Jesse Watters Presses Lindsey Graham on Ukraine Joining NATO

Obviously, it was people like Lindsey Graham who were architects of this disaster in Ukraine, as can be seen in the trail of blood and human misery that runs through all the other countries which they have destabilized over the past twenty years like Iraq, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan.

Note: Lady G didn’t get his war with Iran or the return to Afghanistan that he wanted, but a war with Russia will do. That’s even better.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. HW,

    Have you seen this video of Lyndsey Graham with his fellow war mongering buddy John McCain in Ukraine in 2016.

    In this clip, Lady G is setting the stage for the current war between Ukraine and Russia.

    Definitely, a smoking gun of Washington being responsible for this war

  2. We used to burn these types in effigy. Tar and feather.

    How about just some banners over South Carolina brides saying:

    “Lindsey Graham is a war mongering Fa***ot!”

    “Leave the Russians alone – guard our Southern Border”.

  3. Simultaneously threatening Russia, Iran and Red China (p!us Syria and the DPRK) with a military full of homos, trannies and ghetto queens? Death to the Great Satan !

  4. It’s heartening to see that there are at least a few sane ‘Murcan military men like Davis & MacGregor urging an end to this dangerous lunacy. The fucking scum in the White House & CONgress better listen.

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