Kherson has fallen to the Russian military, becoming the first major Ukrainian city to come under Russian control since the invasion last week. The mayor, Igor Kolykhaev, told me he met today with the Russian commander who plans to set up a military administration.
— Michael Schwirtz (@mschwirtz) March 2, 2022
If anyone wants to know why people fell so easily for Remember the Maine, the Lusitania, Gulf of Tonkin, incubator babies, WMDs, and every other war-inducing hoax, just see the fevered hysteria gripping the Ukrainian war madness all over media & social media right now.
— Robert Barnes (@barnes_law) March 2, 2022
If these people truly loved plucky little Ukraine, they would have never put them up to this. They would have advised them to remain a neutral country like Switzerland or Finland and develop their economy instead of taking sides in a geopolitical conflict between NATO and Russia. Now, Ukrainians are going to get slaughtered and their cities are going to be reduced to rubble while these people tweet their support for a week or two. It certainly wasn’t us who thought this was wise.
Note: What happened to our Kurdish, Afghan and South Vietnamese allies?
Did they pour out the vodka?
When the war is over, in the end Ukraine will lose out thanks to the US and their constant interference in other countries politics.
Soon there is going to be a thriving vibrant queer Ukrainian community in NYC. Remember the first rules of evacuation under Jews rule, Queers, Jews and trannies first……woman and children last.
Hitler has plans to defeat the Russians in the Ukraine!
You would think that the remnants of the Army Of Northern Virginia on OD would have a soft spot for the underdogs fighting off the threat of the government in a foreign capital
I do.
The best case scenario for Ukraine was Finlandization. This is the worst case scenario. I have no idea what Ukraine thought it was doing. Western liberals will virtue signal for a few weeks about Ukraine while the country is reduced to rubble like Syria or Libya. They’ve already forgotten about Afghanistan which is currently starving.
There’s no way Russia can lose this campaign, HW. And all the sanctions in the world aren’t going to deter them one bit. This conflict has superficial parallels to the 1956 Hungarian uprising, where Eisenhower encouraged them to rise up against the Soviets, even though he had no intention of getting American forces involved.
US/EU probably gave Ukraine implicit war guarantees (the kind of unsigned “gentleman’s agreement” they gave to Gorbachev) that they are now reneging on. Seems they’ve been pressuring Zelensky not to negotiate with Russia as well, in order to prolong the conflict.
So have you at last stopped whining like a punkass bitch and signed up with the Jewkro-Nazi Azov battalion? This be you? Uncle Schmuel sez: Go-o-o-ood goy!
Hitler Plans to Help Ukraine defeat Russia:
If these people truly loved plucky little Ukraine, they would have never put them up to this.
Absolutely true. In my own neighborhood, some of the same virtue-signaling shitlibs who have BLM signs now have little Country 404 flags on their lawns. I myself am deeply concerned with their deep concern. I just don’t understand why don’t these upstanding moral paragons of virtue go today and sign-up for the immortal Azov battalion of the Jewkro-Nazi army. There are links everywhere to do so. They will gladly accept any sufficiently stupid goy who wants to go and kill Russians. Christop1970, why the hell are you still here whining like a punkass bitch? Get your ass on a plane now. There are Russians to kill and your well-earned Darwin Award awaits you, along with Judeo-Christ, the great Moshiach. Time’s a wastin’ bro.
As.the empire of Japan has begun rearming, prompted by chine aggression, due to the ignorance and impotence,of our dark masters in washington d.c., we shall now witness the serious rearming of germany, europe is afraid of the Russians, I am sure the German general staff is up too the job………