Ben Domenech: Stop Licking Your Wounds

I’m sorry, but laughter is the only response to this.

National Review:

“A new poll from The University of Virginia’s Center for Politics found that a shocking number of Americans are so fed up with division that they want what you might call a national divorce – a  breakup of red and blue states. Their poll found 41 percent of Biden voters and 52 percent of Trump voters favor this separation. …”

The train is leaving the station.

It is not the first time it has happened either. Secession was inconceivable for most Americans until it wasn’t. The only reason it happened the first time is because of the collapse of the Democratic Party. When normies finally got angry enough to go there, it was a partisan temper tantrum.

“Let’s get one thing straight: That’s not happening. It’s not a thing that we will do. Federalism exists for a reason, to allow very different Americans with very different priorities to live in a country together. …”

Federalism ceased to meaningfully exist generations ago.

“What’s more, I’m disappointed in any conservative who seriously entertains such ideas. Did you miss every lesson about the growing backlash to leftist overreach we’ve seen for decades? They’re headed toward the exits, white-knuckling it til the midterms, barely hanging on to power, sending George Soros-funded shouting children into the bathroom to harass Kyrsten Sinema, and you want to bow out now? …”

Oh, wow.

What about the 2022 midterms?

Surely, America will be saved when Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are restored to power and the Democrats lose control of Congress. If you believe that another Republican majority will make any difference at all in where this country is going, I don’t know what to say to you.

“That’s loser talk. . . . The answer to our division isn’t to give up on the American experiment. It’s to fight and take it back. It’s to say to the arrayed forces of the left: You can’t have my country. We built it. We own it. It’s ours. And we intend to keep it.”


Even if these losers succeed in “Taking Back America,” it won’t change anything. The GOP could retake Congress in 2022. Trump could return to power in 2024. It wouldn’t make the slightest difference. The only question is whether the disillusionment will come sooner or later. How long can the GOP keep their gravy train going? How long will people continue to buy this false hope that they are selling?

Note: At some point, the crisis will boil over. I can’t say how long it will take or what the outcome will be. Regardless, there will be some kind of resolution to all of this division. One side will prevail.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Trying to fix “America” without addressing the international banking cartel that controls us is retard tier and I don’t mean that to disparage retards.

  2. We certainly can’t expect a reactionary rag like the National Jew Review to advocate secession, HW. But the American Empire didn’t always exist. It was built on a foundation of sand. What’s happening now was, in my opinion, inevitable.

  3. Did you miss every lesson about the growing backlash to leftist overreach we’ve seen for decades?

    Did you miss the demographic changes over those decade due to de facto (Republican supported) open borders? Did you miss the fact that almost all of these immigrant groups vote in racist blocs, vote anti-white, regardless of how incompetent and destructive those they vote for are? Establishment conservatism’s crime is that it collaborates in the white-hating racism of the left, and one of the ways they do that is by gaslighting their supporters by pretending that the politics of occupied America are still the same as in 1980.

  4. Well, so and so.

    From one side, offloading filth is the way forward. Diversity and genetic white liberals will bankrupt every country only with their existence so there is no way forward without offloading the useless biomass.

    But from the other side, defeatism is the root cause the all problems. There is no point for secession when white liberals coming in, taking over and turning seceded countries into Sweden.

    Successful secession is enforcing free people will with force. Failed secession is new “we need our own whatever” or “buy more ammo” .

  5. I can’t decide whether the Republicans are really this stupid, sometimes I wonder if they aren’t just clinging to the past that doesn’t exist anymore but won’t except it.

  6. “Please guys just listen to us and do Tea Party 2.0 I swear this time will be different”

    Bearded cuck married to Meghan McCain says something and expects the grassroots to care. Not this time bud.

    I’m glad they published this though, it means we’ve gotten their attention.

  7. When normie conservatives finally internalize their disenfranchisement, the establishment will have centralized all power in their hands. The conservatives will engage in pointless resistance to the establishment while continuing to mouth platitudes about color blindness and American liberal values. The establishment has almost total control of elite institutions and will continue to monopolize all power whether economic, political, or cultural. The mainstream right will continue to decline.

    Our struggle for an ethnostate will not be completed in our lifetimes. The US empire will slowly recede and morph into a shadow of its former self. Then, we will have a fighting chance to establish a state that inverts the values of the American Empire. Now, we must wait and try to survive.

    Domenech works for the establishment to delude conservatives into thinking that they are not powerless. His job like the GOP remains to channel popular anti-establishment dissent into controllable channels. Voting has become a way of legitimizing the establishment and continuing the illusions of right-wingers. The hour will have passed before conservatives wake up from the American Nightmare. We can only tell them I told you so. But they will probably still hate us for our anti-Christian and anti-American values.

  8. Ben Domenech is whistling past the graveyard with his ridiculous article in his ridiculous magazine. It’s wishful thinking on stilts that the current rotten regime can sustain itself much longer. The current regime is just one big crisis; domestic, foreign, economic or most likely, a cascade of all three in quick succession, from crumbling.

    The Left Wing Establishment which has set the agenda for the last 75+ years has run its course and destroyed the old America. Now there is nothing left for the “conservatives” to conserve. They may not even be useful to the Left Wing Ruling Class any longer which means they will simply be discarded. Their grift over, the “conservatives” will be flung into the gutter (where they belong) by their pals on the Left and have to get real jobs, something they dread and for which they are totally unsuited.

    The Ruling Class knows it needs Whites to remain cooperative, docile and participating in useless politics for the regime to function. What Gentle Ben and his fellow grifters at NR, WSJ, Fox TV, etc. fear much more than violence (which the U.S. Govt. wants and knows how to deal with) is White people simply checking out of politics, civic engagement, volunteering, public charities etc. It’s only on TV where colored people are geniuses and Whites are helpless. Drive through Newark, NJ, Baltimore, MD, Oakland, Cal. etc. to see diversity in action.

    The paradox of the Left is that every policy and action of the Left and its “conservative” enablers causes more Whites to simply check out of politics, civics, charities, NGOs etc. as they are seen for what they truly are; agents of our dispossession and destruction. Without White support the regime crumbles.

    The big fear on the Left and their “conservative” allies is Whites simply disengaging from the system and building parallel systems in education, local employment, private organizing and White networking. The Left wants violent, backlash politics from the Right, something the U.S. Government knows exactly how to provoke and deal with like the laughable FBI “kidnap” plot in Michigan.

  9. There is no way the Oligarchy lets the US disintegrate without a major crackdown on the agitators – of course, the leeches in the 1% let it degenerate to this point. They are killing the Golden Goose – the White working-class and middle-class that the oligarchs manipulate in order to enrich themselves.

  10. Post 1965 American Liberalism is a crime against human nature, it produces a society that is unfit in a darwinian sense in the struggle against other civilizations. We will either fix it ourselves, or at some point in the future, a stronger, extremely patriarchal society will simply roll it’s tanks into North America over these weak fatherless bastards and take it over for themselves.

  11. Well, did you anti-Second Amendment anti-gun nuts file 6 pieces of anti-gun legislation or only 5. Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I’ve kinda lost track myself….You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya, punk?

    Hope all the gun and ammo companies move to very conservative states in the South to get away from the woke crazies while there is still time. That would be some really good news.

    Sep 30, 2021 Smith & Wesson to Relocate Headquarters to Tennessee

    September 30, 2021
    Move includes headquarters and significant portion of operations due to changing business climate for firearms manufacturing in Massachusetts.

    SPRINGFIELD, Mass., Sept. 30, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI), one of the nation’s oldest firearms manufacturers, announced today that it is moving its headquarters and significant elements of its operations to Maryville, Tennessee in 2023. Smith & Wesson has been based in Springfield, Massachusetts since the company was incorporated in 1852.

    Mark Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer, said “This has been an extremely difficult and emotional decision for us, but after an exhaustive and thorough analysis, for the continued health and strength of our iconic company, we feel that we have been left with no other alternative.” He specifically cited legislation recently proposed in Massachusetts that, if enacted, would prohibit the company from manufacturing certain firearms inthe state. “These bills would prevent Smith & Wesson from manufacturing firearms that are legal in almost every state in America and that are safely used by tens of millions of law-abiding citizens every day exercising their Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights, protecting themselves and their families, and enjoying the shooting sports. While we are hopeful that this arbitrary and damaging legislation will be defeated in this session, these products made up over 60% of our revenue last year, and the unfortunate likelihood that such restrictions would be raised again led to a review of the best path forward for Smith & Wesson.”

    Smith indicated that the company vetted a number of cities and states and, after careful consideration, made the decision to relocate 750 jobs and its headquarters to Maryville, Tennessee. The key factors in the decision included the following:

    – Support for the 2nd Amendment
    – Business friendly environment
    – Quality of life for employees
    – Cost of living and affordability
    – Access to higher education institutions
    – Availability of qualified labor for its operations and headquarter functions
    – Favorable location for efficiency of distribution

    Smith continued, “The strong support we have received from the State of Tennessee and the entire leadership of Blount County throughout this process, combined with the quality of life, outdoor lifestyle, and low cost of living in the Greater Knoxville area has left no doubt that Tennessee is the ideal location for Smith & Wesson’s new headquarters. We would like to specifically thank Governor Lee for his decisive contributions and the entire state legislature for their unwavering support of the 2nd Amendment and for creating a welcoming, business friendly environment.”

    Smith & Wesson will also close facilities in Connecticut and Missouri as part of consolidating in Tennessee. This process will result in the company reducing the number of locations it maintains from four to three and will significantly streamline its manufacturing and distribution operations.

    The company emphasized that the move will not begin until 2023 and will not have an impact on employees’ jobs until then. “Our loyal employees are the reason for our success and are always our number one priority. We are deeply saddened by the impact that this difficult decision will have on so many of our dedicated employees, but in order to preserve future jobs and for the viability of our business in the long term, we are left with no choice but to relocate these functions to a state that does not propose burdensome restrictions on our company.” Smith said. “We are making this announcement now to ensure that each employee has the time to make the decision that is right for them and their families. We are firmly committed to working on an individual level with each and every one of those who will be affected. We will assist any affected employee who is willing and able to move with financial and logistical relocation assistance. However, we also fully realize that this is simply not feasible for some. Therefore, for any affected employee who cannot move with us, we will offer enhanced severance and job placement services. We understand that this announcement will be very difficult for our employees, and we will do everything we can to assist them during this transition,” Smith said. All employees whose jobsare moved will be given these offers.

    Key Facts:

    – The facility in Springfield, Massachusetts will be reconfigured but will remain operational.

    – Smith & Wesson will keep some of its manufacturing operations in Springfield, Massachusetts, including all forging,machining, metal finishing, and assembly of revolvers, and will continue to have over 1,000 employees in the state.

    – The new facility will be built in Maryville, Tennessee and will comprise of the company’s headquarters, plastic injection molding, pistol and long gun assembly, and distribution.

    – Total investment in the project is estimated at $120 million, will be funded from cash on hand, and is expected to be accretive to EPS by $0.10 to $0.12 per year once fully operational.

    – Construction in Maryville, Tennessee is expected to begin in the calendar fourth quarter of 2021 and be substantially complete by the summer of 2023.

    – Upwards of 750 jobs will move from Springfield, Massachusetts; Deep River, Connecticut; and Columbia, Missouri to Maryville, Tennessee.

    – The company’s plastic injection molding facility in Deep River, Connecticut, which services both Smith & Wesson as well as a significant number of external customers, will be sold. The Smith & Wesson portion of the operations will be moved to the new facility in Maryville, Tennessee, however, the external customer business will remain in Connecticut and will be divested.

    – The company’s distribution operations in Columbia, Missouri will be moved to the new facility in Maryville, Tennessee, and the Columbia, Missouri facility will be marketed for sublease.

    – The relocation will have no impact on the company’s operations in Houlton, Maine.

    The company will host a conference call September 30, 2021, to discuss the relocation. Speakers on the conference call will include Mark Smith,President and Chief Executive Officer, and Deana McPherson, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. The conference call may include forward-looking statements. The conference call and webcast will begin at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time (7:00 a.m. Pacific Time). Those interested in listening to the conference call via telephone may call directly at (844) 309-6568 and reference conference identification number 3073758. No RSVP is necessary. The conference call audio webcast can also be accessed live on the company’s website at, under the Investor Relations section.

    About Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc.
    Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc. (NASDAQ Global Select: SWBI) is a U.S.-based leader in firearm manufacturing and design, delivering a broad portfolio of quality handgun, long gun, and suppressor products to the global consumer and professional markets under the iconic Smith & Wesson®, M&P®,and Gemtech® brands. The company also provides manufacturing services, including forging, machining, and precision plastic injection molding services. For more information call (800) 331-0852 or visit

    Safe Harbor Statement
    Certain statements contained in this press release may be deemed to be forward-looking statements under federal securities laws, and we intend that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe-harbor created thereby. Such forward-looking statements include, among others, the anticipated move of our corporate headquarters and significant elements of our operations to Maryville, Tennessee in 2023; the uncertainty surrounding legislation recently proposed in Massachusetts that, if enacted, would prohibit the company from manufacturing certain firearms in the state; our expectation that the move will not begin until 2023 and will not have an impact on employees’ jobs until then; our firm commitment to working on an individual level with each and every one of those who will be affected by the move; our commitment to assist any affected employee who is willing and able to move with financial and logistical relocation assistance; our plan to offer enhanced severance and job placement services for any affected employee who cannot move with us; our expectation that the facility in Springfield, Massachusetts will be reconfigured, but will remain operational; our expectation that we will keep some of our manufacturing operations in Springfield, Massachusetts, including all forging, machining, metal finishing, and assembly of revolvers, and will continue to have over 1,000 employees in the state; our expectation that the new facility will bebuilt in Maryville, Tennessee and will consist of our headquarters, plastic injection molding, pistol and long gun assembly, and distribution; our estimation that total investment in the project will be $120 million, funded from cash on hand, and our expectation that it will be accretive to EPS by $0.10 to $0.12 per year once fully operational; our expectation that construction in Maryville, Tennessee will begin in the calendar fourth quarter of 2021 and be substantially complete by the summer of 2023; our expectation that upwards of 750 jobs will move from Springfield, Massachusetts, Deep River, Connecticut, and Columbia, Missouri to Maryville, Tennessee; our expectation that our plastic injection molding facility in Deep River,Connecticut, which services both us as well as a significant number of external customers, will be sold and that the Smith & Wesson portion of the operations will be moved to the new facility in Maryville, Tennessee, however, the external customer business will remain in Connecticut and will be divested; our expectation that our distribution operations in Columbia, Missouri will be moved to the new facility in Maryville, Tennessee and that the Columbia, Missouri facility will be marketed for sublease; and our belief that the relocation will have no impact on our operations in Houlton, Maine. We caution that these statements are qualified by important risks, uncertainties, and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, among others, economic, social, political, legislative, and regulatory factors;the potential for increased regulation of firearms and firearm-related products; actions of social activists that could have an adverse effect on ourbusiness; the impact of lawsuits; the demand for our products; the state of the U.S. economy in general and the firearm industry in particular; general economic conditions and consumer spending patterns; our competitive environment; the supply, availability, and costs of raw materials and components; our anticipated growth and growth opportunities; our strategies; our ability to maintain and enhance brand recognition and reputation; ou ability to introduce new products; the success of new products; the potential for cancellation of orders from our backlog; and other risks detailed from time to time in our reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended April 30, 2021.
    (413) 747-3448

    View original content to download multimedia:–wesson-to-relocate-headquarters-to-tennessee-301388869.html

    SOURCE Smith & Wesson Brands, Inc.

  12. Imagine placing a big Mac hamburger on a plate, grabbing a knife and slicing it into two halves. Both halves will still contain the same ingredients.
    Now imagine doing the same with America. Both halves(hypothetically speaking) will still contain nogs, libtards, slanties, noses and white traitors.
    I’m not saying I have the answer, but how will chopping the country up help you with the same demographics remaining inside your gates? On top of that, those from the poorer side will forever be violating the border to reach the more prosperous side. I just fail to see how partitioning will help you.
    Having more children and banning all non white immigration is more logical, along with removing Jewish power and influence everywhere it exists.
    Americas 49 states belongs to all white Americans, and shouldn’t be cut off from you.

    • I have no desire to keep the DC-Boston corridor, let it go like Singapore. But we should not abandon California, perhaps a temporary strategic retreat, but a new invigorated America should then take it back with extreme prejudice for the villains who are occupying our golden state.

      • I agree, Cali is too important to let it fall into enemy hands. But to hell with the DC to Boston corridor.

  13. The problem isn’t blue states, it’s these big blue cities which are basically globalist colonies occupying America. The county map shows most of these blue states are in fact red if you subtract these foreign colonies from the map.

  14. Has it ever occurred to anyone here that the Republicans don’t WANT to win in 2022, much less 2024?

    From a Machiavellian standpoint, doesn’t it make much more sense for any Republican with two working brain cells to make sure that the Democrats are in charge when the American dollar stops being accepted as the world currency and that the Democrats force the country into the same default nightmare that Argentina went through?

    To me, it makes no sense for such a Republican to be trying to retake the White House whrere “the buck stops here,” right NOW, regardless of previous administrations’ missteps, where a Republican is concerned, after Biden and his cronies stopped the pipeline, broke open the border to the entire third world, and took the country’s debts into the tens of trillions.

    Quite frankly, from my OWN vantage and POV, I’d be seriously worried and very afraid if the Democrats didn’t continue winning election, because the only inducement the Republicans are offering Jewish donors is the re-invasion of Afghanistan to “restore our national honor,” attacking Iran, and … oh, yes continuing our hostility to Russia and rattling Ye Old Saber against China over Taiwan. And that means that we should stick a fork in the USA, because she’s done.

    The Republicans may be greedy as all get out, but they aren’t stupid. For all their blather about how all masses of rainbow asses from third world countries are Natural Conservatives who, upon standing upon The Magic Soil of a Constitutional Republic, will educate themselves about liberal democracy and libertarian ideology and be all on board for huge tax cuts and limited government – only Whites are stupid enough to want to pay for a government that does nothing for THEM – and vote Republican, they KNOW by now or SHOULD know by experience.

    So, while I don’t think it will help us – nothing can help White Americans right now – it can’t hurt us to assume that Bitch McConnell and his cronies have their wealth stashed in private accounts in the Cayman Islands and probably have secret, well-stocked private islands they can bug out to.

    The turn-out to the Trump rallies are not encouraging me to think that that’s where it will go, but I would love White America to express the same disdain to the Anti-White system which holds them in disdain to boycott the elections. Or even turn up and vote for some third party, as long as it’s neither the Democrats nor the Republicans. I think this would blow the establishment’s mind more than the 2016 Trump victory did.

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