This little fat man never fails to crack me up with his effeminate voice.
Everyone knows that the libs are going to get owned in 2022 when Joe Biden has a 42 percent approval rating in the NBC poll. In spite of the growing hysteria, that’s just the normal flow of politics.
This says it all: On February 22, 2014, Stelter married Jamie Shupak. The couple married in a Jewish ceremony, and plan to raise their children in the Jewish faith.
Stelter was born a Catholic.
Yeh, so was Madeline Albright.
You and fellow kikes like November and Krafty Wurker love to sew discord among the goyim.
Yes, this.
In New Jersey an Irishman is running against an Italian. I predict a Roman Catholic will win!
c d,
I hope your husband gives you a good pegging with a reach around on Rosh Hashanah.
You’re a cocksucking moron.
Actually he was raised a Methodist.
Stelter has some Roman Catholic family background. I researched this before, can’t put my hand on it right now. I think it was on his mother’s side of his family?
If it turns up I will post.
You have to renounce Christ and become a Jew in order to be married in a kyke ceremony.
Not necessarily. Many of these “reformed” Jewish synagogues are just as nuts about Jewishness as Unitarian Universalists are about Christianity.
It’s been my experience in real world politics, that Reform Jews are just as crazy pro-Israel as the other Hebrew cultists, and Reform Jews are more likely to spread Holocaust/Anne Frank type propaganda. Where the Reform types are different, is that they recognize Jesus as a Jew. Something many Christians including me are not real sure of, or reject outright. Jews are Jews.
Allegedly so was the pope but appearances tell a different story.
“appearances tell a different story.”
Either way, he’s damned. So, we move on. Anathema to Stelter. God certainly has….
Everything he said can be boiled down to just one phrase. “A list journalists”.
In that one word, he admits that these people exist in their own little protected bubble with little exposure to alternative ideas…or at least, a heavy heavy amount of confirmation bias within their in-group.
It’s also very elitist.
I bet he was abused by both girls and boys growing up.
More like, pampered in every way, in hopes that he would be the moshiach.
That’s the voice of a spoiled rotten brat, who whines for everything, knowing he will eventually get it.
That jewish sissy pays shiksas to dress up like slutty nurses and punish him for being a naughty baby who soiled his diapers. Sick!
Talking about psychopaths like ‘Rachel’ Levine, again? Oh, Spawn… if we only ruled the world. LOL.
” to crack me up with his effeminate voice.”
Uh, jevvish spoiled brat voice.
There is a difference.
He’s another dickhead like that other dickhead, David French. Perhaps David French can adopt Brian Stelter then he would be like another one of David French’s colored chilluns.
They are saying that huge numbers of Independents have soured on Biden and the democrats because they didn’t know how radical they were. Where were these people during the last five years? Who exactly are these dopes who don’t know what has been going on? How are you allowed to vote being to clueless as what the political dynamics are all about? Shows how we got in the sorry state were in.
I wonder why the democrats have gone from running a confidence job on whites to escalating it to an armed robbery? Trump really spooked them. Or could it be as simple as a bunch of geriatric leftists like 90+ year old Soros pulling the strings deciding they want to see white America killed off before they die.
“Where were these people during the last five years? ”
Heads up their a… , as are 90% of WHITES.
Good times breed weak people. America has had very good times, since 1945.
” why the democrats have gone from running a confidence job on whites to escalating it to an armed robbery? ”
Because their (( controllers )) are running out of time, in their theology.
“Who exactly are these dopes who don’t know what has been going on?”
They don’t always pay attention, but when they do they pay attention to the MSM.
They go by what the media tells them. Polls and Pundits.
They might be well-off enough to not care or worry about things, so they think things won’t affect them.
Just so they get their football and cruises.
Satan’s minions are flailing. They think they are so close to total victory if they just step it up a little… Food restrictions are probably next if things don’t just start collapsing. I don’t see how New York maintains basic services.
Obama being elected twice exposed the sorry state of the average American voter.
America is a democracy in the same way as East Germany was the German Democratic Republic or North Korea is the Democratic Republic of North Korea.
Not exactly. America is a Dumbocracy.
“My god – Dump is doing everything he can to stir up his MAGAtard minions! H-He’s actually got the gall to DO WHAT WE”RE DOING!!” Lol.
A match made in heaven. Stelter has always been a shupak.
Stelter has the voice of a castrato. I’m sure that appeals to the LGBTQXYZ crowd.
“when Joe Biden has a 42 percent approval rating in the NBC poll. ”
HW, are you sure those numbers shouldn’t be reversed? I read Antichrist Joe is at a 24% rating….
Looking at Drudge for the first time in years, to see the polls, they have averaged the four Hebrew polls, and they are both in at 47%. Youngkin ahead by a trifle.
A third of the people already voted, and the Dems have already staked out 300,000 late ballots, which if needed, will all be for MacAulliffe.
Looks just like expected. But does the DNC secretly want to dump the ambitious Mac? Probably not. He’s a team player.
If Yougkin is ahead tonight, they will start in with the 300,000. It’s easy. It will be even easier next year.
I assume McAuliffe will win due to early voting
I assume that voting is fake – and ghey.
In New Jersey when a Roman Catholic runs against a Roman Catholic, a Roman Catholic wins!