You don’t have to just support and applaud the American Empire.
You have to agree with them that it is absolutely vital that it must be extended at all costs into the most far flung corners of Eurasia like Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Georgia and Afghanistan. You must absorb all the consequences of doing this. You also have to be willing to overlook how key members of the Empire like Australia and Canada trample all over the freedom that is allegedly at stake in Ukraine.
Note: Basically this.
S.E. Cupp and Eliot Cohen are ready to fight this war to the last redneck willing to be deployed.

Damn, men age like wine and women age like milk.
Remember when she was fine, like in 2010? I’m looking better than ever!
Oh, hell. Be honest: without lots of restorative work, most Jewish women look like Yosemite Sam by the time they hit 50.
Rod Dreher has joined the resistance to the Empire of Evil. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/dreher/unpatriotic-conservatives-2022/ Rejoice!! With the crunchy cons on our side, victory will be ours.
NOTE: as IronicSockAccount has stated, your software for allowing links to be posted here is defective. As an alternative, Google “Unpatriotic Conservatives” to pull up the article.
Also, an article that explains the culture war in a cogent manner is “Victory is Not Possible,” found in the Julius Krein American Affairs Journal online. Once more, just Google the title of the article to retrieve it. You should do a post on the article itself; I think it shows the source of attitudes of liberals and traditionalists as due to the cumulative economy: when survival is assured, acting on emotional impulses becomes the cultural norm, reinforced by the technology of instant communication with humanity.
The AAJ article is found at https://www.americanaffairsjournal.org/2022/02//victory-is-not-possible-a theory-of-the-culture-war/ If the link works, there you go.
You just doubled CNN’s audience by playing this clip of that shrew bitching about the people she hates not signing up for Globo Homo’s war agenda. These bastards can’t wait to try and conscript the people they hate into their wars while they sit back, make money and enjoy the show.
The “right” as she calls the sane people are the only ones capable of making the military function properly and it’s unlikely they will show up for this war or the one over Taiwan either. That’s what happens when you go to the well too often with lies, wars for “Our Greatest Ally”, and vilifying the native stock for being White.
She and her communist friends on the Left are so obtuse they can’t even see this never mind understand the opposition to them. They just blow a gasket on TV in reaction to opposition they can’t control or censor.
Their hubris tells them that they’re invincible. Still, they’re starting to get a bit worried.
Patriots don’t give a damn about the opinions of kikes.
Cupp has really put some pounds on hasn’t she.
Holy Sheep Shit! That one hit the wall at Warp 9 since her days on Glenn Beck.
Sucking Shlomoshlong must cause pre-mature aging. Selling your soul can’t be helpful either.
SE Cupp is a Log Cabin Republican. The rights opinion makers have been subverted by the Jews, the Irish, and the queers. Every Irishmen and his Aunt Peggy are saying we must attack Russia. Ric Grenell and SE Cupp are on board too, further validating my observations.
Treason to Globo-Pedo is loyalty to the good, the beautiful and the true.
Slavic family fight, none of our business………
The problem with “Come on, we’re going to war with Russia! / I’m not going. I hope they kill you.” is that the one on the left is not going to join the military. Better would be “Russia is crushing democracy. Go join the military to fight. / I’m not going. You join the military.”
Of course, the meme is wishful thinking. Boobus Americanus worships the military and will gladly join, especially if our rulers can come up with a false flag or, at least, some great war crime stories. Perhaps we could recycle something from WWI, like the G?e?r?m?a?n?s? Russians are tossing B?e?l?g?i?a?n? Ukrainian babies in the air and catching them on their bayonets.
C Cupp needs to be sent to Afghanistan, where they will force her to wear one of those Mohammedan trash bag costumes and keep her big yap shut.
The reality is Russia, Putin, and every other country on Earth are over the US being the big time Dictator of the World. It’s obvious the US is the most divided probably since the “Civil War” so it’s common sense Russia would push against the Ukraine knowing it’s government is probably fake anyway. Any government the US is involved in (including our state and local governments) are fake in my opinion. Now everybody knows it including Russia and it wants the Ukraine in an alliance with them. Deo Vindice !
ZOG absolutely hates white Southern redneck males but now expects them to fall in line and fight in yet another jew war. Someday soon we shall shut their lying mouths – for good.
Who is this loudmouthed, obnoxious bitch?
She can grab a fucking rifle and volunteer to join the Ukrainian army herself.
Putin will die laughing when he sees the new and improved US military coming to save Ukrainian “democracy”. Women, faggots, tyrannies, blacks and a few Whites thrown in for good measure will make him reverse course.
Sippy used to bill herself as the hotgirl lolbert, back in the 00s, hanging out at Nascar and shooting the guns, like cool rednecks do.
Ive always loathed her, but the Syrian hysteria with the fake ambulance kid pic, was the straw that broke this camel’s back
That mouthy shitlib whore needs to STFU, grab an M-16 ‘n’ go make Putin wear his ass for a furry hat.
You shit all over people for many years. Then you can’t understand why they won’t rally behind you for an insane war only you want.