Secular Talk: The Left Blamed For Conservative Democrat Terry McAuliffe Losing

I basically agree with Kyle Kulinski.

We can go down the list of the shit that people like Kyle wanted to happen and which has gone nowhere during the Joe Biden presidency because of Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema:

  • $2,000 stimulus checks which became one time $1,400 means tested stimulus checks
  • The PRO Act which is going nowhere in the Senate
  • Medicare for All or the public option in health care that Joe Biden ran on which is going nowhere in the Senate
  • Student loan debt forgiveness which Joe Biden could do any day now and has refused to do
  • The $15 minimum wage which was killed by the Senate parliamentarian
  • The infrastructure bill which is stalled in the House
  • Everything else in the “human infrastructure” bill which has dragged on for months

For those of us who are keeping track, the Left Populists have gotten the $1,400 stimulus check, the one year child tax credit and the withdrawal from Afghanistan under the Joe Biden presidency. That’s pretty much all the good news that has happened for them under the “new FDR.” The Republicans are convinced that they are living under “socialism” even though it was Trump who signed the $2.2 trillion CARES Act in 2020 and Joe Biden has pretty much retreated from all of his campaign promises.

Are the Democrats to blame for high gas prices and inflation? In the case of gas prices, it is largely due to the fact that domestic oil production cratered last summer because of COVID and the lockdowns and overall sense of panic that caused millions of people to stay at home. In the case of inflation, Trump and Biden are equally responsible for signing large spending bills. Trump is fortunate that he lost the 2020 election because he would probably be catching the blame right now for gas prices and inflation.

With all that said, Kyle is living in a fantasy world where “the Left” means social democracy and most people don’t care about what he dismisses as “culture war bullshit.” White parents do care that the teachers unions are indoctrinating their kids into becoming little woke monsters. Southerners do care about the Confederate monuments which were trashed under Democrat rule in Virginia. Virginians do care about the decline in law and order under Terry McAuliffe and the rise in crime. Everyone hates wokeness and political correctness which is identified with the Left. Republicans and Independents do care about censorship and the assault on their civil liberties. Finally, the collapse of the border and record illegal immigration under Joe Biden is the top issue on the Right and really does drive turnout.

Overall, Kyle is right though that the Democrats are doing all the unpopular culture war stuff and refusing to do the popular economic stuff. James Carville said it best. They pulled the pin on the grenade. I just don’t think he appreciates the degree to which the Left is firmly associated in most of the country with the “culture war bullshit” like open borders, wokeness, censorship, etc.

Would it have been this bad if the Democrats had done anything to motivate their base like student loan forgiveness or the $15 minimum wage? I doubt it.

Note: The modern Left isn’t seen as FDR or Huey Long. They are perceived as people like this.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. It is the Jews who want vaccine mandates, vaccine passports and climate change regulations. Political blow back is to be expected. That is why the Jews sent their henchmen in to do the dirty work.

    McAuliffe, Murphy, and Hochel all share a common ancestry and all are advocates for Jew goals in spite of the will of the American public.

    Useful idiots indeed.

  2. ” Trump is fortunate that he lost the 2020 election”

    I think that will become more true, over the next 30 months.
    I’m anticipating more harmful consequences of rampant spennding.
    The tightening will be ugly.

    • Trump pumped $13T into Wall St in March of 2020 which caused the Usual Suspects to speculate heavily in commodities(Uncle Adolf spoke to the same kind of BS 80 years ago) that is resulting in higher prices for the consumers in things like food, lumber, oil, etc. Sleepy Joe can’t even get a measly $1.8T spending bill passed but Congress had no problem with propping up Wall St and corporate America in early Spring 2020 but, like 2008, the citizens get nothing.

    • Trump had the ability to pardon all these protesters, he did NOTHING !

      Any idea how many WHITE protesters are in this political prison in DC ?

      thanks for posting the link Fr John 🙂

  3. Kulinski’s idea that the kiked shitlibs should just STFU and take a back seat is laughable: those fanatical race traitor pukes run his party. They don’t want to win over the old Dem White working class base by helping them economically; they hate them, want to see them suffer, and to destroy them.

  4. Woke politics won’t run it’s course, it’s here to stay. Wokeism is a product of the frankfurt school critical theorists and years upon years of public school indoctrination and cultural degradation. I can only foresee civil war to get rid of the woke movement in the future. The cultural marxist cancer has metastasized

  5. I have a hard time believing that all of the Yankee Boomers and Yankees Millenials that are flooding into Knoxville and Nashville and Charlotte and Raleigh and Atlanta and Charleston and pretty much anywhere in Florida really give 2 shits about statues of defeated generals.

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