Joe Biden and the Democrats are dead in the water at 38% in the polls. Independents have shifted Right. The 2022 midterms will be a red wave election. Joe has lost everyone but Richard Spencer.
Joe Biden and the Democrats are dead in the water at 38% in the polls. Independents have shifted Right. The 2022 midterms will be a red wave election. Joe has lost everyone but Richard Spencer.
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I would like to know who these 38% are.
Like Spencer, I’m still ridin with Biden. Biden at least did Afghanistan, which is more good than all republican presidents have done for the last 40 years combined. I will vote full Demoncrat every election until the only mentions of the Republican party are in history books.
I’m not riding with anyone.
Yes, Joe pulled out of Afghanistan, which we celebrated at the time. It doesn’t change the fact that the border is a disaster or that he has weaponized the national security state against “domestic extremists.” It doesn’t make up for all the other shit he has done
@ YEP, big time !!!!
Further to this point, there’s no real reason to think Joe suddenly had an isolationist kneejerk and decided to pull out. He is a piece of shit, and he wouldn’t have done anything to intentionally benefit the country unless it benefited him at the same time.
The near immediate surge of “refugees” invading Europe from Afghanistan is a pretty good indication that this wasn’t what it appeared to be.
Joe wanted to get out of Afghanistan over a decade ago when he opposed the Obama surge. He wasn’t wrong about that.
Getting out of Afghanistan is one of the few good things Dementia Joe did. If he did anything else good it escapes me right now. The bad thing was bringing these Afghan savages to the U.S. and Europe.
Let the wogs live amongst other wogs, settle them in nearby Wogistans after paying suitable bribes to the local governments, it’s cheaper in the long run.
I don’t really view the border as much of an issue anymore. Whites will be a minority, and I don’t see the difference if we turn out to be 30% or 35%. Neither party will ever put a stop to it, so it will only end when we reach some equilibrium where the USA becomes as unappealing as the countries they’re all coming from. The birth rates are all equalizing, too. Whites will have to adapt to a minority strategy similar to diaspora populations regardless. We need to start thinking like any other parasitic outsider diaspora population that is only here to suck up money, rather than acting as the productive host for all of the other parasites. First step in that is for Whites to stop identifying with “America” and patriotardism and capitalism, which Republican grifters make difficult. Start viewing America as a host to feed off of.
As for the war on “domestic terrorism,” I still view Trump as the start of that. And it was worse for us in Trump’s admin, too. The Biden regime has mostly gone after MAGAtards from the Stop the Steal griftfest, which isn’t as bad as going after White nationalists for nothing IMO. How many prominent White nationalists have been locked up or faced lawfare attacks by the Biden regime? I can’t think of any off the top of my head, but there were dozens under Trump. And I’m not really aware of the Biden admin doing much on this front aside from the Jan6 arrests. It’s looking like this war was more of an electoral ploy to keep the alleged threat of “fascist White supremacist insurrectionists” in the media cycle and the public consciousness, so Democrats could campaign with resistance BS again, rather than an actual war. Otherwise it’s seeming like it’s fizzled out.
My only goal for electoral politics is for the GOP to die. There’s nothing else that can be done on the voting front until that party is gone. The fake populist neo-neo-conservatism on display at Thiel-con 2021 shows how much of a threat the Republican party still is for us. They are very adept as feeding off of popular energy and then redirecting it to crap like the Iraq war. Only this time it would be something like war to save “democracy” in Taiwan, which would be a million times worse. Democrats could never drum up support for something like that, but there is a risk that Republicans could.
If there is a war with China (which seems likely at some point) the U.S. Government will have to conscript White males to fight its war. The military is about %45 non-White now with ground combat units still heavily White making them still effective. The rest of the military has lots of Shaniquas, Trayvons, Joses and other assorted, strange ethnicities staffing them making them of doubtful effectiveness against a sophisticated adversary with a high tech military like China.
The Navy and Air Force are much more high tech services than the ground forces and require high IQ men to run them, the wogs in the country aren’t up to that task. The Army also has high tech ABM systems like the Patriot that will also require high IQ Whites to run them. Whites are also politically reliable unlike various Asians who are of uncertain loyalty.
When the U.S. Government institutes conscription they will also try to conscript White females this time who will make interesting companions for Tyrone, Shitavious and Manuel. Don’t worry though, the Government will pay for the abortions that result from the rapes.
When the U.S. Government comes calling demanding conscription that is the time to resist. Never cooperate with these bastards. Once you’re in their system you’re stuck, you can’t get out. Like that 1980’s science fiction movie, the only way to win is not to play.
Who knows how I’ll feel tomorrow, but right now I’m leaning toward putting the country clubbers back in charge. The Dems are tripling-down on anti-whiteness. Conservatism Inc. at least keeps creeps like Merrick Garland off the bench, and is friendlier toward homeschooling and decoupling from this system.
This doesn’t fundamentally fix anything. The Republican policy agenda for the last few decades has been a wealth transfer from Gentiles to the tribe. If compensation kept pace with GDP growth, the minimum wage would be 50K today and the average worker would earn well over 100K. That’s how bad we’ve been hosed.
There is a lot of education and teaching of history that needs to be done on our part to let people know that capitalism was always been the Left outside of the few Cold War decades. The Covid years prove that many reactionaries are still fixated on freedom and the alt-right has just been conservatism in disguise all along; we need to get our shit straight. Brexit shows that even secession will not achieve our goals when we just repeat the same bad ideas in miniature. We need to make the right statist again but we’re nowhere near there yet.
I guess we’re all going full ¡Jeb! one way or another for the time being.
We are in no way done fucking around in the Middle East for Bestest Ally.
Yes, Iran is the biggest, worstest, most horriblest threat we face. They hate us for our freedoms. They have reconstituted their nuklear weapons program and are assembling drones right now, right fucking now I tell ya! to attack the U.S. from 8,000 miles away, secretly flying through multiple countries air defence systems too. Wonderful democracy is at stake, “we” must do sumpthin!
If only we had that first class moron George Bush II still in charge with his Israeli advisors, he would know what to do. Instead we have that first class moron Dementia Joe nominally in charge with his Israeli advisors, but he hasn’t attacked Iran yet. WTF is he waiting for, another false flag attack from Our Greatest Ally?
Getting involved in Iran is not in our interest as George Washington would have advised us. However, sparking shit with Israel is also definitely not in Iran’s interest either. What interest do the Persian peoples have in all this endless conflict a thousand miles away? Despite all the Israel bashing, if these warlike extremists would just leave them alone and get on with their normal lives things would return to a much better state in the mid east.
“Biden at least did Afghanistan”
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. This administration has been enormously harmful to this country at historic levels. People freaked out about Obama and Clinton but they did nothing at this level and pace. The covidian oppression of life, spending insanity, the woke crap, the invasion, the takedown of the gentile run, red state based GOP energy sector that basically enables us to live in the modern world…These are enormous crimes against America. I get a kick out of commenters over on mainstream sites who rightly smell the crap, but come up with silly theories like Obama is the mastermind behind the scenes. Obama was just as much a puppet of these same (((leftists))) pulling the strings, he just was far more cautious knowing he didn’t want to turn up the heat too fast on the frog and put a black face on the disaster. I am more on the Countenance Blogger’s theory that Obama is currently doing what all blacks do in his situation, “chilling” and enjoying the high life on Martha’s Vineyard as the biggest black celebrity of them all.
Yesterday, gasoline was $3.30 a gallon at what is a “discount” gas station! The area that I live in is always a low gasoline price area. I would hate to see what the price is in traditionally higher price areas. If you have not noticed The Holy Catholic O’Biden is talking about shutting another key pipeline down!!!
Same here.
The lowest gas prices in this area around $3.05 a gallon
$3.26 a gallon.
$3.45 per gallon here.
Price of gas won’t matter if he tears millions of jobs from Americans who won’t risk the vax.
I wonder how all of this factors into the when and how of Biden stepping down and Kamala being slotted in. It probably would’t help if it’s before the midterms and Kamala probably doesn’t want to be tainted by a red wave. So, I guess it’s going to be 2023.
I don’t see Kamala happening. They seemed to be trying to get Newsom into the mix somehow but he seems to be having some palsy from his Vax booster.
My sympathies. Ha Ha Ha, fuck him and his CCP “vaccine”! Even if Gov. Newsome survives and is severely crippled he would still be a proponent of mandatory clot shots and every other bad thing that has ruined California. People like him are unteachable, even from the experience of personally suffering from his freely made bad decisions.
Is that true about Newsome? I imagine they won’t want to let this news out if so. While I find the “Bill Gates is trying to kill us all” conspritard theories outlandish. I do think the professional managerial class came up with this in good faith but the vaccines are as “glitchy” as the Anthrax Vaccine they ran all those 60 minute type specials about in the 90’s trying to link it to Gulf War Syndrome. I think eventually the dirt will come out that this thing has a very high side effect rate and they are covering it up and will be further egg on the face of the professional managerial class. I had a sudden bout of vertigo 18 days after getting the Pfizer vaccine that slowly went away over 3 weeks. I strongly suspect it was the cause. A paranoid, obnoxious, high maintenance Chinese mail order bride at work went and had her booster shot last week and of course was sick the next day. I never get sick like that from my annual flu shot or the Tetanus Diphtheria Pertussis booster every decade. Another guy got a booster and also wasn’t feeling good the next day. This stuff produces a strong immune reaction and I can easily see it morphing in a few out of a thousand people into an autoimmune flare up of some sort. Once again, the left is hiding the truth and the longer they keep it the worse it will be for their reputation when it comes out.
Richard Spencer is a toxic loser with no redeeming qualities. I said it long before it was fashionable. I will acknowledge that Greg Johnson also saw through him a long time ago, so he deserves credit for that one.
Biden’s 38 % approval rating matches his brain output.