Liberal Larry is a victim of rightwing cancel culture and the trauma of “both sides-ism.” We’re on the cusp of literal fascism! SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE TO SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY!
Liberal Larry is a victim of rightwing cancel culture and the trauma of “both sides-ism.” We’re on the cusp of literal fascism! SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE TO SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY!
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Do you see boy and girls what those CBD gummy bears will do to you? Do you see?
I like when liberal Larry cries like a little girl. Yes, I know it’s a parody
We need more mockery of the jsystem.
God I hope theres a war or something soon cause this is fuckin boring!
Our ancestors would never have allowed the situation to deteriorate this far.
People like Larry DESERVE to be censored! A Theonomic (i.e, Christian) state would clearly outlaw all blasphemy, sodomy, and other capital crimes.
“The political problem which we face today is this: most Christians in the pews and voting booths do not yet understand that any pluralism-induced lull in the political war between God’s kingdom and satan’s is merely a temporary cease-fire. (This was written in 1989!) They have forgotten the Bible’s long-term judicial strategy: THE SUPPRESSION OF BIBLICALLY DEFINED PUBLIC EVIL IN EVERY AREA OF LIFE, by every covenant institution, each in its own God-authorized sphere of responsibility.”- North, Political Polytheism, p. 294.
(The Three ‘covenant institutions’ are FAMILY, CHURCH, and the CIVIL SPHERE.)
Re: “A Theonomic (i.e, Christian) state would clearly outlaw all blasphemy, sodomy, and other capital crimes”:
A Catholic or Calvinist so-called “Chiristian” state would definitely do that – enact capital punishment for blasphemy, heresy, etc. A Quaker-led commonwealth definitely would not. Thousands of Friends, Anabaptists, and other Christians had to be martyred on the stake or gallows, or die in dungeons and torture chambers over centuries to finally elicit such strong public reaction that finally brought an end to the barbarism.
“Theonomic” murder and torture, capital punishment – whether practiced in individual cases such as the burning of Michael Servetus, or on a massive scale, such as the Catholic Crusade of Albigensian eradication (genocide) – definitely are “Blbically defined public evils,” to use Gary North’s expression. Gary North is an extreme capitalist “Christian” Dominionist aka “Christian” Reconstructionist Calvinist.