CNN’s @BrianStelter promotes Dana @Milbank column, “The media treats Biden as badly as — or worse than — Trump. Here’s proof.” Stelter: “Is that possible? Does it ring true to you? I think it rings true to my next guest.” That’s @EricBoehlert pic.twitter.com/5baXPdLKQo
— Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) December 5, 2021
The Biden team is airing grievances about negative media coverage. “I think it’s absolutely right for them to ask the press for a little self-reflection and a little accountability,” @EricBoehlert says pic.twitter.com/U5CBAtfT1E
— Reliable Sources (@ReliableSources) December 6, 2021
“Journalists” are losing their minds about Joe Biden’s collapsing poll numbers.
“The findings, painstakingly assembled by FiscalNote vice president Bill Frischling, confirmed my fear: My colleagues in the media are serving as accessories to the murder of democracy. …
We need a skeptical, independent press. But how about being partisans for democracy? The country is in an existential struggle between self-governance and an authoritarian alternative. And we in the news media, collectively, have given equal, if not slightly more favorable, treatment to the authoritarians. …”
The media isn’t partisan enough.
The media isn’t sanctimonious enough.
The media has been way too hard on Joe Biden.
In order to save “our democracy,” we have to shill harder for Joe Biden than state media in North Korea.
As awful as the establishment press is they can only do so much to prop up a failed regime before it becomes too farcical. But if they are complicit in the “murder of democracy” they shall have earned my eternal gratitude.
“Journalists”presstitutes are losing their minds about Joe Biden’s collapsing poll numbers.With the sole exception of Afghanistan, where the (((Neocons))) lost their collective minds, Joe Biden has not been treated unfairly by the media. At all.
“we have to shill harder for Joe Biden than state media in North Korea”:
Realize that Korea (DPRK) is in a state of war, under constant attack by the global Hegemon, the most powerful empire in world history, so maybe its national news media is not being so unfair and unbalanced after all. Korean national independence is not a joke. There is real democracy in Korea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rgyh8wu1nI&list=PL14DC433964EE10BE&index=2