Could Georgia go all the way and win the national championship this year?
Could the GOP catch a red wave, crush the Demoncrats, own the libs and retake the House and Senate in the 2022 midterms? Could Blumpf retake the White House in 2024?
Both of these things are possible and even probable at this point. There are millions of people who are hugely invested in and passionate about their college football team and American politics. It is part of their tribal or partisan identity. We look at sports and politics the same way here now.
Even if the GOP wins everything as a vessel of backlash politics in 2022 and 2024, we know the result will be tax cuts, deregulation, the return of MIGA and bigger defense budgets. The policy agenda is sold to the donors. We’re realists about this. We will watch as one thing after we another that we want to happen and which are promised dies in the Senate as the Democrats are experiencing now. These wild swings between the parties are predictable and have become the norm over the last decade.
As for the horse race itself, Brion McClanahan makes a mistake in this episode. Terry McAuliffe did better with college educated White women than Ralph Northman. He won the Karens, the wine moms, the suburban moms in NOVA. He lost White working class women. He lost the Krystals and Ambers. It is a different crowd. White working class women voted more like White working class men.
There were a lot of trends at work in the Virginia elections which have been going on for years or even decades. The White rural vote is falling like a knife for Democrats which is why states like Iowa and Ohio have become Red States. Independents have continued to wildly swing between the two parties. White voters have become steadily more radicalized. The electorate is also becoming less racially polarized and more divided by education. The rural vs. urban divide is growing larger.
It was very easy to see through this cuck and I’m not even from the South. He ran with a nigger that professed her blackness which I’m sure she said nothing about when she was pandering to the White voters. Cuckkin will weed out “antisemitism” and racism as long as it comes from the “White” side.
“We look at sports and politics the same way” and “as for the horse race”:
Political theater in the U.S. is two corporate-owned teams playing the same game by the same rules. Most excitingly, they do it for money.
Sports and alcohol business also go together. Political theater, sports theater, and the alcohol industry: three very expensive addictions that accomplish nothing good and further dull already dull minds.
Its about time to cover the Rittenhouse trial. It would seem to have totally come off the rails at this point.
As a poignant example of the abuse of the judicial system against us, its about as good as it gets.
Besides, I’m pretty done with red wave posting.
“wild swings between the parties are predictable and have become the norm”:
Well said. The swings are wild, and they are noise, not rational, not constructive or beneficial. Economic swings of boom and bust, inflation and depression, etc. are also the norm, inherent in, integral to the system.
This is the new voting.
You don’t vote for a candidate,
You vote against one.
“White working class women voted more like White working class men.”
Long overdue.
As soon as the ‘college educated’ WHITE women realize the target is on their back, they will also switch.
Expecting women to be rational and lucid? That’s a Sisyphean task.
Very true c d,their tiny minds were just made to soak up and regurgitate Jewish lies.
The Virginia gov race was a choice of cuckservative vs anti-white clintonite. Nothing to get excited about. Look at the bright side, at least Youngkin will tackle anti-semitism in VA. Because that’s whats really important. More important than getting rid of CRT.
You can be absolutely certain CRT will remain untouched. Oh yes, it will be ‘re-branded’ as some innocuous-sounding term a cuck like Youngkin might come up with, but the same unadulterated hatred for whites and Western culture will remain intact. After all, the (((fellow whites))) who paid for Mr. Youngkin’s governor’s seat make lots of shekels from pushing CRT into undeveloped brains of the offspring of white parents stupid enough to send them to the Government Schul Gulag – as they pay for it with their property, federal and state taxes. The NEA runs the racket from coast to blighted coast. One thing I’ve never seen advocated by any Republican or ‘conservative’ is competition in the union field. Why not allow something like a ‘Confederate Teachers’ Union’? The answer is not so hard: As with the fake free-market in Murika, the public sektor unions are all owned and led by the eternal nose.
I mean, everyone said Trump had no chance throughout the primary season, and then the Cubs went ahead and won the World Series in 2016, the same year Trump got elected. Stranger things have happened.
I just don’t get this “Trump Retakes the White House” schtick – he has pissed off so many in his base with his support of the vax and the fact that his half-witted supporters from Jan 6 are languishing in ZOG’s dungeons – not to mention the fact that in another 3 years how many millions more Boomers – where Blompf draws the vast majority of his support – will be roasting in hell after death?
He still has the support of over 50% of Republican primary voters. If he chooses to run again, which is inevitable because he is still grifting off his supporters, no one who has a shot like Ron DeSantis is going to challenge him. Joe Biden is so unpopular that he probably won’t run again. Kamala Harris is even more unpopular than Biden. So, Blumpf is restored to power.
“Donald Trump is many things, but he is first and foremost a moron.
This doesn’t mean he isn’t other things as well — malicious, cruel, greedy, self-obsessed, unusually adept at demagoguery. But above all else, he is an imbecile who led an administration dominated by imbeciles. If he manages to get himself elected president again in 2024, the executive branch of the government in the most powerful nation on Earth will once more be led by half-wits and dopes.
Do you doubt it? How quickly we forget!
The 2020 presidential election took place just over a year ago. It took three days for the results to become sufficiently clear for Joe Biden to be declared the winner. The day after that, Trump’s lawyer and adviser Rudy Giuliani called a press conference at the Four Seasons in Philadelphia to dispute those results. Only instead of the event taking place at the five-star hotel of that name in Center City, it was mistakenly booked at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping company in an outlying industrial part of the city. There he and a small number of staffers and Trump loyalists stood before the press, campaign signs taped to the wall of a garage door.”
Yes Hunter but the MAGA response is: He may be an imbecile but he is our imbecile. MAGA 2024!
Dems stole the election; sorry Brad.
Trump got crushed with Independent voters and that explains everything. He lost
Cope harder
@ I have come up with a litmus test for our.current crop of political pimps, where do they stand on the vax mandate, our people are catching hell with, this woke, federal, Jack Bootery, multitudes being terminated, forced too resign, because they simply wish too retain personal soverieghty over their own flesh, the media is down playing and trying with their coercive methods, to stifle all opposition, to the their wokeism, where these politicians stand on this issue, basically demonstrates where they stand with us,
@ the mumbling, stumbling, demonic possession, known as president biden, needs too let the jan.6th practical jokers, out on bond, immediately, this bullshit has went on long enough.
Their places in the DC Jail (which is run by negroes, BTW) should be taken by Merrick Garfinkle, Esq. and his DOJ staff, Cackling Kamala and the rest of the Dementia Joe administration. Mayor Pete Buttplug would be right at home there, no doubt. I’m sure there is room for the scumbags in Congress also.
@ 12AX7, agreed, whole heartedly….
Youngkin took a break from battling anti-Semitism to visit a mosque.
Twitter/Glenn Youngkin — It was wonderful to visit the ADAMS Center Mosque this afternoon for lunch and a roundtable. Thank you to the congregation for opening up your home of worship to me! I look forward to many more visits over the next four years.
He wasted no time in cucking to the goat fuckers like a good Republican, didn’t he? Islam should be outlawed, the mosques shut down and the Moslems sent packing. Muh 1st Amendment though! Fuck that shit, send the Moslems back to their filthy countries.