James Carville has been right about this for months.
He also has the best take that I have seen anywhere on the 2021 election results. The Republicans didn’t do anything to recapture power in these races except harness another round of backlash politics. The Republicans just allowed Democrats to “pull the pin and watch the grenade go off.”
In Minneapolis, Mayor Jacob Frey was reelected and the referendum on abolishing the police went down in flames. In Seattle aka CHAZ/CHOP, voters elected Ann Davison as Seattle city attorney who is a Republican over Nicole Thomas-Kennedy who ran as a police abolitionist. In New York City, Eric Adams who is a cop who opposed defunding the police became the new mayor. In Buffalo, a socialist who won the Democratic primary lost the mayoral race. In Virginia, Terry McAuliffe lost to Glenn Youngkin who ran on law and order and getting CRT out of public schools. McAuliffe ran on Trump and “white supremacy.” In San Antonio, some Hispanic Republican was elected who ran against illegal immigration.
This is the strategy that I have recommended. Donald Trump lost the 2020 election. It radicalized his followers. It also gave these people the national spotlight and the platform to try to implement their absurd agenda which was inevitably going to be hamstrung by the Senate. They are discrediting themselves. We should relax, take some time off to regroup and enjoy the show. They are the ones who push White people to their limits and in our direction. It has always been that way.
Note: It is not just wokeness. Even if wokeness wasn’t such a big issue, the Democrats would be losing anyway because of the economy. Gas prices are soaring. This is going to make the backlash even more explosive because working class people can’t afford for this to continue.
“In Minneapolis, Mayor Jacob Frey was reelected (…) In Seattle (…) a Republican over Nicole Thomas-Kennedy who ran as a police abolitionist. In New York City, Eric Adams who is a cop (…) became the new mayor. In Buffalo, a socialist who won the Democratic primary lost the mayoral race. In Virginia, Terry McAuliffe lost to Glenn Youngkin who ran on law and order (…) In San Antonio, some Hispanic Republican was elected who ran against illegal immigration”:
There is a common denominator: (“law and order”) showing the empire of the Dollar is still very strong, and that both parties work for the same goal, and the population, that gives explicit consent by voting for the twin parties in all the (s)elections, still believes in it, including endless imperialist war that continues to destroy humanity and all nature.
“Law and order” indeed. The U.S. itself is lawless. It creates its own “rules based international order” and commits international war crimes daily, like brazen acts of piracy on the high seas, stealing North Korean and Iranian cargo ships: https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2021/11/03/669850/Iran-IRGC-confrontation-United-States-oil-piracy
The U.S. population is pleased with imperialism that enslaves foreign peoples and brings in the loot (mostly for the 10% but some trickling down to the 90%). Imperial exploitation of the workers of the world is a kitchen table issue, because it brings in wealth. The U.S. population wants it, and votes for it every time.
That which is falling should be pushed. F.N.
That bitch Comstock…yes, Dump was an obnoxious assclown, but Never Dumpers like her were against him not really because of that, but because he was an outsider who stirred up the hated “white trash” who they had safely frozen out of influence in national politics for decades with his talk about the wall, controlling the borders & kicking out the wetbacks (empty talk, of course). They think Youngkin signals the return to the “addition, not subtraction” racial/faggot Big Tent cuckism they established – and they may be right.
But Whites are far more racially aware now after experiencing the swaggering shitlib dictators (in & outside government) ramming anti-White (((Cultural Marxism))) down their throats after Biden’s win, and they should be far less tolerant of the cuck bastards resuming control just to return to their old vomit.
I don’t see whites, especially conservative whites, being more racially aware than they were under obama. Negros burnt down cities in 2020 yet the reaction wasn’t to get rid of blacks or segregate from them but to kiss up to them and claim democrats are racists. When ferguson happened far more whites disliked the blacks than they do now.
I believe there’s been a hardening in White normie racial attitudes, especially toward shitlib race traitors. They can’t conceive of “getting rid of” niggers or segregation – yet; things would have to explode like 2020 times 10. Which is always a possibility with coons.
It’s too bad Curtis Sliwa didn’t win the mayoral race in NYC. There are lots of New Yorkers who are not flaming shitlibs. Most of those types are found in Greenwich Village and SoHo. Staten Island, not so much.
I guess O.G. liberal Democrats such as James Gargoyle are less than happy about the radicalization of the Left since Dronald Blormp’s victory in 2016. But will Blormp help to accelerate America’s collapse or is he merely a pressure release valve for “angry white males”?