Brian Stelter: Tucker Carlson Is The Darling Of Russian State TV

No one takes tut-tutting “journalists” seriously even in this country.

Note: “Journalists” can’t be expected to know anything about Russian history or to question propaganda from the “intelligence community.” They aren’t familiar with our history either. All that these people know is that it was racist and sexist.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. @ I would agree that ole ” Tuck”, is the darling of Russian state television, If ole” Stink finger stelter”, will agree that he is the democratic party poster child of pedostinkability, hey, stinkyboy you’ve compromised everything else in your dark souls, why stop now, keep on stinking , while you fantasize about brown, douglass and lincoln………

  2. CNN and ADL are pushing Tucker Carlson’s popularity through the roof. You couldn’t come up with a better ad campaign than this. It is like Hillary with her deplorables comment. You almost have to wonder if CNN, ADL and Tucker Carlson are all in on this together for profit.

  3. God Bless Vladimir Putin!!!!

    For Saint Vladimir saved the Slavic Children of Slavic Christian Russia…

    From the Satanic Homosexual Pederasts Bill and Hillary Clinton…

    Brian Stelter is a filthy fat fucking cockroach enabler of Homosexual Pederast Democratic Party

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