I haven’t “positioned myself on the right.” I’ve stayed consistent for decades while the political mainstream has decided to label all criticisms – even traditionally liberal ones like mine – as right wing. It’s a pathetic, desperate tactic and everyone sees through it. https://t.co/saeqYsvCJv
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) February 4, 2022
Democracy is in peril.
This is an insurgency like the IRA.
The proto-fascist White tribe is coming with their guns. They are coming to unplug the voting machines and shoot and kill people and take Congress. Malcolm Nance sees this.
Note: The Democratic Party is America’s only small-d democratic party. If you vote against Democrats, you are voting against democracy. You are voting for autocracy and “white supremacy.”

Future historians will have massive audio, visual, and print record of the mass insanity that caused the decline and fall of the judeo-American empire. By contrast, the short lived judeo-American empire will be seen as an abomination like something from the unironically from Old Testament.
Leftists are all working together to destroy America by changing it from a generally moral nation with high standards, set by hundreds of years of trial and error, into a chaotic, warlike, criminal, state, in which the Whites who created it, are no longer included, smeared as racists, and viewed as unamerican and subversive if they dare insist the US government abide by the principles laid down by the Founders and the US Constitution.
On the other hand, the delusional Left’s founders are Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, Che, Mao, Ho chi Minh, Pol Pot, Mugabe — sociopaths and mass murderers the lot of them. From such rotten soil, what sort of poisonous weed could we expect to grow?
“what sort of poisonous weed could we expect to grow?”
A kosher one.
It is tragic that this abomination had to take Western Europe with it. I could live with the destruction of America if Europe could somehow find rejuvenation.
Perfidious Albion obviously shares much of the blame as well.
On a lighter matter I found another catchy German song from the old days so naturally I thought of you. There are other versions in complete German but this one tickled me. Catch you later after school.
The garbage the OBSOLETE media spews should be classified toxic waste by the EPA.
To understand what they are talking about just substitute Jewish rule for democracy. Then everything is easy to understand.
“Democracy in danger” means shitlib power and control in danger of falling. Imagine their panic after investing untold billions in people and propaganda to get this far only to see it all go down the drain. They will not go gently into the dark night.