Oh my Lord. This is America. By the way “I’ll fight when the war comes to Arkansas…” WHAT??
— Adam Kinzinger (@AdamKinzinger) March 9, 2022
The WW2 generation would love to slap him I’m sure.
Way to go @TuckerCarlson . This is a new way to support Putin without being so obvious https://t.co/wfhcnH3ZcT
I’m extremely worried about the global economy and the stability of the petroshekel now that all that pent up moral energy on Twitter that has powered Wokeism and has been weaponized against us and which has ravaged our domestic politics for years is igniting the global financial system.
“The comprehensive sanctions the United States and the West have imposed on Russia take us into an entirely new world. The sanctions are multidimensional, but most important is the “freezing” of Russian foreign exchange reserves, what President Biden called Putin’s $630 billion war fund in his State of the Union. This action means that all previous economic contracts between Russia and the West are invalid. Biden’s figure was probably overstated by half, but the precise figure doesn’t matter. It’s the principle that counts.
The effective nullification of contracts is the Big Enchilada, an H-Bomb rather than an A-Bomb, a 50-megaton Weapon of Financial Destruction (WFD). Without bothering to announce it, the United States and its allies have thrown a wrench into the gears of important sectors of the world economy. They are badly underestimating the fallout. Remarkably, they did this against the backdrop of a worldwide crisis in supply chains. That is about to get a lot worse.
Among the cascading dominos: 30 percent of the world’s wheat exports are now cut off. Russia’s exports of fertilizers—18 percent of the potash market, 20 percent of ammonia exports—are off market. Energy prices have exploded. A suddenly bipartisan United States has imposed a (mostly symbolic) ban on Russian oil imports. The Biden administration has insisted that it doesn’t want to diminish world oil and gas supplies but, grosso modo, the effect of its sanctions point strongly in that direction.
No one knows what Russia’s reaction to the sanctions will be, though there are straws in the wind. If the Russian trust fund can be expropriated at will, what does it even mean for Russian companies to sell goods for cash? In the emerging standoff, there is much debate about what the West is willing to buy, little attention to the terms on which Russians are willing to sell, if they are willing to sell at all….
Dollar hegemony came about in the first instance because of American economic strength, but then stuck around for a host of reasons. The use of the dollar within the Cold War trilateral bloc made easy its extension to the rest of the world. But then a strange thing happened. The policies on which it had been created in the first place were repudiated. In the old days, the United States was the safest place to park your assets. Now, transacting anything in dollars makes your assets subject to expropriation according to the decree of the U.S government.
The aggressive geopolitical exploitation of dollar hegemony really got underway in the 21st century, with the second decade much more ambitious than the first. Each year brought a new escalation. Biden’s February 2022 seizure of the $7 billion in assets held by Afghanistan’s central bank—shocking to anyone versed in international law—proved to be an important harbinger of how far the authorities were prepared to go. …
At the same time as the United States was allowing its industrial and manufacturing base to rust away, it exploited dollar hegemony for geopolitical ends. For every sin in the world there was a sanction. These were to be employed, in theory, just to hurt the bad guys, not ordinary people. Of course, it didn’t work out that way. It never works out that way. …”
What are the consequences of all this?
What is the lesson that is being sent to foreign investors?
How many people are going to starve to death in the Global South because of this?

Is it greed and incompetence or are they trying to destroy the western slave colonies? I’m thinking both.
See Moses, his Nubian wife and Egyptian history with regard to 4th generation weaponized migration warfare … https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth-generation_warfare
The multipolar world to come:
Y’all remember this one I posted many years ago here –> https://www.ilbosone.com/wp-content/uploads/orwell_s_1984_by_daneofscandinavy-d6avlgz.png
Egypt never recovered, it’s a miscengation hellhole …. as is Heritage America now!!
The number of Coptic Christian Egyptians, once the majority of the population but now a small minority, continues to plunge. With each Anglo-Zionist intervention in Egypt, they take a step down.
The same phenomenon occurs in other Islamic countries whenever the U.S. and Israel attack, or do proxy wars, coups and regime changes: the Christian populations that remained stable for a thousand years are decimated.
We have cattle brands from fancy universities on the backsides of our whole elite class. Yet not much wisdom. Not much of that at all.
“I’m extremely worried…” – more like just dramatic and hysterical like a broad. The destabilization of International Jewry’s financial system is what the remnants of the Army of Northern Virginia on OD has always wanted so just sit back and enjoy the ride. Just look at all of the positives that came as a result of the Weimar Republic.
Global South will not starve. Just Global Market is dead and friendly nation’s will trade directly each other outside USD system.
The World forgot that non-whites don’t have the same manipulative levels of oxytocin in the brain. Americans, Europeans, South Africans, and Australians can be fooled more than twice; good luck doing the same with the other 87% of the global population.
Re: “extremely worried about the global economy and the stability of the petroshekel”:
Don’t worry. Obviously They are very confident that They can manage the inflation, and that They will win Their hybrid war against Russia. They will never stop trying until Russia is defeated and fully subjugated.
Some people thought the pandemic would cause Them to lose control, but They managed the pandemic (which is still continuing, by the way) and came out trillions of dollars ahead. The U. sury S. ystem is very strong. Money is all-powerful, and poor peasant revolutions almost always fail.
I have this gut feeling that this entire biden “presidency” was nothing but a definite jewish/globalist set up/false flag that was drawn up going many years back, with primary goals being to instill warmongering propaganda in the brains of the normies and to further destroy any type of genuine nationalism and separatist thought. What we are seeing today is a massive global psy-op assault by the deep state in favor of globalism and neoliberalism. It’s now all of a sudden okay to support nazis and sympathize with a certain group of whites. It’s obvious that this Russia/Ukraine-NATO fiasco has been planned for years, and the color revolution pushed by the state dept and CIA in 2014 played a central role.
From the jewish Pov, if the result of American foreign embarrassment and empire collapse means empowering republicans and patriotards with more ammo for elections and extreme pro-war/neocon stances that surpass those of the bush ll era, then they see all of this as good. The jews see this as winning. Biden’s handlers probably think that way. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if the uniparty and Msm will support someone like mitt romney or lindsey graham in 2024, as a ” pro-America” candidate.
The jews, in reality, want to silence/arrest anyone who goes against the deep state. In the near future, there will be a national holiday honoring John mccain that receives bi-partisan and media support. Pro-Russia people will be thrown in camps. It’s all a bunch of choreographed gay shit. Scat propaganda is what this is.
This crisis that is impacting the citizens in this nation was self inflicted by the govt and lack of awareness by the sheep that keep buying into the dem/rep parties. We are all at fault for falling for the same lies every single time.
They don’t have fake and gay in Russia?
WTF is wrong with them? (sarc)