Thomas Edsall: The Law of Unintended Political Consequences Strikes Again

Very insightful new column from Thomas Edsall.

At the apex of the Democratic Party, you have the oligarchs who are like royalty in the party. These are people like Michael Bloomberg, Tom Steyer, Bill Gates, George Soros, Mark Zuckerberg and so forth. The donor class is generally far to the left of the median Democratic voter and even further removed from the median American voter on cultural issues. Many of these people are obviously Jewish.

The oligarchs pour billions of dollars into foundations and non-profits which are staffed by people who are also nuts and who employ legions of progressive activists who are nuttiest people in American politics. Progressive activists come up with toxic slogans like “Defund the Police” and “Abolish ICE” and jargon like “Latinx” which drive wedges inside the Democratic coalition, energize the Right and alienate suburban Independent swing voters thereby costing the party critical races and suppressing its margins in the House and Senate which empowers corporate centrists like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.

New York Times:

“The killing of George Floyd and the nationwide Black Lives Matter protests that followed drove an exceptionally large increase in foundation grants and pledges to criminal and racial justice reform groups and other causes, ranging from the United Negro College Fund to the Center for Antiracist Research and from the National Museum of African American History to the Yes 4 Minneapolis campaign to dismantle the Minneapolis Police Department. …

Before Floyd’s death, Candid found that philanthropies provided “$3.3 billion in racial equity funding” for the nine years from 2011 to 2019. Since then, Candid calculations revealed much higher totals for both 2020 and 2021: “50,887 grants valued at $12.7 billion” and “177 pledges valued at $11.6 billion.”

Among the top funders, according to Candid’s calculations, are the Ford Foundation, at $3 billion; Mackenzie Scott, at $2.9 billion; JPMorgan Chase & Co. Contributions Program, at $2.1 billion; W.K. Kellogg Foundation, $1.2 billion; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, $1.1 billion; Silicon Valley Community Foundation, $1 billion; Walton Family Foundation, $689 million; The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, $438 million; and the Foundation to Promote Open Society, $350.5 million.

There are Democratic strategists who worry about unintended political consequences that could flow from this surge in philanthropic giving. …”

How do you solve a problem like Ibram X. Kendi?

How do you put Frankenstein back in the closet before he destroys your party?

Suppose you have an epiphany that these people are bad for you politically and even worse for the country. If you speak out though, you risk enraging the Twitter mob.

Democratic strategists are now the hostages of the woke progressive activist class. Do you confront the brats before it is too late or do you stay quiet and strapped in as they drive the party over the cliff in the midterms? If you say nothing, you risk empowering the GOP and further radicalizing its voters which will undoubtedly use its power to stack the courts even further and gain even further ground in the state legislatures which is a known recipe for all kinds of mischief. You are also risking another major predictable violent outburst from a stymied and frustrated Left which is trending toward despair.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. This is a come to Christ moment for the Jews. They could accept others as they are, as God made them and treat others in the same way they themselves would like to be treated, but they won’t not in a million years. There is way too much Jew time effort and money invested in the Moshiach to turn back now, so the blind as a bat Jews will plow further ahead into the darkness. This is the stuff of eternal damnation, never coming to see the light of Christ, damned until the end of time.

  2. “””…Do you confront the brats before it is too late …”””

    Well. It is too late. Strategic retreat is ugly thing. When the trap flaps, there is nothing victim can do anymore.

    Some dumb fuck may try but this Putin paid Nazi racist science denier Trump agent will be ripped apart in the first street corner. And they know it so there will be no idiots who want to get killed by stopping brats.

  3. “How do you solve a problem like Ibram X. Kendi?”

    It just doesn’t have the same ring… does it?

  4. “How do you solve a problem like Ibram X. Kendi?”

    Koba the Dread knew how. He even had a little aphorism about it: With a person there is always a problem. No person, no problem!

  5. Because of treasonous support for open borders from the Republicans time is on the side of the white-hating totalitarian left. Mexicans aren’t going to vote Republican despite the same-every-year bullshit propaganda put out by the Grifters of Conservatism, Inc. Like blacks they have to vote to rob whites if they want to live a semblance of a first-world lifestyle. Like blacks they’re incapable, on the whole, of building or maintaining an advanced society. They must sponge if the society permits it, it’s a matter of biology. This is leaving aside basic racism and envy as motivating factors. It’s about population replacement, everything else is deck chairs on the Titanic. Time is running out on Republicans winning national elections.

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