Student loan debt relief is dead.
Free community college is dead.
The $15 minimum wage is dead.
The child tax credit died last month.
Voting rights also died last month.
In California, Democrats balk at passing Medicare for All with a supermajority!
The list of things which are dead because Senate Democrats at the end of the day don’t want to do any of the shit that Joe Biden ran on continues to expand.
Note: Senate Democrats were happy to sign off a bigger military budget than ever passed Congress under Trump though!

Most of the second tier schools require the “vax”. I predict Amazon and Microsoft will start offering two year degrees. Eventually they will administer most “higher” education if this trajectory is not changed.
“Free community college is dead.?
Calif use to have the best CC system, colleges and universities, the fees were absolutely trivial and the education was world class.
Ppl use to be in awe of folks educated in Calif.
100% you can thank Reagan for ending that and flooding the state with illegals.
California houses a huge amount of the nations illegal immigrants. It’s the same reason why California has a lower minimum wage than Kansas.
Most illegal immigrants are not being paid under the table. They’re being paid through 1099’s & W2’s. Because of this California has many cities with $15 minimum wage but not as a state wide policy, which has an $8 minimum wage. Which is basically only paid to illegal farm workers.
California can’t pass Medicare for all for the same reasons
America has always been about shoveling in as much cheap labor as possible and then making the workers bid themselves down eg grapes of wrath.
*as a side note EMJ is way to reactionary for me but his point about Madison Grants immigration restriction law leading to the elites embrace of civil rights/women’s rights rings true. American business will do ANYTHING to get out of having to reliant upon American workers
Most of the so-called free community college would have been nothing but some sort of program so felons, tweakers and freakers of one sort or another would be able to warm a seat in a classroom and satisfy a condition of probation. (in addition to being a jobs programs for instructors and the PMC administrators of the entire rotten edifice) Besides, where are the good paying jobs at the end of the diploma line? Mumbai?
I can’t speak to the issue in other states, but Calif. offered a lot of valuable programs, both in occupational trades and a stepping-stone to higher degrees.
>both in occupational trades and a stepping-stone to higher degrees
For me it was the latter — I spent 2 years at a Calif CC (where I also played sports) — I enjoyed my time there — it was a good place to 1) continue organized sports after HS, and 2) get many routine courses commonly taken in the first two years (chemistry, English, calculus, etc) out of the way at a fraction of the cost while living at home — afterward I went away/transferred to finish at a 4 year school.
For many kids it’s a good choice for the first 2 years — especially if you haven’t really settled on a major yet, which was the case with me.
I see absolutely no need for federal involvement, to make it ‘free’ or for any other reason.
Just a place for Blacks and Mexicans/Hispanics/Latinos to park their fat asses for free, and, they add nothing to the community college environment. This is just as true of Ohio, or any other State as California. That’s the facts of life.
Yes! Free tuition, housing, and expenses money are just another form of welfare.
The list of things which are dead because Senate Democrats at the end of the day don’t want to do any of the shit that Joe Biden ran on continues to expand.
Note: Senate Democrats were happy to sign off a bigger military budget than ever passed Congress under Trump though!
This is a very important observation. It’s also (yet another) proof that the two nominally opposing parties are really just kabuki-squads of the single ruling party. The D-jerseys in the faux-legislature are owned by the same (((folks behind the curtain))) that the R-jerseys are. Like the gaslight media, they’re part of the ‘Great Oz’ and just as real as the giant threatening head framed with flames in the old movie. It’ all about what Pope Nosferatu and his tribesmen want. Rogan self-censored because he was ordered to by (((Wall Street))). Cuckservatards live to extol the virtues of the “free market” oblivious to the simple truth that there is nothing free about a rigged market.
The one item on the list which was something the overlords wanted was the “voting rights” (enhanced vote-fraud) bill. They don’t have much to worry about since the R-jerseys have deliberately dropped the ball on the redistricting fights and on judicial appointees, allowing all sorts of woke ideologues to be permanently installed as kritarchs to issue lawless decrees from the bench.
Addressing legitimate socio-economic issues is apparently something the Demonkkkraps no longer care about. They would rather pander to woke urban shitlibs, who are only concerned with bizarre, unimportant nonsense like “transgender rights” and policing social media for “hate speech”.
“a bigger military budget than ever passed Congress under Trump though”:
The MIC, aka Mass Murder Incorporated, is America’s biggest “industry,” sucking a trillion dollars a year out of the workers in the “homeland,” to pay for it. Too big to fail, it props up the Empire. If it ever failed, so would the Empire that could no longer bully the world. The Democrats are just as right wing, just as imperialistic as the GOP. The twin parties are the two right wings of the Beast.
The ideology or the “right vs Left” of the political parties (especially in D.C.) is, as an astute commenter above noted, pure kabuki, it’s theater, an illusion. They believe in nothing but the potential spoils their station will provide them. Their so-called bi-partisanship on issues like, using the “homeland” population as an ATM for a bloated useless military-incorporated that can’t even secure the southern border, really gives the game away.