About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If there are to be food shortages then there will be rationing. And whites are going to go to the back of the line on that one too. And whites would rather pick through other peoples garbage to find food than act like the black, the Jews and the Irish. There are big differences.

  2. There seems to be a lag in where the shelves are empty and the smaller, higher priced grocery stores haven’t got cleaned out yet. I suspect it’s just because they don’t replenish their inventory as quickly.

  3. Looks like my local Walmart ..
    We haven’t had dairy products or things like frozen foods for a while now
    I never remember this from when I was a child
    There were never any shortages on anything
    It only gets worse from here…as the population moves away from leftism they will continue to force these types of sanctions on society to punish everyone ..
    The Jews are evil and they prey on the weak and innocent ..

    The 110th time should never happen … the world needs a more drastic response- imo.
    The survival of European peoples will depend on how they are dealt with this time.

  4. We need empty stores instead of full stores, not full shelves instead of empty shelves in stores.

    I stay out of Walmart. Don’t feed the beast! There is a real election where your vote really counts. Don’t even go inside one and add to the traffic count! I know someone who boasts about never having been inside a Walmart store, on principle.

    The best we can do under this system is grow and share food with our neighbors and community, and buy food from nonprofit farmers’ and farm workers’ cooperatives. Walmart and other big chain stores did not even exist in most areas until a few decades ago and fewer people went hungry than now.

    Re: “Joe Biden’s economy”:

    It is not Joe Biden’s economy. It is The Bankers’ and other superwealthy elites’ economy.

    • Walmart originally promoted the made in America products they sold. That went out the door quite some time ago, however.

      • I remember the “made in America” schtick. It was really price-pointing down manufacturing in the U.S. by lowering the quality of goods and cutting U.S. workers’ wages, to make the lowest price point. As soon as even better deals were possible in China, Walmart changed its slogan to lowest price.

    • Sir , i totally agree with you but as a young person starting my life, i often have to shop at places like walmart for my nonperishable items because of the price point.
      I don’t know anyone who grows for farms food.
      I wish i did.

      • @ Young sir, get your groceries where.and when you can, just make sure you get them, don’t go hungry on account of someone else’s principle, in case some of our people haven’t noticed, there is not that many places too shop…….

  5. Re: The empire’s homeland economy: The U.S.’s gross domestic product is NON-productive, made up almost entirely of NON-productive “service” activities. Manufacturing makes up only 10% and mining and agriculture less than 1% each, but finance, real estate, insurance, rents and professional “services” make up over one third of the U.S.’s gross domestic product! See the percentage breakdown here: https://www.statista.com/statistics/248004/percentage-added-to-the-us-gdp-by-industry/

    • I can honestly say that over 90% of the non-Whites I have ever taught, and over 50% of the Whites I have known, should NEVER have been permitted in even junior college. Even one of my smartest, noblest, most conscientious Black students, rarely got above a B in any objective measure of retention, though he was the last one to leave during a final exam, and he was a ‘good kid’ (Yes, they actually exist)… but I wouldn’t want to meet him in a dark alley, nevertheless.

      College is NOT a ‘right’- some people SHOULD be in factory assembly lines, and doing physical labor. What the 4th IR has not taken into consideration, is that the jewish Star Trek model of hominidity (Let’s not call all hominids, Human- only Adamics are truly Human) is that the George Takeis of the world, are useless Sodomites who should never see the light of day, some people need to be the ‘chai of the field,’ and when it comes to women, I’d pick Janice Rand over Lt. Uhura, any day.

      And, apart from her Irish jaw and auburn hair, Katherine Janeway is NOT captain material. “Women shall be saved in childbearing.” Give me Maureen O’Hara any day.
      Truer words were never spoken.

  6. “The survival of European peoples will depend on how they are dealt with this time.”

    If it were possible, I’d send them offworld. Preferably to a solar system in another dimension.

    “It only gets worse from here…as the population moves away from leftism they will continue to force these types of sanctions on society to punish everyone .”

    They’re not going to get their one World government. So they’re going to take it out on North America.

  7. Every administration blames the one before them in recent history. This way they can deflect it onto the other guy without trying to fix it.

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