Here is what I believe:
- Russia hasn’t invaded Ukraine. The invasion was allegedly supposed to happen yesterday, but it didn’t happen
- Gas prices are soaring because of this standoff
- Joe Biden’s poll numbers are cratering even further because of this standoff
- The “intelligence community” and mainstream media can’t be trusted
- I have no clue why he is doing this because gas prices are going up. Wouldn’t it make more sense to just say Ukraine can’t join NATO?
So, the reality of the situation is that I am paying for Joe Biden’s foreign policy both with Saudi Arabia over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi and now with Russia over Ukraine’s aspiration to join NATO every time I fill up at MAPCO. As long as this continues, it doesn’t matter whether or not Russia invades Ukraine because the result is that everyone ends up suffering from paying higher gas prices.
Note: AOC has a Tesla.
By everyone, I don’t mean the tiny fraction of the population which is insulated from this who own electric vehicles.

Old Shitstain needs an app tied into Russian embassy so they can give him the invasion date.
AOC has a Tesla.
Muskmobiles are famous for their spontaneous combustion. It can happen to witches too. That would be really sad….
Note: AOC has a Tesla.
By everyone, I don’t mean the tiny fraction of the population which is insulated from this who own electric vehicles.
The price for electricity goes up, too. Getting an electric vehicle just shifts the bill from the gas pump, to the electric meter. But you still have an energy bill.
And then we have this REAL News article:
“of the population which is insulated from this who own electric vehicles”
Uh, lithium prices have increased 400+% in the last year.
EVs are going to be a luxury item.
Currently abt 23,000$ to replace an EVs battery.
Meanwhile, in this green energy utopia the price of coal skyrockets.
“The “intelligence community” and mainstream media can’t be trusted”
Oh boy, I want that as a tattoo, on my forehead.
“Note: AOC has a Tesla”
Yes, for show.
Betcha there’s a full sized SUV lurking in one of her garages.
Why would North Korea sign any nuclear deals with the West after seeing them walk away from Ukraine after they gave up their nukes in return for territorial integrity (Budapest Memorandum). When North Korea detonates an EMP over America, you won’t need to buy gas…
Horse teeth put out a tweet the other day saying if we lose power for a long period of time the gas pumps won’t work. That’s why you should have an electric car. The brain surgeon couldn’t figure out if the powers out, you can’t charge your electric car.
Ukraine is now virtually Jew free. The President and the Chairman of the Council of Churches (a Rabbi) are two of the last Jews in Ukraine. The Vipers have slithered away. Seems their loyalty is a bit shallow, or fake. Never occurred to them to go to the front lines and fight.
No, these snakes only start the wars. They dont fight in them.
Nothing will happen, and the Washington clowns who are actually trying to instigate something, will claim they scared the Russians off. Don’t let these liars get away with it.
…and when the Russians don’t invade, Biden will claim that the several thousand troops he put in Poland have scared off the hundred thousand or so Putin put on the Ukraine border.