The New York Times is enjoying this.
“ROME — For years, a global choir of right-wing politicians have sung the praises of Vladimir V. Putin. They looked up to the Russian strongman as a defender of closed borders, Christian conservatism and bare-chested machismo in an era of liberal identity politics and Western globalization. Fawning over him was core part of the populist playbook.
But Mr. Putin’s savaging of Ukraine, which many of his right-wing supporters had said he would never do, has recast the Russian president more clearly as a global menace and boogeyman with ambitions of empire who is threatening nuclear war and European instability. …”
Among other things …
- I am pro-White
- I am pro-Christian
- I am a nationalist
- I am a populist
- I am antiwar
- I support states rights
- I am anti-imperialist
- I also reject modern liberalism
Shitlibs are anti-Russian.
They see anyone who disagrees with them as a Russian stooge. I’m not anti-Russian or anti-Ukrainian. Last time I checked, the Ukrainians were also Europeans and Christians, so when I look at this as someone who is already reflexively antiwar what I see is a great tragedy that ought to have been avoided.
The people who I blame the most for this is the foreign policy establishment who have 1.) pushed Russia’s back against the wall by expanding NATO to its borders in spite of years of protests and 2.) duped the Ukrainians into believing they were going to join NATO and that we would fight for them when the most likely result is that Ukraine becomes the new Syria and new battleground for yet another proxy war.
We already know how this goes from all the other devastated failed states (Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen) that these people have created under the banner of “democracy” over the past thirty years. These ghouls will be happy as long as the weapons flow and the money flows out of Congress and the blood flows in Russia and Ukraine.
The best course of action would be for Poland and Russia to partition the Ukraine, since it’s not a real country anyway.
The anti-gentile NY Times either doesn’t understand how the Dissident Right actually regards Vladimir Vladimirovitch or they are engaging in their usual practice of lies and distortion. Putin is now more popular than ever with that group. If anyone is viewed as a global menace it’s the US and Israel. And not just by “wignats” either.
The anti-gentile NY Times either doesn’t understand how the Dissident Right actually regards Vladimir Vladimirovitch or they are engaging in their usual practice of lies and distortion. Putin is now more popular than ever with that group. If anyone is viewed as a global menace it’s the US and Israel. And not just by “wignats” either.
Certainly true. It is nevertheless important to keep in mind that although Putin’s invasion is fully justified (see below), he is not really a Russian nationalist. Russia still has Jew-inspired “hate” laws on the books – though they are applied against Muslims and against Russian nationalists who oppose the government there. Never forget that the enemy or our enemies is not necessarily our friend. That said, it’s worth noting the take of Anatoly Karlin (a Russian native) about things in Russia under Putin. From a nationalist perspective, Putin, despite shortcomings, is considerably better than anything offered by the so-called “conservatives” in the west, including the shameless grifter Donald Trump. A reminder that demand for perfection can be the enemy of the good.
Imagine being a Ukrainian soldier and thinking you are going to die for your country but all you end up dying for is a jewish comedian and the continuation of the Kyiv pride parade.
I suspect many Ukrainian regular army have surrendered without a fight for this very reason. The only ones fighting the Russians in a serious way are mercs (often US and other NATO military out of uniform serving as ‘private contractors’) and the Jewish-funded Ukro-Nazis (followers of Bandera), who seem to have no problem with Jews bringing in plenty of negroes into the place. In Georgia, Globo-Pedo was using African mercs, who the Russians executed on the spot and burned. Mercs deserve no quarter at all. They’ve fully earned their Darwin awards.
Putin’s speech was about denouncing Nazism and nationalism in Ukraine.
It was but we have to ask what the hell do the terms Nazism and nationalism actually mean over there? These seem to have all the meaning of the Scottish National Party (wants out of UK but in the EUSSR) or the Skokie Nazis (Jews parading in Nazi uniforms). The so-called Nationalists support a regime that wants to join both NATO and the EUSSR (aka Globo-Pedo), while the so-called Nazis are getting their funding from Jew oligarchs (Azov battalion, for example) and both are taking money from Soros and other Globo-Pedo NGOs. Very strange positions and behavior for supposed nationalists. As I understand it there are similar “nationalists” in Russia. Indeed there are many here in the dissident right who are quietly funded by the very same sources. Not unlike the story of how any Klan gathering of 5 will consist of 3 Feds and 2 drunks.
Putin has certainly made a turn for the better in recent years. Probably because he realized the futility of trying to placate the west. It is worth considering that many of the “nationalist” groups in Russia that are allegedly oppressed by the state are actually supported by the US foreign policy apparatus to agitate and foment regime change and separatism in Russia, much like the “nationalist” globohomo shills of Azov battalion, misanthropic division, etc. in Ukraine.
“Nationalism” isn’t some catch-all good thing. Just because someone claims to be a “nationalist” doesn’t mean they are with us in opposition to globohomo. It’s situational, and nationalism is very often used by the American empire to weaken its enemies. A good example of this from recent years is Kurdish nationalism, which was used to attack Syria. “Hong Kong nationalism” and “Taiwan nationalism” are two other examples.
You’ll always be a useful stooge, Wallace. Your takes have always been wrong just like they were with Trump in 2016.
You need to be Moshiached kyke. You need it bad. You need it like there is no tomorrow.
Will you watch the FAGPAC III shitshow and give us your analysis of it, HW?
At least it wasn’t QueerPAC or FUDGEPAC (© Stew Peters)
More evidence that the Democratic Party=Black Lives Matter Party is waging a racist war against Slavic Christian Russia…
I believe that Trump Voters will be designated as a pro-Russian Fifth Column that needs to be exterminated by the Woke US Military….Remember, the Democratic Party is effectively majority Nonwhite+Jews….
If you allow the The Democratic Party to define the terms of the debate over Slavic Russia…you will morph into crypto-anti-Slavic War Hawk as the lisping Homosexual Richard Spencer has been for the past month……What a faggot this trust-fund WASP is….
The racial extermination of the Native White Working Class within the borders of America by the majority nonwhite Democratic Party is the Democratic Party’s endgame for the Native White Working Class…Russophobe Peter Brimelow never saw this coming….But it was a direct road from Ronnie Reagan worship back in the 1980s…
“More evidence that the Democratic Party (…) is waging a racist war against Slavic Christian Russia”:
Jewish Dems stand with Ukraine: https://jewishdems.org/jewish-dems-stand-with-ukraine-and-biden/
Note that puppet president Zelensky has asked Putin to meet with him for negotiations in Jerusalem instead of Minsk, because “Israel is a neutral party.”
Liberal Democrats are already staging street demonstrations against Putin and Russia all around the U.S. They say they are “deeply concerned about the ongoing humanitarian crisis.” Note that they were never concerned about humanitarian crises in Yemen and Palestine. They also do not care that up to sixteen U.S.-Israeli “biological research” (bioweapons) labs exist in Khazar-kraine.
There are, or were, up to sixteen U.S. Department of “Defense” (Aggression) biolaboratories, including five in or near Kyiv, three at Lvov, two at Odessa, one each at Vinnitsa, Ternopil, Uzhgorod, Kherson, Kharkiv, one near Sebastopol and one near Lugansk. A whole lotta “research” has been goin’ on!
“The US Embassy in Ukraine just deleted from its website all documents about eleven Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine.” See: http://dilyana.bg/the-pentagon-bio-weapons/
Speaking of biologicals reminds me of the chemicals (weapons precursors) that the U.S, recently shipped into Khazar-kraine. Will some of these chemicals or biologicals be released soon as a false flag to turn world opinion against Russia? Yes, I predict that a major false flag will be staged in the next few hours or days. Don’t be surprised when Fox News “informs” you.
Imagine being a Ukrainian soldier and thinking you are going to die for your country but all you end up dying for is a jewish comedian and the continuation of the Kyiv pride parade
The sadest thing is that the common Ukrainian soldier have basically the same stance on politics as us and the Russian he is staring down in his iron sights
Re: “Jewish-funded Ukro-Nazis (followers of Bandera), who seem to have no problem with Jews bringing in plenty of negroes into the place. In Georgia, Globo-Pedo was using African mercs”:
I was not aware of the African mercenaries used against Russians, but I need to review that history. Wahabbism-radicalised Chechens were the U.S.’s most deadly proxy force used against Russia, so far. Russia is in Syria specifically to try to prevent a recurrence of U.S.- and Israeli-trained and supported “radical Islamic” insurgents coming into Russia.
South Ossetia, 2008. Israel and Wokeunduh supplied advisors and paid for former West-Afro “child soldiers” to serve as mercs for evil stirred up there. Russian forces executed the mercs on the spot, burned their carcasses but not before gang rapes of Ossetians. The ISIS Admiral and Incitatus Juan McStain (may he rot in hell) was furious we didn’t nuke Russia over their incursion. Neo-Klowns and CIA also involved with Beslan attack in 2004. Harbored leaders of group who carried out attack in Murika itself. Jews shouted me down for pointing out this factoid over at “Free Republic” – a boomertard ‘conservative’ site. As someone noted, ‘conservatives’ haven’t even been able to conserve the ladies’ room from Talmudic onslaught.
The homeland of the global Hegemon (the U.S.) is a thorough mixture of every race and ethnicity on the planet, and less than half of the population is of European descent. Last time I checked, Russia was still 80% ethnic Russian, plus some related minor Caucasian ethnicities, and less than 20% of Central Asian and Siberian peoples. The main flow of immigrants to Russia is actually more Russians fleeing from persecution in Khazar-kraine, thus increasing the Russian percentage.
Last time I checked, China was 90% ethnic Han, and the remaining 10% of other Asian ethnicities are in the single digits each, and there was essentially no immigration into China. Ethno-nationalism and social cohesion come naturally to China.
“Ukraine” is an entirely different case. It is an artificial nationality made up of Galicians (formerly Polish-ruled) in the west, who actually speak the Polish-influenced Ukrainian dialect and are anti-Russian and anti-Orthodox, plus Tatars in the south, a few Hungarians and Rusyns (Carpathian Russians) in the far west, but the vast majority are Russians, who speak Russian not Ukrainian and read and write Cyrillic.
If memory serves, Russia is quite explicitly opposed to ethnonationalism, especially Putin’s government. Russia is a multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural empire with an autocratic government. It is not a White ethnostate or an ethnostate like Poland. Doesn’t Putin arrest Russian nationalists who advocate for an ethnostate?
If Russia was going the ethnostate route, it would shrink dramatically as lots of Russia is not ethically Russian or Orthodox. Putin spent his whole speech condemning nationalism to justify his invasion of Ukraine.
Mr. Wallace,
How do you think your website would fare in Russia? Or your racial views on Jews and others? You would be in jail. Among my kind your views on Jews bother no one I personally know. Neither do your views on the dark ones. How about Moslems?
I like you but I find your commentators disgusting. I am wrapping up some threads and then–who knows? If your followers were intelligent they would cultivate me for I am the best you can hope for in the Southwest that will soon be. I am white or can pass for white and I could have been an ally or I can endlessly agitate against the anglo.,
My family and friends think I am crazy to be here and be friendly despite massive provocations. Are they correct?
Please answer and let no jerk write for you.
As you know, I tend to let everyone have their say in the comments, which is why it is this way. I’m not inclined toward cultivating an echo chamber. I am very opinionated, but extremely tolerant of disagreement.
I think this whole situation with Russia is a tragedy. I’m not under any illusions that Russia is some kind of White Nationalist ethnostate. It is and always has been an autocratic, multicultural empire. Putin’s speech was about denouncing Nazism and nationalism in Ukraine.
If the roles were reversed and Russia had fomented a coup in Mexico, installed a puppet government and was flooding weapons into Mexico and enticing Mexico to join a Russia-aligned security pact, the United States would have invaded Mexico years ago to stop such an outcome. This is exactly what happened with Cuba in the 1960s.
Yes, it is terrible what is happening in the Ukraine, but we wouldn’t tolerate something like that here. I can see all sides of the issue. Mostly, I think it is insanely provocative to try to bring Ukraine into Russia and to to effectively integrate Ukraine into the NATO military bloc.
My heart breaks for all the people in the Ukraine who are caught in the crossfire. It isn’t their fault that Jewish oligarchs control their government. It is no more their fault than the State Department is our fault. We have no control over it.
The same people who are doing this to Ukraine have ran this play in Syria, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan. Millions of people have died as a result. They have never suffered any consequences. We should focus on removing them from power.
If we had a truly American government like we did in the 20s this would be a good excuse to get rid of that Communist government in Cuba that has been a thorn in our side for 60 years. People who were pissed at Kennedy for blowing Bay of Pigs were right, he did blow it and never should have tolerated that government. We should also take back OUR CANAL in Panama that Jimmy Carter gave away. We built it, it’s ours.
Mr. Wallace,
The USA has already invaded Mexico on several occasions. After the Villa raid in 1916 and of course during the Mexican-American War. Writing about the USA invading someone is a safe topic since the United States will invade/bomb or meddle at the drop of a hat.
Your very last sentence is a key. But how to do that?
It is obvious the world would be a lot safer if the United States confined itself to solving her own problems and leaving the world alone.
Mexico, Canada and Cuba are like Ukraine to the United States. None of these countries are entirely free in foreign policy. This situation with Ukraine would be like Mexico or Cuba entering into a formal alliance with Russia and China. It would swiftly produce pretty much the same response.
It is tragic what is happening with Ukraine, but no great power would tolerate this. China isn’t concealing its desire to retake Taiwan. The government of Ukraine was foolish and embarked on a reckless course. Isn’t there a proverb in Mexico about living so close to the USA?
The ‘proverb’ you’re thinking of HW, is a remark by the late-19th century Mexican president Porfirio Diaz, lamenting about “Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States”. It’s really an incredibly astute remark in light of Mexico’s own turbulent history.
Yes, that’s it!
@Hunter Wallace
I’m not under any illusions that Russia is some kind of White Nationalist ethnostate. It is and always has been an autocratic, multicultural empire.
Russia is Russia. Sometimes a friend, sometimes an enemy. Sometimes just there. I lost all animosity towards Russia, when the Berlin Wall came down .
On the topic of Syria, the united states military was never invited into that country, but there they are in northwest Syria with bases, and siphoning out Syrian oil to sell to Israel at below wholesale price..
Where were the emergency UN security council hearings on the illegal US invasion of Syria. Why wasn’t economic sanctions put on US economic institutions?
The American public are such ignorant and gaslit dimwits that are easily manipulated and lack any framework of this country’s own international and domestic crimes.
My own cousin just returned from there
To Cristina:You aren’t my ally just because your people flood into America,quite the opposite.I want my race and culture not some mongrels who are NOT us.So you really tell all your family and friends you comment on some minor website?haha I can’t think of anyone who does that.Do people really have so much free time that they care about the comments sections online and that they actually poll friends and relatives on how they feel about it.You want attention way out of proportion to what anyone deserves for reading and commenting on someone else’s opinion pieces.Maybe you could write your own column about how California went from number one in education when White to number fifty when Hispanic.I bet you couldn’t pass for White,your idea of White is black eyes black hair and waxy skin.
Well I asked Mr. Wallace not to let any of his jerks answer for him and then lo and behold you pipe up. A perfect example of a jerk. I am not an illegal alien and my family had land in the southwest since the early 19th century.
Also if all this is not important why are you commenting on my comments?
You seem like you might be from California since you do not know how to write. Learn to space out your paragraph and use spaces between sentences.
The United States does not have the will to live or it would protect it’s borders. I am against illegal immigration to any country no matter who the invaders are.
Mexico is destroying the US by sending millions here, to live off our taxed wages. They think nothing of taking free housing, food, utilities, medical care, and more. You and I wouldn’t go to another nation and have babies if we couldn’t afford them. Not them…they come here and breed like jackrabbits. They are bussed and flown into every single state to live off of us. They aren’t here to work. Everything is grown in Mexico now.
I do think some on here are not what they claim to be, too. You can suspect that there some patrolling this and other sites, trying to dish up a persona in quaint narratives.
That’s the thing, Putin is not an anti-semite or WN, they only oppose him because he is the last white gentile nation NOT run out of NYC. Even an independent non anti-semetic government is no longer tolerated by these people the way ANY white people organizing like Trump rallies and anti covidian restriction truckers in Canada now get treated like Charlottesville. All the other European nations are controlled by NYC, if they don’t like you they steal your money like they just did to Afghanistan. Heck half of Europe don’t even have their own Fort Knox, our Oligarchs keep their gold “safe” for them in NYC. Whatever you think about Hugo Chavez he was right about criticizing how the NYC oligarchy steals your money if you refuse to be their puppet.
“Russia is quite explicitly opposed to ethnonationalism, especially Putin’s government. Russia is a multiracial, multiethnic, multicultural empire with an autocratic government. It is not a White ethnostate or an ethnostate like Poland”:
Yes, I know and I have said it over and over: Russia is a capitalist state, and capitalism in Russia will be global, and eventually become imperial, or else it will be a vassal or puppet to a bigger, stronger global capitalist empire (the U.S.) which the U.S. is trying to make it.
If Russia and/or China ever emerge as real empires like the U.S., such a “multi-polar world” of competing capitalist empires will not be the same as the better (or best) possible world of non-competing, cooperating (a brotherly union of) ethno-socialist peoples’ republics.
Poland is not one bit ethno-socialist! It is very capitalist and therefore would-be imperialist and it only happens to be very ethnically homogeneous now, a little less diverse than Russia, and MUCH less ethnically and racially diverse than the U.S. There cannot be ethno-nationalism without true socialism, or as the French revolutionaries so well put it: “No republic without the peasants!”
There is more than one kind of socialist (as you probably know). Trotsky was the “international” socialist – a Jew-supremacist at the end of the day, who took 5 million gold marks from “arch-capitalist moneybags” Warburg and Schiff to overthrow the “capitalist” regime of Kerensky. Koba the Dread (the Georgian gangsta) was an internationalist when it suited him, then announced “socialism in one country” – almost sounds like “national socialism”. National socialism was not invented by the Austrian painter but by Sun Yat-Sen (at least he was the first to popularize the idea) who is highly honored to this day in both capitalist Taiwan (whose socialist healthcare system is among the best on earth) and the mainland, whose healthcare system is considerably less socialist than Taiwan’s (!). Ideals of both capitalism and socialism are subject to various interpretations.
“Trotsky was the international socialist – a Jew-supremacist at the end of the day”:
If Trotsky’s directions had been followed, to send troops into Hungary, Finland and Germany to support revolutions in the early 1920s, Soviet Russia would not have lasted ten years. The Trotsky faction was misleading and sabotaging Russia.
If Trotsky had taken over the reigns after crypto-Jew Ulyanov’s demise, Russians wouldn’t even exist as a people any more today. There is a reason many Russians admire Stalin (a murderous Georgian thug) to this day. He killed off Trotsky and his largely Jewish followers. A good example of a greater enemy (Trotsky) versus a lesser enemy (Stalin). Stalin had no such noble purpose as saving Russia in destroying Trotsky & Co. He was just a gangsta whose chief concern was elevating himself – and consolidating his power for life – not unlike many a Roman emperor (or Tsar/Czar if you prefer).
Yes, ethnonationalism would not be in anyone’s interest in Russia. Nor would it even be in the interests of most people outside of Russia for that matter, since Russian break up would lead to all kinds of Muslim extremism across central Asia that would spill over to surrounding areas.
The major difference between Russia and the west in this regard is that Russia does not prioritize its various sub-ethnicities over and above ethnic Russians. They have no equivalent to the “civil rights act.” They do not force integration and allow the various -stan ethnicities to groom, rape, and murder the Russian ethnicity with impunity. Their constitution actually explicitly places ethnic Russians in a position of honor as the official state founders of the Russian empire (this was an amendment to their constitution passed several years ago).
If we had a similar situation here, with the civil rights act abolished, no forced integration, and White Anglo-Saxon identity officially recognized as the founding stock, then I believe even most White nationalists would find it agreeable. But in the USA and in Europe, ethno-separatism is a necessary defense mechanism due to the fact that multiculturalism is only ever used as a cynical method of elevating minority/non-White groups to positions of power over natives to harm White and European ethnicities.
@Dart – You make some really great points above, and speak to a nuance that I’ve not seen anyone else really make coherently, re the differences in the Russian variety of “multiculturalim”.
Pst, you first mistake was trusting an Irishmen to tell you the truth. Joe has already got American soldiers/mercenaries on the ground in Ukraine and fighting the Russians.
So says an anti-white posing as a pro-white, Brown-eee
Have you heard a black person on media speak out against the “evil Putin”? A Latino, Mick? Have you heard any other kind speak out against the “evil Putin” outsider of the Jews and the Irish? You are not white, you are not human. You are a Goddamned worthless whoring filthy animal. Have you been Hannotized Mick? Have you gotten your booster?
So Brown-eee is very, very upset. His anti-Celt campaign has been crushed by the Russians. I am assuming you are a “self-righteous” Yankee.
You need your booster Mick. You need it bad.
Your unwavering devotion to the South led me to post this for you. Called Somebody’s Darling. I respect dedication.
Thank you.
We are in a war with an enemy that has tried/still trying to exterminate us.
You are most welcome.
Another one you may like, and these Slavs can really sing, just like the Welsh: “I Lenin takoy molodoy” Translation: “The War is on and Lenin is young again.”
The communist party is also young again, now the second-largest party in Russia, coming back from having been banned under U.S.-installed puppet Boris Yeltsin. Real nationalism is natural and it cannot be suppressed forever.
It’s pretty big over here, too. In fact, it’s the two parties over here.
We already know how this goes from all the other devastated failed states (Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen) that these people have created under the banner of “democracy” over the past thirty years. These ghouls will be happy as long as the weapons flow and the money flows out of Congress and the blood flows in Russia and Ukraine.
Exactly. Putin had no choice but to invade. As the Saker noted, it was the least bad option before him. The reasons are obvious to anyone who’s been paying attention:
1. NATO had already installed heavy weapons infrastructure in Ukraine after the State-Dept. organized coup in 2014. Including a US navy base on the Black sea (now destroyed), and multiple bio-warfare labs, so beloved of Jews and criminals like Fauci (now captured/destroyed).
2. Klown-Jew stated he would scrap the 1992 agreement of Ukraine to give up nukes. NATO likely already had nukes in nearby Poland, etc. ready to move into place within days.
3. Ukraine NATO sock-puppet have been constantly shelling Dombass breakaway regions (Russian-populated) resulting in over 14,000 dead. Why the sudden concern over dead whites now? They’re been steadily slaughtered since 2014. The slaughter will end once Ukraine collapses and NATO is out.
It was either invade now or face the endless war of attrition described above. If Putin’s forces are successful the slaughter will stop and the empire will be beaten back. Perhaps even some of the pathetic morons in Europe will start to see the Globo-Pedo empire offers them no real protection.
Shitlibs don’t like Russia?- How about Jews don’t like Russia! Jews hated Tsarist Russia, but loved the Soviet Union, because it was run by Jewish bolsheviks.-remember the Hollywood movie from the 60’s “The Russians are Coming!, the Russians are Coming!” making fun of simpleton Goys for imagining Russian Soviets were evil? The Soviet ambassador came out of the movie with tears in his eyes, not expecting such a pro Soviet message! Now the Jews aren’t in charge of running Russia, Libs and Jews( but repeat myself!) have gone back to hating Russia. Any nation run by Jews will be an evil nation- Russia has now largely thrpwn off their yoke, and are less evil now than they were before. Now that America is totally under Jewish power and influence, it is now our turn to be an evil nation.
Jews hated Tsarist Russia, but loved the Soviet Union, because it was run by Jewish bolsheviks.-remember the Hollywood movie from the 60’s “The Russians are Coming!, the Russians are Coming!” making fun of simpleton Goys for imagining Russian Soviets were evil?
Jews became considerably less fond of USSR after the Georgian gangster Stalin double-crossed them, had the Banksteins’ golden boy Bornshteyn (Trotsky) ice-axed and sent many thousands of his followers (many Jews included) into mass graves during the great purge of the 1930s after he decided there should be “socialism in one country”. Stalin did keep some Jews on hand, notably his murderous brother-in-law Lazar Kaganovich, architect of the holodomor mass-starvations in Ukraine and neighboring regions (millions of dead whites so Jews were happy with this – though it took place before the purges). Jewsmedia still this shoves down memory hole as high percentile of the NKVD goons who carried out the murders were of course Jews. Most Murikans, with their superb public schul edumacashuns, know only about THE HOLOCAUST!!! Old Koba the Dread wasn’t too thrilled about the set up of the Zionist entity in 1948, and established a Jewish autonomous oblast in Eastern Siberia. It still exists as part of Russian Federation today, though no Jews live there. They can get good Chinese food if they visit though.
And maybe Chernobyl was done on purpose too. After WW2, the Soviets sent troops into Germany to decimate and destroy what was left.
The Russian people certainly have been used and over 100 million were killed in the war. Getting rid of communism, they now have a chance to be a real nation and build up their economy. I think that is what Putin is trying to do, too.
“My heart breaks for all the people in the Ukraine who are caught in the crossfire. It isn’t their fault that Jewish oligarchs control their government. It is no more their fault than the State Department is our fault. We have no control over it”:
You should rather be a little jealous (in a good way) that millions of people are being rescued from danger by this very precise well-targeted police action carried out by Russia, while no one ever comes to rescue us!
“I think it is insanely provocative to try to bring Ukraine into Russia”:
It is not one bit insane to bring Russia back to the Russians, who are trapped and persecuted inside a greatly expanded Ukrainian-dialect-speaking formerly Polish territory once called Galicia, or “Ukraine” (a name which means “borderland” in Russian) that hates Russians and everything Russian. Novorossiya, Crimea, Donbass and Kievan Rus are all Russian territories, vastly-majority Russian-speaking, Cyrillic, Orthodox, not Catholic. Millions of persecuted people are being liberated through a great sacrifice by Russia.
“Russia is and always has been an autocratic, multicultural empire”:
At 80% ethnic Great Russian, Russia is much less diverse than the U.S. and most European countries. Most of the non-Russian territories that were part of the Tsarist empire became autonomous peoples’ republics in the 1920s and were shed completely in the breakup of the USSR. However capitalism came back and with it comes the tendency to imperialism. But any Russian imperialism that might exist (I don’t see it) is nothing compared to U.S. imperialism. The precisely targeted police action that is taking place in “Ukraine” now is not imperialism.
Finally, thank you for not hosting an echo chamber.
Hope Putin nukes the Yankee Empire (and other like-minded tranny nations) should the USA support denying Russian banks access to SWIFT in an attempt to financially ruin Russia. (These Yankee Empire war tactics (blockade/sanctions/etc) need to be once and for all destroyed — it worked “so well” for the Yankees against the American South 160 years ago.) Maybe China will give Russia some assistance and completely wipe out the Empire’s military once and for all. Let’s all pray.
Then maybe this degenerate tranny-run anti-God Yankee Empire monster will finally be taken down and be gone forever. Good riddance.
Secede now!
May God Save the South!
Putin thinks he fighting “Nazis” in Ukraine and is against nationalism. His words, not mine.
I’m not squirming. If Ukrainians want to end the “Brothers War” they need merely to turn their guns on their Jewish overlords.
Either you understand the agenda of The Enemy (the abolition of man and merging with the machines) and oppose it, or you don’t. No need for nuance because the Enemy won’t afford you any.
Agree this is a sad/unnecessary situation all around but any sympathy for Ukraine dissipates when seeing all of their supporters consist of ConINC, queers and trannies. If all the Satanists are rooting so hard for Ukraine, I think that tells us all we need to know.
Why should we seek an alliance with Russia and not with China?- easy- Russians are white and the Chinese aren’t!
I need to reply to Cristina Romana.
I’m sorry people make ignorant or emotional statements. On the internet, there is a lot of freedom in anonymity, and sadly, it can become abusive. I’ve always found your views thoughtful and reasonable. You can recall my past comments to know how I feel about Mexico. As for Rebel Roy’s comments about “your people” coming in and messing up America; there is some truth to this, but it’s always a question of “whose people” it is. I had a very clever and thoughtful Mexican friend in the army. A woman I know working at AT&T is Mexican, married to an anglo, and was always thoughtful and cultured.
Mexico does have a large underclass, as does much of the world. That they “invaded” America is partly true, but remember, our business interests invited them in. The wonderful Ronald Reagan
did little to solve a problem that could have been resolved easily in 1980 by issuing work permits or guest worker passes. Instead, big business simply opened the gates, and a certain ethnic minority in America did a propaganda blitz to show how racist whites are, and need to be inclusive.
Remember, with vampires, for them to have power, you have to invite them in. In America, we sure did. And I think the Mexicans are less vampiric than that certain ethnic minority.
Also, Texas and the southwest was originally Spanish. Frankly, Cristina, you have more right to be where you are than most anglos. I say this not to denigrate being white, just the historical argument. Postwar white America simply chose not to contest its superiority, and sat back and got fat and happy. As my Mexican friend said, “we’re taking the southwest back and there isn’t much you gringos can do about it.”
Said not in anger, just with a smile.
“Don’t mess with Texas,” they say. Well, Texas is rapidly becoming Tejas again, and it was not challenged by the ruling class there, for all their patriotic bantering.
I think it’s too late. Recovering from the so-called Biden administration’s flooding won’t be reversed. As many have said on this site, secession/partition is the only realistic choice for white Americans.
I voted for Trump twice, but it is time to turn the page.
I write articles on countercurrents. I recall a movie, Rough Riders, about our war with Spain, and will write on it soon. Watch the site.
As for Russia, I think Putin’s actions were defensive. Putting a huge NATO presence in Ukraine was a provocation, and it saddens me that in America there simply is no attempt to get at the truth.
Much like in Cuba. Blowing up the Maine was obviously a provocation to make war and grab Cuba.
To recall something my Mexican friend said, “the only country that doesn’t have coups is America. That’s because America has no American embassies to plan them.”
Americans simply refuse any kind of truth about how our government or ruling class operates. As E.D. Wilson said, people would rather believe then know.
Sorry if this was too long or rambling. As always, I applaud Hunter’s wise moderating this site, and I hope you stay, Cristina. OD needs a Sorjuana.
@darggason It’s amazing someone, you…could form their world view on something or people, just based on someone they knew.
You obviously don’t see any of the effects of the invasion that has been going on here for decades, and you’re naive about the amount of money that the US spends on them.
You’re easily influenced and seek approval, far too easily, to write for any political site.
I love reading your comments. You are right about the Maine. I also know we are getting the Southwest back but I will not gloat and I do not like the methods that enable us to get it back. The Anglos are going to have to adjust on this issue.
I am not against the core value of white nationalists wanting a homeland of their own. It is other issues that white nationalists on this website have that I take issue with.
I hope you are able to continue your dancing. Surely this covid thing is winding down.
Your comment was not rambling or too long in the slightest.