Pentagon Casually Admits “Righteous” Drone Strike In Afghanistan Was a “Tragic Mistake”

Oops …

Sorry, the “intelligence community” got it wrong again. We just droned a guy who was loading water in his truck and his seven kids who were somehow mistaken for ISIS terrorists.

Just out of curiosity, how many of these “mistakes” have there been around the world over the past 20 years? How terrorists have been created as a result of these drone strikes? If the “journalists” knew the true number, would they tell us or would they recycle and push Pentagon and CIA propaganda?

About Hunter Wallace 12398 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Pentagon=PENNYWISE THE CHILD MURDERING KILLER CLOWN in Stephen King’s movie IT=Democratic Party Family Values=Bruce Springsteen Family Values……

  2. General Mark Milley is a supporter of the homosexual pederast Antifa…

    General Mark Milley is a supporter of the violent anti-white racists black terrorist group Black Lives Matter…

    I don’t think it is unreasonable to conclude that Slimey 3 Star US Army General Slimey Mark Milley uses DuPont Circle Black Make Prostitutes with breath has a revolting stench that compares to a Penn Station toilet bowl who caters to Pentagon Generals and Admirals…

    And if this kind of Satanic Filth!! turns you on…go see your US Military Recruiter’s sphincter today…

  3. If the Pentagon held a press conference for every fuck-up of theirs that included civilian deaths it would be a non-stop 24/7 one so the sudden hand-wringing over this is contrived – and if that douchebag Carlson is clutching his pearls over it it’s just further proof that he is part of ZOG’S machine.

  4. The US is allowed to makes “mistakes” without repercussions but if a country the US is at odds with made that same mistake, they would be called terrorists and the bombs would soon drop. The media would be crying for the children, demanding investigations. But when one of their own do it, silence, excuses. Hypocrites and phonies.

  5. Over 10,000 illegal aliens are camped on the southern border, and will be distributed to the 50 states. They will kill and /or displace many times their number of White people, over the long term. Voat Moar Harder…

  6. This happened over and over again during the wars under Bush and Obama. Al-Jazeera would report that bombs killed civilians and ZOG would deny it. Then they would say they were looking into it, then they would quietly announce “yes, we killed the civilians” in some review months later that was never widely publicized in the mainstream media. The only difference is now they are admitting it quickly. This is a good sign that ZOG’s will to lie over this stuff is falling. This is the first time ZOG has copped to murdering innocent people in such an open way while the blood is still fresh and it will have a major effect on public opinion against ZOG and neocon wars.

    Many Americans are only now realizing what we always knew, that these wars are fake and gay and that the imperialists were never really good guys. We should be celebrating now, feeling good and thinking of ways to persuade people to go further against liberal imperialism while the issue is still in the news and on people’s minds. Now is an excellent time to have red pilling talks about these issues will people you know.

  7. I don’t care for any of these war mongers, but the little pussies sitting behind a laptop killing by remote control are the worse.

  8. @ I’ve have read, a long time ago, that people thru out the world in many places, especially in the little towns and villages, when word got out that an american or Americans were passing thru in their travels, people would rush out to see them, people were excited too see real live Americans, we were a beacon of light and hope, in this dark world, not the bringers of fear and death, that these Satanist, have turned us into……

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