As a Canadian, I stand for our freedom of speech, for our right to protest peacefully and respectfully. The only way to eradicate all forms of hate in our society is to not passively stand by when it happens. ?? pic.twitter.com/Q7Kvg3Gexj
— Greg Fergus (@GregFergus) February 2, 2022
My position on COVID seems strange to some people.
It makes perfect sense to me though. I don’t see the inconsistency.
There was a small window to stop the spread of COVID at the outset of the pandemic. China was able to accomplish this. We were not. This happens all the time with novel viruses most of which are stopped in their tracks like SARS 1.0 or Ebola before spreading worldwide. In other cases, containment fails and viruses become endemic like H1N1 or HIV which kills off a few thousand people every year. It was a very good thing that the CDC was able to stop SARS 1.0 and Ebola. We don’t remember that now.
A year and a half ago now, it became obvious to me that COVID was going to be a HIV situation. Infections were spiraling out of control. The virus had established itself here and had become endemic. At that point, I knew it was never going away even though Joe Biden was pretending during the 2020 campaign that he was going to stop it. COVID restrictions have been performative for well over a year now.
I’ve personally participated in the performance on occasion. I have worn a cloth mask in some situations where either that is required or it is respectful to do so like in Asian restaurants. It makes people feel safer even though we know now that masking only somewhat reduces transmission. The vaccine has been available for over a year now. COVID therapeutics are available now. The best we can do is live our lives and navigate around the situation. This is what I have been doing since June 2020.
I’ve never supported vaccine mandates. I don’t believe in bullying people into doing something that they don’t want to do. I don’t like micromanaging people especially in a situation where everyone knows that COVID is endemic. It will never go away and will continue to mutate into new variants. It will probably still be around a century from now like H1N1. We eventually accepted HIV was never going away too.
Let’s face it … all that is happening in Canada is bullying people and hassling people to no positive end and it should stop. We should treat people like adults and let them make their own personal health decisions. It is also pointlessly divisive to fire people from their jobs over a virus that we are pretending is going to go away through some kind of collective effort which has utterly failed.
David Frum writes:
“Within a week of the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, demonstrators were marching in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Canada, Australia, and many other countries. The European and Asian protesters mimicked the style and symbolism of the protests in the United States: taking a knee, pulling down statues. In the social-media age, all protests are potentially global.
So it is now, with this month’s protests in Canada, in which truckers opposed to that country’s vaccination requirements have besieged the national capital and blockaded international crossings crucial to Canada’s economy. The truck-blockade movement that started in Canada is being mimicked in New Zealand, France, and Belgium. U.S. law enforcement is bracing for somebody to try something similar south of the border on Super Bowl Sunday, of all holy days. Much of the money donated in support of the Canadian protests has been raised internationally, especially in the United States. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, and presidential son Donald Trump Jr. are only some of the Republicans who have voiced support for the protesters. The style and symbolism of this event, too, seem strangely nonlocal. One of the most photographed movements of the protests has been a man on horseback hoisting a trump 2024 flag in downtown Ottawa. Confederate flags and MAGA hats have been adopted into a global library of anti-establishment iconography
The effects of the protests are becoming global too. Trucks are obstructing the Ambassador Bridge between Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit. That’s the busiest of all the border crossings between the United States and Canada, crucial to moving auto parts. Obstructions have been reported at border crossings in Alberta and Manitoba as well. Another convoy is trying to impede the main road from Manitoba to Ontario. Yesterday, protesters attempted to block access to Ottawa’s airport. …”
This could explode into a rebellion against PMCs or the Zoom class in general.
Eric Levitz writes:
“We live in an age of falling social trust. Americans’ confidence in their government, established institutions, and each other are all in long-term secular decline. The same basic trend holds for nations throughout the West.
This increase in alienation has not been distributed evenly. Generally speaking, college-educated urbanites espouse a higher degree of trust in government and credentialed experts than non-college-educated people, especially ones who live far from major metro areas. For this reason, resistance to vaccination and other public health directives is more common among working-class people than it is among urban professionals. And although a majority of North Americans of all social classes are vaccinated, vaccine mandates have inspired significant mobilizations among the minority of working people who interpret such requirements as a form of tyranny.
This is a convenient phenomenon for right-wingers who wish to portray conservatism as a populist creed. If one wants to frame contemporary politics as a conflict between noble blue-collar workers and decadent liberal professionals — without endorsing new social welfare programs, the expansion of collective bargaining rights, or any other measure that would progressively redistribute material resources — then working-class agitation against vaccine mandates is ideal fodder for agitprop. Thus, in recent days, Fox News has cast a Canadian labor dispute as the biggest story in the United States.
Mask and vaccine mandates enjoy strong majority support in Canada. But the nation’s right wing has long resented public health regulations for a mix of libertarian and/or paranoid reasons. In mid-January, that movement found a potent rallying point when Canada’s cross-border truckers lost their exemption from vaccine mandates. An outraged minority of these truckers joined with other anti-mandate activists in a “Freedom Convoy” that traversed all of Canada’s provinces before converging on the nation’s capital of Ottawa. There, thousands have camped out, threatening to continue disrupting traffic throughout the city — while their allies partially blockaded the Ambassador Bridge between Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan — until the government suspends all COVID mandates. …”
It would be pointless to engage in this here.
I do support this agitation though in Blue States, Canada and foreign countries like Australia. We’ve never seen anything like the COVID totalitarianism here that took root in Australia.
Aside from corporate service workers still under the yoke of masks, life returned to normal here in Alabama about a year and half ago. I haven’t seen anything like vaccine passports around here. Alabama banned vaccine passports which is one reason why I trust our state government.
Note: Maybe there could be a rebellion by the service workers who are still wearing masks? This is the last vestige of COVID insanity that I see.
Trudeau painted himself into a corner. He doesn’t want to give in to the truckers because he already said that they’re extremists and terrorists, but he also can’t use a heavy hand because it would cause a big backlash. He should have just met with leaders and ended it early, but he’s an idiot so he didn’t.
The Jews want and need someone to blame for the coming shortages and higher prices. Truckers are going to be the patsies.
Indeed. We should criticize the western governments for failing to try to do anything to stop COVID- which would have been easy and simple for any National Socialist state, as it has been for China- but far worse is the situation that everyone living under a neoliberal regime like Canada or Australia or parts of America are now in, where the state is doing absolutely nothing that would be effective, but imposing totally worthless, intrusive and ineffective mandates just for the joy of hurting people who are not compliant, and funneling money to the satanic genocidal zionist who runs Pfizer.
If it works in Canada and it seems it is, it will spread. It’s getting bigger all the time.
Yes, you got taken in by Fauci’s Covid hoax Hunter. I got taken in by Fauci’s AIDS hoax in the 80’s, as did a lot of people. Thing is, I never understood the depth and audacity of these hoaxes until I read Kennedy’s book “The Real Antony Fauci”.
Fauci has been running these hoaxes since the 80’s. AIDS was his first succcessful hoax and he uses the same techniques on every single hoax. On pages 172 to 173 Kennedy lists 30 techniqes Fauci uses on every hoax.
By the way, Kennedy does go into detail on how Operation Warpspeed and the whole Covid-19 hoax were MILITARY operations. DOD and CIA were in the middle of it, beginning to end.
But you still have not read the book, so you just don’t know what happened and what is happening now. The ebook is 5 dollars. The hardback is about 20.
By the way, the Chinese had no lockdowns or mask mandates in 2020 outside of 3 provinces. And these measures accomplished exactly nothing, as Chinese doctors freely admit. They were able to tame Covid because Covid is very easily cured, so they brought all the sick Chinks to the hospitals and cured them.
The American/Fauci response was opposite. Every cure that was discovered was immediately banned. Sick people who went to the hospital were told just to go home. They were untreated. When they got critical, they were taken in and given a murderous drug, remdisivir, and put on a ventilator, which destroyed their lungs and they died. By the hundreds of thousands. None of these deaths were necessary. Covid has always been easily cured.
For Fauci the mass deaths were a great victory. It accomplished two goals. First, it prolonged the pandemic until he could get Pfizers death shot approved, and second, it seemed to justify the vaccine. The goal all along was the vaccine and the hundreds of billions of dollars of profits.
The narrative seems unlikely upon first glance. Would Fauci essentially murder a million people just to get the vaccine in place? After examining his 40 year career of mass murder, the answer is yes. Nothing has changed for Fauci since the beginning, when he murdered a million AIDS patients with his AZT poison. (He was prolonging the AIDS hysteria, hoping to get a very profitable vaccine approved. But they never did get a vaccine for AIDS.)
I suggest you read the book, and review it here, in detail. I don’t believe your views on Covid can survive a reading of this book. It is an eye opener.
Kennedy is discussed at length in the interview I linked below.
Re “I never understood the depth and audacity of these hoaxes until I read Kennedy’s book “The Real Antony Fauci”.”
The real depth of understanding includes the recognition that a mafia network of manipulating PSYCHOPATHS are governing big businesses (eg official medicine), nations and the world (the evidence is irrefutable) and that, therefore, the Covid Scamdemic is a VERY DESTRUCTIVE WAR AGAINST NON-RULING PEOPLE EVERYWHERE — you and I (see “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room –The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus Madness: A Sociological Perspective & Historical Assessment Of The Covid “Phenomenon”” at https://www.rolf-hefti.com/covid-19-coronavirus.html).
And psychopaths are typically NOT how Hollywood propaganda movies have showcased them. And therefore one better RE-learns what a psychopath REALLY is (see cited source above).
But rulership by psychopaths is only ONE part of the equation that makes up the destructive human condition as the article explains…..
Over the months I have seen COVID vax opponents post stories about sportsmen having heart attacks on the field in Europe. They say long COVID is an adverse reaction to the vaccines. They say young men are dying for any reason in much greater numbers since the shots were given out. I also learned all vacines are made using the cells of a human fetus that was aborted in the 1970s. So I wonder if a Christian in good conscience, can take any vaccine made this way?
I didn’t think much of the heart stories until Australia announced yesterday, they have developed a bionic heart, and are looking for volunteers to test it.
Australia is like everywhere else, it depends on which party is in charge of the governments. If they are shitlibs, they want to take control your life. If they are conservatives, there is very little enforcement, and if there is, they do the bare minimum, because they are afraid of what the media will say about them. So if Canada/Australia want to end the madness, all they have to do is hold elections.
I did not get the vaccine not because I think the people in charge are evil (some of them are evil), it is because I think they are totally incompetent. The university system has been producing politically correct idiots for a very long time, so I am not keen on letting them inject anything into my body. I wouldn’t trust these people near my kids either.
Here’s the “vaccine” in a nutshell….it instructs your body to produce a protein which it is not naturally supposed to produce. Then your immune system is supposed to attack this foreign protein which your own body has just made. Who know what the long-term effects of this could be, especially as the number of injections increases. I am sure most people who submitted to these shots did not know how they work, they just figured they were like the vaccines of old.
This is an interview by Tucker Carlson that I think you need to watch HW.
I’d like to see some discussion of this.
This goes in depth into the problems emerging with the vaccines.
That interview with Robert Malone, could not be more poignant taken in the context of what we have been arguing about in the other article.
Please watch it beginning to end.
Take some time and think on it.
For every guy like him, there are a thousand who don’t have the balls to speak up, but agree with everything he is saying.
Watch it. It speaks to every single point of my comments in the article linked below, as well as Eah’s regarding the course of the Covid regime, the origins of the gayop, whats the anticipated fallout of the vaccines all of it.
It won’t even let me link YOUR articles. Surely thats not intended.
The dumb media shitlibs calling for fuel siphoning and tire slashing has amused me to no end. Leave aside how you’re moving all of those semis with flat tires and no fuel, I desperately want video of those tires being slashed because I’m a fan of gore going back to the Something Awful/Rotten.com days. 😀
I’ve tried to get a copy of Kennedy’s book at Barnes and Noble. At a store in St. Louis, Mo., the clerk said it wasn’t available. “What do you mean?” I asked. “It simply isn’t available.” “Is it out of print?” “I have no answer. It simply is unavailable.”
That’s creepy.
Here in St. Louis, we have this stupid county executive who still enforces a mask mandate, and the equally stupid county council recently voted to reinstate it despite the state attorney general declaring this was unconstitutional. As it is, we’re blue, and you see tons of masks, but also no one’s challenging you if you go into stores unmasked, or my gym. The one place they get tough is local libraries and colleges. At college, the campus cops really will arrest you if you don’t have a mask indoors.
I can’t wait to leave St. Louis/county. I’m tired of this place. You get thirty miles away, and it feels like a different country.
I used to go to a lot folk dancing, but the Covid rules killed it. Completely. There was an attempt at a dance last summer, but unvaccinated people were not allowed. I watched, seeing a woman I danced with for years. When I mention I wasn’t vaccinated, her face froze, she put out her hands for me to keep away, and hurried off. I really can’t have any contact with people like that anymore.
A summer dance camp is now open for the first time in two years but: “all attendees will be masked, and must show proof of vaccination, including two recent boosters.”
However, I went to a dance 120 miles southwest of St. Louis attended by eighty kids, and everyone had a good time. St. Louisans won’t go to the area because it’s a “Covid hot spot.” People there just laugh when I tell them that. There is simply a great divide between the city and country, as is more and more being put between the laptop people and those who work. I don’t see it as healing.
I agree with Tim’s posting. Fauci creeped me out from the start. My Spidey sense started tingling, because he reminds me of a Marvel comics villain. He could rasp “Spiderman, you have defied me for the last time. This vaccine will end your resistance.” All he needs is a cape. I could see Fauci in a cape.
A lot of sites, like Anglin, believe the pro-vac forces will come back with a vengeance, and this is only a break. We’ll see. I believe people are just tired of it, but far too many just go along because “it’s better than getting Covid,” or they’re good doggies who get their vaccine or no job, waiting for November, When, supposedly, the GOP will sweep in and make the bad people stop. Like they always do, right?
I think there should be a general strike over a number of issues, primarily over covid mandates and immigration.
Our overlords have forced the Covid madness into their own Achilles heel. They see the possibility of their long-held power and control collapsing into oblivion.
Hunter Wallace was a fake pandemic devotee, he hopes you wont notice his glaring inconsistencies by weakly qualifying his ridiculous position…
whenever he has to…
and then moving briskly on to evidential proof he was hoaxed in his articles….
his cognitive dissonance must be seismic..
Let me clarify.
I DO THINK it is important to stop novel viruses before they spiral out of control and never go away. I still think that today. We don’t want hundreds of thousands of our own people getting sick and dying, right?
Well that would be perfectly rational, if indeed their had been a pandemic of note like black death… but unfortunately for you, the evidence all points to ‘establishment’ malfeasance and data and narrative gerrymandering from a rogue media-plex (the one you so love to ‘safely’ lampoon) and the institutions that supposedly exist to regulate the criminal corporations (hint: they don’t, they just pocket the funny cheques)..
The only question is why?…(rhetorical because that should be obvious)..