poor who both suck off the excess resources and indulgence of successful society and always have, and so wasting their blood for no gain is a sin against that group, the salt of the Earth, my people.
My whole family has been in miltary service since before we came to America. All have been proud of that too until mine and my cousins. I won’t take away from their pride, I’m proud for their service too and I dont see that as contradictory either and even if it was it wouldn’t matter because its in my interest to take pride in my family. Also because navel gazing is gay and counterproductive.
I’m all for war, and we should be the best at it, period.
What you are calling opposition to imperialism is just pure class warfare if all its about is fatcat elites profiteering. Wouldn’t it just be easier to oppose the elites and the imbalance of the natural hierarchy that leads to the creation of the abusive dynamics you refer to? Why eschew violent conquest? Is violent conquest always bad? No. Is an imbalance of the natural hierarchy to such a degree that the upper class is abusively exploiting the middle and working class for their own gain, leading inevitably to the collapse and destruction of the society always bad? Yes. So why not choose that as the virtue you seek to be consistent on?
I’m not anti war. Pacifism is gay. I love fighting, its in my nature as a White beast. I just don’t like losing, and who does? Fags, thats who.
We agree that the current empire is anathema to our interests. But, if in 5 years the God Emperor of White man comes to power and we set off on a crusade to conquer the galaxy I don’t plan to be the guy that tries to say, but what about that time we fucked up in Afghanistan tho. Nobody likes that guy. And a little conquest never hurt anything anyway. Also because navel gazing is gay.
As to sounding like the Republicans I’m not sure what you mean as I’m on record thinking its great we are leaving Afghanistan, so long as it means the heroin stops flowing, which the Taliban already said is gonna be a thing, so as far as I’m concerned I’m down for Taliban 2024 albeit ironically because fuck muslims. I just think its also stupid to actively give Biden cover on twitter or anywhere else, or encourage others to do so because it can literally only help him and thats not in our interests because he is anti White. I’m telling you the two aren’t in the slightest bit mutually exclusive and even if they were I wouldn’t give a damn because both positions are in Whitey’s interests and that is the ONLY thing that matters. Fuck the Republicans.
As to sounding like Spencer, I’ll take your word for it as I haven’t listened to him in a while. Last I did I came away with the impression that he was effete and disconnected from the White working class qnd didn’t speak my language. Who cares what Spencer says.
I say what I say because its what I think, not because some fringe eceleb says it first. Why do you think I’ve ended up pissing off every single one of these guys from Anglin to every single TRS host, Cantwell, Weev, Ricky Vaughn, all of them, and been banned from Spencers site back when it was running for making fun of him too?
I’m no troll. I just tell the truth and thats enough to piss most people off eventually. So be it.
Life is too short, and besides, navel gazing is gay.
No, not really.
This foreign policy divide has always existed. The South supported westward expansion which was adding contiguous territory to the United States, populating the contiguous territory with our own people and ultimately adding new states. This wasn’t imperialism because we were ruling ourselves and strengthening and enriching and extending our own people and institutions. The land went to White settlers in new states like Alabama and Arkansas. You could say it was settler-colonialism, but the idea was always the extension of the Republic. It was not imperialism because we were growing and governing ourselves.
In contrast, the East opposed westward expansion which empowered the South whether it was the Louisiana Purchase or the annexation of Texas or the Mexican War and preferred instead military-backed naval and commercial expansion into foreign markets on the British model. This is how we ended up ruling over non-Whites in places like the Philippines, which was the first colonial occupation and quagmire and guerrilla war, and later plunging into World War I and finally in Vietnam and Afghanistan. In all of these cases, the goal was not to add new territory to the United States or provide new land and resources for our own people or extend our own government and institutions. It was to conquer, rule over and exploit other people solely for the benefit of a wealthy elite.
Re: “This wasn’t imperialism because we were ruling ourselves and strengthening and enriching and extending our own people and institutions. The land went to White settlers (…) You could say it was settler-colonialism, but the idea was always the extension of the Republic. It was not imperialism because we were growing and governing ourselves”:
The Zionist invasion of Palestine and genocide and replacement of the population is not imperialism either.
Occupation and settlement of EMPTY lands, such as some parts of the eastern seaboard that were completely depopulated by smallpox, is not as immoral as forcible removal or genocide of indigenous people, but it is very unusual for any land to be truly empty. Even Greenland had Inuit people before the Vikings.
Sometimes settlers can “buy their way in,” purchasing a new homeland with money, which is how the Amish acquire the space for their ethno-religious communities. Super-wealthy Israelis have quietly purchased large tracts of land nearly the size of Israel in southern Chile and Argentina, from the extremely poor indigenous Patagonians.
Re: “In contrast, the East opposed westward expansion (…) and preferred instead military-backed naval and commercial expansion into foreign markets on the British model (…) the goal was not to add new territory to the United States or provide new land and resources for our own people or extend our own government and institutions. It was to conquer, rule over and exploit other people solely for the benefit of a wealthy elite”:
“Golden Circle” southward-expansionist thinking was shared by some Southerners. Conquering the Caribbean as well as most of Mexico was bound to include a vast majority of non-Whites unless they were mostly genocided.
It was never really practical because Britain was the dominant power in the region
Ironic says: “Organic expansion is a natural conclusion of a healthy society, which will net more babies than it loses in old folks. More babies means more food, which means more farms, more mines more everything. Lebensraum. Imperialism isn’t bad. Its a reaction to a naturally occurring problem that literally every successful organism has to face. The need for more space”:
Of course it is natural to reproduce and need space to live. You would argue that committing murder to get that space is organic and natural. I say it is natural only in the sense that it is the evil side of human nature showing itself. But there is another side of human nature, which is goodness, kindness, gentleness, truth: the presence or working of God in man. Beware of getting what your self desires.
Some of my ancestors left Wales due to extreme poverty and promise of better mining jobs here, and by now the descendents are blended into the U.S. mixed population. But now more and more of the fatherland is being settled by other peoples. We settled in the land of the Lenape (Indians) but now the land of the Cymri (Welsh) is being taken, and it turns out there was always enough room for Welsh people in Wales but the land and wealth were not equally shared. Similarly there was always enough room for Britons in the thirteen British colonies east of the Appalachians, and westward expansion drew in millions of non-British until British are a small minority and fully blended in. A mad desire for cheap land led to the death of a nation. What exists now is not really a nation.
That ‘Virgin and the Chad’ story is fucking hilarious. I like that the MyPillow guy gets a part too. No doubt the nursing home where Trayvon smothers the Virgin is full of MyPillow guy linens.
Haha thanks. I spent a ton of time on it.
>Maybe so.
If you’re white, there is no ‘maybe’ about this part:
>>He’s the enemy of me and people like me.
There’s proof aplenty of that.
@eah – Agreed. And that is an absolutely EXCELLENT series of posts by @IronicSockAccount! That gentleman should write a book.
TrumpChumps Posting Their Ls Online the last few weeks and reaching a crescendo with Biden’s speech tonight. They are like a bunch of women – never satisfied or happy – just varying degrees of misery. It’s surprising that TPTB are fearful of these idiots – they are about as intimidating as a Brownie Troop.
Getting out is one thing, the way it was done is another.
>“I was not going to extend this forever war”
This is like buying some land and building a house which soon collapses, then saying ‘I wasn’t going to pay rent forever’.
100,000 Afghans lifted out of Afghanistan?! And……….where exactly will this mass of human nation hoppers wind up? In a street near you in Maine or Montana? It’s a dog act to impose these people on a nation that was never asked. They couldn’t improve Afghanistan in any significant way, but will somehow improve America……..?
Your future ‘inventers’ and ‘neurosurgeons’ are on their way…
100K? Pfffft – that many stream across our Southern Border every week..
“Your future ‘inventers’ and ‘neurosurgeons’ are on their way”:
Don’t laugh. Some of them are that intelligent and capable. Executing a brain drain or talent drain from Kabul is another strategic move along with freezing AfghanIstan’s assets and other financial sanctions to cause the independent government to fail.
ALL Afghans should remain in Afghanistan. The airlift is a hostile act of war, not humanitarian. It is also harmful to the existing working-class population (note: I don’t write “the people”) of the U.S. that is already too mixed, and over-crowded.
It’s ironic how the left guilts us over slavery, colonialism and the six gazillion, but not of our theft of the best minds from the third world. These doctors, etc would be of far more use where they originate from. We should NOT be taking them.
Years ago we were told to have fewer children on environmental grounds. Now we’re told we need to import millions of incompatibles to fill labour shortages. The agenda is pretty damn obvious to those who can see behind the facade.
@Anonymous RE: “Imperialism, that conquers and parasitizes the world, is the exact opposite of genuine Ethno-national socialism that looks inward and builds a national economy, and respects the right of other nations and peoples to exist and be what they are.”
I don’t disagree with this, but in a real world scenario where resources, space being chief among these, are scarce you will inevitably have conflict for those resources and someone will lose. This is the law of nature, ordained by nature’s god. Further, who exists to police the nations and make sure they respect the rights of other nations and peoples? Nobody does. Nobody ever has respected wholly the right of other nations and peoples when those interests conflict with their own. Nature is messy. In a famine, who deserves the last bite of food? There’s not a right answer ultimately in the value system you laid out. Someone’s right to exist is going to be infringed on and you better believe I or one of my family is gonna get it if I gotta die to make it so, because I don’t have that problem to deal with in my system of values. I don’t think you are wrong, its just that there’s no such thing as a cornucopia and reality is a bitch. I’ve been hungry, homeless and done without. The world is a harsh place to grow up and none of us are going to make it out alive.
“The end result of imperialism is an unnatural, atomized cosmopolitan, ethnically and racially blended population ruled by a tiny superwealthy elite.”
I don’t think Imperialism is inherently this way and there are plenty of historical examples at certain points in history you can point to as evidence. Eventually all empires have degenerated to this point before collapsing, and perhaps that is because of your fallen world hypothesis of human history. I won’t argue cosmology. But, to say Imperialism is bad because empire always ends up collapsing is like saying houses are bad because they also eventually collapse. Empires are things we build, necessary systems of ordered expansion we create to deal with the necessities enumerated above in a world of scarce resources.
Who’s to say an empire should last forever? Is that the definition of an ideal empire? Probably, as it would necessarily mean all factors are in balance and it has reached sustainable equilibrium. Nothing lasts forever though and the more complicated a system becomes the more likely it will collapse. In light of the inherent tendency towards entropy of all systems I don’t even know if ideal is possible to obtain. Does it have to be perfect to be justified as a system? Do houses?
However, eschewing empire because one has never lasted forever makes as much sense as never building a house because its just gonna fall apart eventually anyway.
Again, I don’t think you are wrong, just reconsider the merits of claiming absolutes on anything, as usually when you do thats the moment you discover the exception to the rule.
“who exists to police the nations and make sure they respect the rights of other nations and peoples? Nobody does”:
God does, which you may deny. On the other hand, there should be inter-national laws and diplomacy, and don’t forget strong national defense. No human, carnal, measure of defense is perfect.
Re: “Nobody ever has respected wholly the right of other nations and peoples when those interests conflict with their own. Nature is messy. In a famine, who deserves the last bite of food? There’s not a right answer ultimately in the value system you laid out. Someone’s right to exist is going to be infringed on and you better believe I or one of my family is gonna get it if I gotta die to make it so, because I don’t have that problem to deal with in my system of values…”
That practical-atheist “system of values” does not reduce but guarantees conflict! The only sure hope for any nation and for mankind is the opposite value system that most of our European ancestors at least PROFESSED to hold.
Atheism is anti White, and I know that because its only ever western christianity that the fedora tippers are interested in trying to fundamentally damage. Not judaism, or islam. Same with the “pagans”.
Give me Charlemagnes Christianity and I’ll wear a cross on my shield too.
Since that time, that faith has been weaponized against us and no longer comports with reality, so I’ve set off on my own looking for lost truth.
I’m no enemy to the faithful and I believe fully in the existence of agency beyond the mundane/physical.
My only experiences though with these agencies have been with the malefactors that torment us lower beings. The ones that lurk in your peripheral vision on the ragged edge of corporeal, just out of sight and never quite in focus but undeniably there. Others of that sort and worse. My family is a magnet for the dark, for reasons I’ve never been told the truth about.
We are not alone, but we are on our own as far as I can tell.
Sorry that got dark, but I never want anybody to think i’m a fedora tipper and I’m not afraid to be honest about why.
@IronicSockAccount – Beautifully said.