CNN: Biden Leaves Democrats Hanging As Midterms Burst Into Full Swing

Very troubling report from John King.

Georgia has become a full blown Jim Eagle state. Voters don’t even care about 1/6 and the Big Lie. “Domestic extremism” is surging. The wheels are falling off the Democratic Party.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The Democrats and Republicans have caused a huge wedge that’s dividing the US like no time since the War for Southern Independence. We had a “divide” in the 1950s and 1960s as well. However even with those 2 huge divided….the country came back together. With everything going on now I don’t see that Unity happening anytime soon because of the left wing extremists and the right wing libertarian extremists are controlling the 2 big parities now. I think that’s a good reason why more people should Vote Third Party in future elections. Show the 2 party system we don’t tolerate the division anymore. When the US is divided it hurts the South as well. Deo Vindice !

    • The people who want to return to the “Democrats versus Republican elections”are like those rooting for their football team to win. They never learn.

  2. From a totally useless party to a useless party. Nothing ever changes for the better for the White race where the two parties are concerned. If a pro White party was formed I would start voting again.

  3. We didn’t get where we are overnight, it’s taken decades of crappy political leadership to reach this. The politicians helped a few rich parasites get richer by shipping the county’s industry overseas. They’ve let the war on drugs go on for fifty years, it’s achieved nothing positive, if anything the drug problem is worse than it was in 1971. It did create the world’s largest prison system however. The Washington powers that be started one useless pointless war after another, helping no one except the merchants of death at the military industrial complex. Every idiot in the world has been allowed to come here and claim citizenship, its been terrible for the working class and the poor, the politicians can’t worry about that, they’re too busy patting themselves on the ass saying how broadminded they are.

    • They’ve let the war on drugs go on for fifty years, it’s achieved nothing positive, if anything the drug problem is worse than it was in 1971. It did create the world’s largest prison system however.

      On the contrary, it depends on whose perspective you’re looking at. The “War on Drugs”, like all of the empire’s other wars, is actually a huge plus from the imperial viewpoint. The empire gets to decide which cartels rule over different regions and competing cartels can be run out of town with the imperial politzei (DEA, etc). All cartel monies must go to Banksteins for proper laundering. No ticky (cash) no washie. Conveniently, Banksteins also own Wall Street and thus own privatized prison cartel (profit), ditto for treatment centers (paid via Bankstein-owned insurance and taxes – more profit). Increased crime because of drugs means more police, government, politicians (more profit). It’s a win-win for all of the usual suspects. (Privatizing profits, socializing costs).

      The only losers in this war are the millions of addicts and their families and the victims of addicts who resort to street crime to fund their addiction. The losers are overwhelmingly goyim (cattle and sheep, according to holy Talmud), not really human – just animals put on earth by the Chosenite’s “god” for their pleasure and benefit. All the addicts ultimately suck Schelomo’s schlong, shaped just like his nose. One ugly-assed monkey on their back for sure.

    • A lot of Boomers are now using pot, as they get medical marijuana cards. Its just legalized pot use and it’s paid for.

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