Brion McClanahan: What Was The “Civil War” Really About?

Turn on your television.

Did you catch Joe Biden’s speech this morning?

The “Civil War” was about insufferable, sanctimonious, self-righteous Yankees and the weariness of our ancestors. Slavery was the incident, not the cause of the war.

Note: 1/6 was the beginning of the “never-ending insurrection” against coastal elites!

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


    • There are all sorts of peculiarities. Andrew Jackson, the southern warrior, not only kicked the arses of the legion sent by the City of London-owned empire, but put the cabosh on their Yankee minions setting up another central bank (e.g. counterfeiting/usury cartel). J.W. Booth’s father, an actor apparently an agent of the (((City))), sent Jackson a letter threatening to kill him about this move.

      The Yankee minions funded the abolitionists, whose rabble-rousing did much to push the country into the war. So did the Southern “fire-eaters” who insisted on the expansion of slavery into new territories. It would be interesting to see what if any relationship existed between the fire-eaters and the (((owners and financiers))) of the slave-trade. Another curious event was the invasion of neighboring Mexico by the Jewish-owned French empire of Napoleon III (1862), when (((Judah Benjamin))) was highly influential in the Confederate government (the monuments to Benjamin and the other big slave-owning Jew David Levy Yulee all stand un-molested by BLM). Note also the very respectful article over at Wokepedia about a Jew-authored book honoring the Confederate Jews (still widely available on Amazon and other controlled sites).

      Yes, more research into this subject is needed, since 600,000 dead (nearly all goyim) is of course something Jews celebrate around the world, being the spawn of Satan they mostly are. The harder question for whites is: Why do we keep falling into these scams to kill our fellow whites so easily? How would the world be different today if the soldiers in the 1914 Christmas truce had simply deserted en masse? The only winners of that war were the Banksteins. I suspect the US civil war is much the same. Brazil had far more black slaves than the US and yet managed to end the practice in 1888 with little bloodshed.

      • Very good intelligent comment, and I agree with much of it.

        “I suspect the US civil war is much the same”:

        It was. Even before the carpetbaggers moved south, the Moneybaggers had simply moved their main headquarters from “New Jerusalem” (Charleston S.C.) to Manhattan.

    • Please remember: many, many of the “fighting Yanks” were refugees from Ireland’s potato blight and Rothschild terror…inducted into the Union army (not really looking to start afresh in this new country by fighting for freedoms of others that they themselves never had!)
      I too learned that Rothschild bankers were invested in both sides of the US civil war that they were provoking: primarily to destroy the agrarian economy of the young USA – to force it back under London Crown servitude, using vitriolic warfare and its resulting Industrial Revolution, to destroy whatever independence and stability existed after the successful 2nd Revolutionary War (of 1812- 1814).
      Hence the additional need of the European Masons to immediately assassinate President Lincoln, when the Yanks prevailed…because Lincoln opposed the London Crown financial re-takeover as long as he lived..
      Please correct any misunderstandings that you may notice in my perception. (Thanking you)

      • There’s also the fact that Lincoln ran the government presses like crazy to create “Greenbacks” (United States Notes) which the old railroad lawyer thought could be used to pay back his (((creditors))) for the vast sums of money borrowed to raise and equip all those bluecoats sent to invade, loot and pillage the southern states. The creditors decided to put a stop to this plan in April 1865 at a performance of the English farce Our American Cousin in Ford’s Theatre. The (((City’s))) not only had a good laugh at the performance but their Yankee minions were soon sent south in the bluecoats’ wake to to loot, asset-strip and fill their carpetbags with no restraint whatsoever. The gold vaults of the (((City))) were more than replenished with the proceeds of the “reconstruction” – backed up by the bayonets and rifles of the occupying army.

    • “I’’ll take Jewish Bankers for $600.”
      You mean six million, don’t jew?

      “Well, the Jews are an irreligious, atheistic, immoral bunch of bastards.” – President Richard Nixon

  1. Whether the Yankees liked the compromises which were cooked into the Constitution or not, they agreed to them. Domestic institutions were protected at the state level including not only slavery, but the freedom to associate or not, the freedom to define marriage, to freedom to define abortion as a crime. Slavery was an incident of that time but the underlying principle keeps coming up again and again no matter what social issue is timely.

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