The Political Cesspool: 2022 Predictions


My main takeaway is that the 2022 midterms will be a pure expression of lib owning and backlash politics. A trucker knocked off one of the most powerful Democrats in New Jersey after spending only $153 on a state senate race. This happened in a deep blue state. Why shouldn’t some of our people who have low name ID who can fly under the radar of the national press run in these state and local races?

I’m bullish on 2022 for a number of reasons:

  • Trust in the media is approaching zero on the Right
  • Trump is stronger than ever after the “January 6 insurrection”
  • Voters want you to say outlandish things to own the libs
  • The old Republican establishment is dead and everyone takes for granted that Liz Cheney is going to lose her primary
  • As we have covered in detail, the electorate has changed over the past six years. The Republican base is different than it used to be as cucks have migrated to the Democrats
  • 90% of Republican voters feel under attack for being White
  • Over half of Republican voters think their race and ethnicity is an important part of their identity
  • Secession has gone mainstream and you can run on holding a referendum on a National Divorce
  • Democrats have already spent trillions of dollars and voters don’t even care because the brand of the national party is so culturally toxic
  • Voters care more about inflation and gas prices than the death of “our democracy”
  • Republican voters are upset about anti-White shit like CRT in public schools which is an opening
  • The Great Replacement has gone mainstream so you can talk about changing racial demographics
  • 40% of the Republican Party is even open to the idea of using violence against the federal government
  • A few years ago, Steve King was denounced by Congress, but Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert have said more radical things since then without any pushback
  • It has gotten to the point where elected Republicans like Paul Gosar or Wendy Rogers are on Gab and endorsing Nick Fuentes
  • Just call your opponents woke and anti-White. This works now
  • Everything is “racism” and “white supremacy” and “fascism” now. Everyone else who is running are going to be called these little names. So, if you run for elected office, you will blend in with the crowd

For all these reasons, it wouldn’t surprise me if, say, one of our people won something like a city council seat or was elected to a school board or was elected as a state representative like David Duke back in the day. It couldn’t hurt to test the waters and see how far we can push the envelope.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Richard Shelby is retiring his Alabama senate seat. You Brad Griffin would make a great U.S. senator or Michael Hill runs for office!

    If we could have Brad Griffin and David Duke representing Alabama and Louisiana in the senate, it would be huge.

  2. “Why shouldn’t some of our people who have low name ID who can fly under the radar of the national press run in these state and local races?”

    This is what Southern Nationalists need to be doing. In Dixie. The Texas Nationalist Movement is past the point where they need to be running candidates, too.

    We need to be preparing our Southern States for the federal collapse.

    Unfortunately, we’ve wasted decades not building the political machinery necessary to exploit the collapse of the Northern/Northeastern and Left Coast Oligarchs, and “their” government in Washington DC.

    We need a Southern Nationalist Party. Like Michael Cushman said at SNN, We need to forget about the national government, and focus on the governments of our Southern States.

  3. “Secession has gone mainstream and you can run on holding a referendum on a National Divorce.”

    Maybe in the South, and in the Interior West. But not in Yankeedom, or in their Pac-Rim colonies.

    The Northern People aren’t going to give up a major part of their egos and self immage. Willingly.They see themselves as ‘being’ America®, and as its rightful rulers. Which is a big part of why they can’t vote like Southrons, or cattlemen in Wyoming. And never really will, for more than one election cycle. Their ancestors fought and won a revolutionary war of conquest in the 1860s, for the right to become America®. This informs everything that they think and do in the socio-political sphere. It’s the reason for their hostility towards the rest of America, and for their contempt and disdain for republican government. As much as they accuse us of not forgetting the War, they’ve haven’t forgotten it either. It’s the source and legitimacy of their rule, and power over America. Just as surely as they are now the source of legitimacy and rule, of the Jews.

    As long as they hold California’s 56 electoral votes, they can still out vote us. That’s why you’ll find the most resistance to the idea of Cascadia, or California secession, among the residents of Yankeedom. Accepting it would be conceding that Thomas Jefferson and the South were right, and that they were/are wrong. It would also be the catastrophic loss of the Northern People’s perceived and presumed political power in America. Neither they, nor the Jews, who parasite off of it, can allow that. Nor can their egos and sense of self worth and identities, stand it.

    The next greatest resistance will come from places like San Francisco and Portland and Seattle. The Pacific Urban coastal strip will not secede, no matter how much they talk about it. That would be conceding defeat to the farmers, ranchers, loggers, and other hated working class folks in the Inland Empire. It would also place them between the sea and the hostile Inland Empire, east of the mountains. Even with the Panama canal, it’s a long trip, by sea, from Boston, New York and Philadelphia. The inlanders would surely cut off their food and gas, necessitating resupply by sea.

    #bluestatesecession will flop. The Yankees know instinctively that #bluestatesecession is the end of their power. The Jews know it, too. They’re gonna ride this sinking ship to the bottom.

    End Reconstruction. End the War.

  4. Sorry to be a Debbie downer but…

    • Trust in the media is approaching zero on the Right

    And trust in ultra-Zionist “far right” media outlets like Newsmax and OANN is approaching 100%. Similarly trust in the “right wing” grifters of the “alternative media” is at an all time high.

    • Trump is stronger than ever after the “January 6 insurrection”

    Which just proves that Trump is in fact protected by the establishment he claims to be fighting. January 6 was the perfect opportunity for the elites to ruin Trump forever. He could be in jail right now if they’d decided to go after him, but they did not. Why not? Because he is an actor playing the role of the scary right wing bogey man. Trump is on their team.

    • Voters want you to say outlandish things to own the libs

    What was the upshot of Trump saying outlandish things to own the libs for four years? The libs got energized and radicalized. The culture shifted leftward and the outlandish things naturally never got done.

    • The old Republican establishment is dead and everyone takes for granted that Liz Cheney is going to lose her primary

    Old neoconservatism is dead and has been replaced with new neoconservatism. The only difference is that with the new brand you get racial dog-whistles with your wars for Israel. The new GOP is as subservient to Israel as ever AND supports gay marriage.

    • As we have covered in detail, the electorate has changed over the past six years. The Republican base is different than it used to be as cucks have migrated to the Democrats

    The Republican base is browner, gayer and more socially liberal than ever. The cucks and RINOs are free to leave the GOP because their job is done.

    • 90% of Republican voters feel under attack for being White

    And 100% of Republican voters who feel under attack for being White continue to support a political party financed by anti-White Jews, a political party that won’t even mention their race by name.

    • Over half of Republican voters think their race and ethnicity is an important part of their identity

    Well then they are very stupid to support a party that explicitly panders to every ethnicity except their own aren’t they?

    • Secession has gone mainstream and you can run on holding a referendum on a National Divorce

    Secession is a LARP and anyone advocating it will not be taken seriously. Even if it were possible it would not produce meaningful change. Similar to Scotland leaving the liberal multiracial UK for the liberal multiracial European Union.

    • Democrats have already spent trillions of dollars and voters don’t even care because the brand of the national party is so culturally toxic

    It’s toxic to us, not to the people in power. The idea that liberalism will just go away because it’s naturally abhorrent to decent folks is false hope. For 60 years peoples most cherished values have been spat upon with zero push back. I don’t see than changing any time soon.

    • Voters care more about inflation and gas prices than the death of “our democracy”

    They also care about gas prices more than their own race surviving into the next century.

    • Republican voters are upset about anti-White shit like CRT in public schools which is an opening

    Because is distracts from “Holocaust” and MLK.

    • The Great Replacement has gone mainstream so you can talk about changing racial demographics

    The Great Replacement is a Jewish psy-op, it was invented to replace the much more accurate and forceful term “White Genocide”.

    • 40% of the Republican Party is even open to the idea of using violence against the federal government

    50% of Republican Party funding comes from Jews.

    • A few years ago, Steve King was denounced by Congress, but Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert have said more radical things since then without any pushback

    Of course, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert are the other slice off the kosher sandwich. Fake opposition is very important.

    • It has gotten to the point where elected Republicans like Paul Gosar or Wendy Rogers are on Gab and endorsing Nick Fuentes

    Nick Fuentes is another Jew-financed shill, naturally he is going to be allowed a certain amount of mainstream acceptance.

    • Just call your opponents woke and anti-White. This works now

    6 years ago we called them SJWs and cucks, the result was an explosion of “right wing” grifters jumping on the bandwagon and discrediting our ideology.

    • Everything is “racism” and “white supremacy” and “fascism” now. Everyone else who is running are going to be called these little names. So, if you run for elected office, you will blend in with the crowd

    There is no infiltrating this corrupt Jewish system. You can’t beat the Jews at their own game. “Democracy” is inherently ripe for Jewish subversion which is the reason they are always extolling the virtues of it.

    P.S. Did I correctly hear James Edwards compare vaccine mandates to the evil Nazis? And did Paul Ramsey just say the people who REALLY control America are Clinton Democrats? Weren’t both of these characters endorsing Trump in 2020? What is the point of being an ideological dissident if you’re going to support Zionist traitors like Trump?

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