—@brianstelter's report on Zucker's ouster: "This is the ugliest shake up at CNN since the days Ted Turner was walking the halls. Zucker was in charge one minute and he was gone the next — so why?" pic.twitter.com/DkkluPvcoH
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) February 6, 2022
End of his CNN show, @BrianStelter: “People who say we’re lacking journalism…that we've run off and we’re all our opinions all the time….those people aren’t watching CNN. They’re watching complaints about CNN on other channels that don't know what they're talking about.” pic.twitter.com/KKRGXZtLSY
— Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) February 6, 2022
CNN's @BrianStelter & Jim @Acosta strongly suggest Spotify should remove Joe Rogan from their platform; also note his "profanity-laced apology"
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) February 6, 2022
"It seems untenable to have that kind of video surface, and that kind of compilation surface, and keep one’s job" pic.twitter.com/rSyAV8f1dN
Media: @brianstelter on @ReliableSources having talked to more than 100 people inside @CNN says the biggest question around #Zucker's ouster is 'Why?': "@ATT wants and needs that deal" merging @WarnerMedia and @Discovery "to go through. Doesn't want any mess, any complication." pic.twitter.com/CV8z6BnmhA
— Porter Anderson (@Porter_Anderson) February 6, 2022
Re: @reliablesources and @brianstelter and #ThisisCNN pic.twitter.com/aAZQcop2Py
— Joey Kulkin (@incrediblekulk) February 6, 2022
From shock to sadness to anger, @brianstelter and @oliverdarcy discuss reactions inside CNN to Jeff Zucker’s sudden resignation.
— CNN (@CNN) February 6, 2022
Listen here. https://t.co/uie3jyJas1
As a loyal watcher of Reliable Sources, we’re all wondering the same thing this morning. Is CNN real news? Is this the end of CNN as we know it? Is it all going to come crashing down now that Jeff Zucker – the heat shield – is gone and after the merger with Discovery is finalized?
Brian ended the show on an emotional note this morning. He choked up at the thought that is held in some quarters in America and by Discovery’s largest shareholder that CNN isn’t real “journalism.” The entire audience of loyal rightwing trolls who tune in every Sunday for the gossip and the lulz doesn’t want to see Brian’s head roll because he is by far our favorite “journalist” in the country.
If we tried, we couldn’t have created a better laughingstock to represent “journalism.” Will the eunuch lose his head now that the emperor has fallen?
Welcome to your Jewocracy Rabbi, a covert Jewish dictatorship masquerading as a ‘democracy’–where millions of gentile morons vote for the Zionist State controlled parties in rigged elections. This ‘form of government’ can be extrapolated to all so-called ‘democracies’ of the world. This is the only way Zionist-Communist degenerate freaks like Obama, Trudeau, Trump, Macron, Johnson, Merkel etc can become ‘heads of State’
Welcome to your Jewocracy Rabbi, a covert Jewish dictatorship masquerading as a ‘democracy’
Very apt.
……include the Clintons
…….each president since JFK has been in the kosher pocket, to some degree.
Brian Stelter’s show only exists to serve as a vehicle for him to be the hallway monitor and silence anyone who challenges him in ratings, or says things he doesn’t agree with. It’s amazing that despite all of this, alternative media is destroying the legacy media. CNN is only played in bars, doctors offices, airports, and places that are outlets of cosmopolitan global consumerism.
CNN because an official misinformation outlet on 9/11. How many times did they replay the hologram or whatever is was melting into the second tower? There are boomers that probably think they were there it was replayed so often.
I guess he’s really sucking up hard so he can keep his job when the new boss takes over. Weak men like Stelter have no pride or backbone.
Maybe Stelter and Rogan can find some unheated barns in northern Idaho to move into, right next to Owen Benjamin’s?