I’ve always had the same views on foreign policy.
I strongly oppose the American Empire and NATO expansion. I don’t want to be involved in distant conflicts in far flung parts of Eurasia. Basically, I want to live in a normal country at peace among my fellow Southern Anglos and the further the Empire expands the less sense it makes to me.
This has been my consistent position throughout all of our previous frontier wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya. I have been opposed to all of them. I don’t think anything good comes out of relentlessly meddling in the internal affairs of so many countries. I strongly believe that we ought to mind our own business and tend to our own massive domestic problems at home instead of going down the road of militarism and imperialism which has led to the ruin of all previous empires. This is why I have always been at odds with the Pentagon and the American foreign policy establishment.
As for this war in Ukraine, I have reacted to it like I would to any conceivable conflict in Eurasia. I don’t want anything to do with it. If Russia had invaded Kazakhstan and Americans were being furiously lobbied to intervene on the side of Kazakhstan, I would be pushing back just as hard as I am over Ukraine. It is not because I am on Russia’s side. I don’t want any alliance with Russia either. I don’t want to intervene on the side of Russia. I genuinely just want to stay out of it. It is none of my business.
My second genuine reaction to this is acknowledge how little that I know about the situation. This is a brutal conflict between East Slavs. This is another reason why I don’t want to plunge into the war. I don’t know to my satisfaction what the hell is even going on there. Frankly, I know less about Ukraine than any other part of Europe and much of the rest of the world too, but I now want to plug that gap.
From what I do understand, Ukraine is a place with a complex history. It has been dominated by various empires. The western part of the country has more in common with Poland and Hungary. The eastern part of the country has more in common with Russia. The story of how Russians settled in Ukraine and how that relates to industrialization is also something that I want to learn more about. I can’t fault anyone for defending their country, but Ukraine is a multiethnic state and that seems to means one thing in Donbas and Crimea and another in Lviv and maybe another in Kiev/Kyiv.
Americans shouldn’t be barging into Ukraine like in Iraq guns blazing in a fit of “moral clarity.” The only conceivable national interest that we have in a place like Donbas is not going to war with Russia over it.
Whenever Twitter reaches a state of frenzy and “moral clarity” about anything, you should always be skeptical. The mob mentality of that place is incredibly dangerous.
Note: I’m eager to learn more about Ukraine. This is the start of a crash course on Ukrainian history. The war will probably be over by the time I finish it though.

Why not say that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is a just War….a just cause…opposing the zio-neocon murder of Slavic Russian Infants in Ukraine by the US Democratic Party proxy terrorist organization known as the Azov Brigade….
I see nothing I disagree with here. My positions have been the same regarding war & intervention as yours, Hunter. Unfortunately, we seem to be far and few between.
I feel 100% the same. I’ve never idolized Putin or thought he could be some savior figure. I also find nothing romantic or compelling about intervening on behalf of Ukrainians.
Unfortunately, Biden is opening the floodgates of gibs (in terms of advanced weaponry). Lend-lease, anyone? Why would Zelensky compromise with Putin now? So, this conflict looks like it might drag out unless Putin does something decisive soon.
The only maybe bright spot is I don’t think fox news types are enthusiastic about any of this.
The miserable Sean Hannity seems to wet his pants he is so excited about the opportunity expand the war to Russia itself. Apparently that moron either doesn’t know or care about Russia’s massive nuclear arsenal. If pressed against the wall Putin will use nuclear weapons as a last resort, he cannot allow the war to go on forever and use up his army through attrition.
The only ones who are worse war mongers than that idiot Sean Hannity are the members of the whore house known as Congress, especially the horrible Republicans. All of them as well as top members of the bureaucracy have well stocked underground bunkers and would unfortunately survive a nuclear a war. They are a species of cockroach after all.
It helps to understand that this is old Khazaria. It also helps to understand that there are MASSIVE oil reserves just off the Black Sea coast. And tremendous mineral reserves inland.
The yids want their old country back. The Business Roundtable wants those natural resources.
Ukraine has been the Wild West the past 30 years for the Washington Insiders. Hunter and the Big Guy, and all the rest. Easy money. Endless child sex slaves. Organ harvesting. Adrenochrone. These things are all real.
Crimea of course is strategic, militarily. The yids were talking about making it the second Jewish State. Satanyahoo was talking about it openly before 2014. Putin ruined that for them, so they hate him.
” … want their old country back.”
Boy–does that sound like the missing piece of the puzzle.
(“When Ukraine Was Run by Jews—Once upon a time, a king decided Judaism was the one true religion. But the Khazar Kingdom didn’t last long.)
From the above:
“Incessant wars with Islamic kingdoms in the 9th century and then the rise of the Rus in the north during the 10th century precipitated the decline of the Khazar kingdom, until its ultimate destruction by the Rus in the second half of the 10th century.”
From Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khazars#Rise_of_the_Rus'_and_the_collapse_of_the_Khazarian_state …
“In the Russian chronicle, the vanquishing of the Khazar traditions is associated with Vladimir’s conversion [to Christianity] in 986. According to the Primary Chronicle, in 986 Khazar Jews were present at Vladimir’s disputation to decide on the prospective religion of the Kievan Rus’. Whether these were Jews who had settled in Kyiv or emissaries from some Jewish Khazar remnant state is unclear. Conversion to one of the faiths of the people of Scripture was a precondition to any peace treaty with the Arabs, whose Bulgar envoys had arrived in Kyiv after 985.”
From Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_the_Great …
“Vladimir I or Volodymyr I … was Prince of Novgorod, Grand Prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus’ from 980 to 1015.”
From Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27 …
“Kievan Rus’ or Kyivan Rus’ … was a loose federation in Eastern and Northern Europe from the late 9th to the mid-13th century. Encompassing a variety of polities and peoples, including East Slavic, Baltic, and Finnic, it was ruled by the Rurik dynasty, founded by the Varangian prince Rurik.”
From Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangians …
“The Varangians … was the name given by Eastern Romans to Vikings, mostly Swedes. Between the 9th and 11th centuries, Varangians ruled the medieval state of Kievan Rus’, settled among many territories of modern Belarus, Russia and Ukraine, and formed the Byzantine Varangian Guard which later also included Anglo-Saxons.”
The same old race war.
PS I’m reminded of the 137th psalm, the one whose first four lines are as follows:
“By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion.
“We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.
“For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion.
“How shall we sing the Lord’s song in a strange land?”
Having thereby established himself as a member of an ancient Hebraic Beatles, the psalmist concludes with the following, lines eight and nine:
“O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us.
“Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”
Such, we are given to understand, is the word of God, charming fellow, conjuring the smashing of the children of the enemies of the Jews.
That mentality, I now suspect, is what has lain behind NATO expansion, which has probably been intended to isolate, diminish and, if possible, eradicate Russia. It’s a war rooted in long memory–the kind of war in which our Jewish friends excel. The anger goes all the way back to Khazaria, to the humbling of that Jew-ruled polity by Teutons—Vikings—and it grew through the century and a quarter in which the Jews were segregated, by those Vikings’ descendants, in the Pale of Settlement.
There’s another Old Testament passage, I think, in which it is said that Babylon, having wronged the Jews, will be not only vanquished but forgotten, with no place in the historical record. That prophecy didn’t come entirely true, partly, I suppose, because Babylon survived in the Jewish writings themselves.
Years ago, on a late-night talk show, I think it was, I saw an academic who was plugging, I guess, a book he’d written about Babylon. He’d already expressed some admiration of Nebuchadnezzar, I’m pretty sure, when the Jewish guest-host, affecting a light tone, asked him why “our” image of that Babylonian king is negative. It was strange to see right there, on television, the race war playing out. Not falling into the trap, the academic, a somewhat-elderly white man, simply narrowed his eyes and said quietly, vaguely, something like, “Well–because of our cultural legacy,” or perspective or something like that.
Occidental Dissent’s followers with more historical knowledge than I have will know whether I’m right in saying that Alexander the Great, in conquering the Persian empire, restored, as the capital of what we now call the Middle East, Babylon–which the Persians, to applause from the Jewish writings, I think, had destroyed two centuries earlier. There Alexander was, unwittingly countering the Jewish prophecy that Babylon would be forgotten; and sure enough, he soon died in what had been Nebuchadnezzar’s palace, of all places. You do have to wonder who was preparing his meals.
You don’t have to make prove yourself to anyone, HW. You make you feelings known from the beginning. We don’t belong in Ukraine just as we didn’t belong in any of these foreign wars the govt is getting rich on. Selling weapons to the countries of ZOGs enemies is treason.
On the Kiev/Kyiv thing (since you alluded to it), my surface-level understanding (my company has a JV in Russia, so I’ve learned a little) is that Kiev is the transliteration of the Russian ???? (even more literally, K-i-ye-v), and Kyiv is the transliteration of the Ukrainian ???? (even more literally, K-y-yi-v), so it’s no surprise the Ukrainian transliteration has been pushed the last few years. Plug them both into Google Translate and play the audio, and they sound almost the same.
Its right up there with spell check correcting you if you ever try to capitalize the world white when referring to people of European ancestry.
@Heartland – Is auto-correct the reason you typed White with a lowercase? Does the system you are composing your comment on prevent capitalization? Personally, I am never using lowercase to refer to White people. If this reply box is auto-correcting it, that’s news to me.
Hunter, even though I despise Richard Spencer he said the “traitors coalition” consists of the Dissident Right and the Dirtbag left who support Russia, could we ally with the dirtbag left to get things done?
It could be a one struggle moment!
The Azov battalion has been taken over by Israel.
Richard Spencer
A lisping Trust Fund Kid
Pissed off that the Russians kicked Napoleon’s ass in….and that Nina won’t raise his kids gay…
I strongly oppose the American Empire and NATO expansion. I don’t want to be involved in distant conflicts in far flung parts of Eurasia. Basically, I want to live in a normal country at peace among my fellow Southern Anglos and the further the Empire expands the less sense it makes to me.
This has been my consistent position throughout all of our previous frontier wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Libya. I have been opposed to all of them. I don’t think anything good comes out of relentlessly meddling in the internal affairs of so many countries. I strongly believe that we ought to mind our own business and tend to our own massive domestic problems at home instead of going down the road of militarism and imperialism which has led to the ruin of all previous empires. This is why I have always been at odds with the Pentagon and the American foreign policy establishment.
This is a perfectly sensible, down-to-earth American view. It is completely consistent with Washington’s warning against “foreign entanglements”. Sadly, this traditional view was completely jettisoned starting in 1898 and culminating with the 1917 intervention in the Banksteins’ Great European slaughter. Wilson, probably one of the very worst presidents ever to hold the office was ultimately responsible but the usual suspects were busy pulling his strings via “Colonel” House and others. They’d also bought off congress since war had to have a congressional declaration back then – not to mention the passage of income tax amendment and the “Federal” reserve act to set up payments to the Banksteins to fund the adventure (over 100,000 American dead during the short time we were in, by the way).
My position is that the current Ukrainian regime is illegitimate because it was installed by the U.S. State department and CIA. Don’t forget that the former leader and government of Ukraine was ousted in a U.S. sponsored coup.
My position is also that the current American regime is illegitimate. We are living in Obama’s third term. It doesn’t take a giant leap of faith to conclude Obama is directing the White House from his 13 million dollar mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.
O’Biden should not be president, it was clearly a stolen and manipulated election and questioning the legitimacy of that election will get you banned and cancelled.
Because both the American and Ukrainian administrations are illegitimate I support those who are trying to remove them from power. Which means I will be voting for Trump in 2024 and I support Russia’s operation to free Ukraine.
Trump and Putin have flaws but I support them because they legitimately oppose the current status quo. As much flaws as they have, they are not globalists, and that’s good enough for me.
I don’t think Obama’s controlling anything. I think during his presidency he just gave people like McCain, Nuland, Petraeus, HRC etc. free rein. Couldn’t be bothered – or was too cowed – to slap them down.
Your position is essentially the same of Nordic Resistance Movement, for me stay neutral and look at our own affairs is rational.
Here’s a recently-posted YouTube video you might find informative, Mr. W.:
(“Why Russia is Invading Ukraine”)
Runs about thirty minutes. If we lived in a country capable of something other than Twitter frenzy, what we’d see is a discussion of subjects like the ones addressed in that video. My own provisional conclusion is that this is life or death for Russia, just as Putin says it is. He’s neither crazy nor vicious but rather is approaching seventy and knows that he might be Russia’s last chance.
You might want to compare https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Duchy_of_Lithuania#/media/File:Grand_Duchy_of_Lithuania_1430.png and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithuania#/media/File:EU-Lithuania.svg to see, in a flash, how a polity that was once the largest in Europe can shrink, across history, to political insignificance.
In e-mail I received today, a friend of mine remarked that this war was “started by a Soros installed puppet.” I’d guess that’s the reason the Israelis tried to stop it as soon as it became clear the U.S. Cavalry wouldn’t be riding in to save Zelensky. They’re afraid that, sooner or later, somebody who’s not merely an internet-posting Aryanist will notice.
My friend followed up with this: “USA will shovel billions of dollars there to save whatever investment Soros made.” That wouldn’t surprise me.
My position? I DONT CARE. I was subjected to a public town forum where a 30 something year old Guatemalan with several children told the tale of how her parents were deported when she was a little girl and she was left here with family for years till they came back. The seventy percent of Whites in the meeting who currently make up forty percent of a town which was once one hundred percent White fell all over themselves to condemn the evil racism.
The Women wept in anger and the men silently went along nodding while the rest of the meeting, mostly Indians with a few other Hispanics and Blacks could give a shit. Only the Whites were the ones filled with guilt and a desire to change despite being systematically replaced by half in only twenty years.
Facing eradication in an area my family founded why would I worry myself about foreign wars. The other White people in the town meeting were all moaning about the poor Ukrainians and brave Zalensky when not cheering on illegal immigration.
We have far bigger problems on our door than which globalist banker puppet runs a small eastern European country
The worst thing is, whites are paying for their own demise. Every day we pay for thousands of dollars in housing, food, utilities, and medical care. Our country gives Mexico money, water, electricity, and more. Most people have no clue. They think these people come here to pick crops, when most produce is grown in Mexico now.
There are so many whites like the ones you describe. They are shaking in the wind if someone mentions “racism”, but they care nothing for their own kind. It’s a disease.
@Pilot these people were all Republicans also. Their battle cry is “Come here legally. Everyone is welcome if they are legal” which is bad but when faced with their illegal landscaper or monthly cleaning ladies they immediately bend at the knee. “He is one of the good ones so his family should be here. They are real Muricans”. Try and talk to these people like my parents and rationalize things two feet in front of them and the response is always
“Times are changing. That is how they are now there is nothing we can do about it”. When the first wave of Indians bought up everything less than two decades ago, taking old businesses and ruining them, charging extra for soda and gas, and intentionally forming enclaves where they also rent their extra homes to Section 8 ghetto recipients, so that we are the outsiders now. They did nothing then
Ukraine is the last of our problems and listening to these people getting worked up into a frenzy as they talk about all Putin atrocities on CNN and Fox is sickening. Our once safe city now has bodies dropping every week. Rapes. My parents were robbed recently. But they dont get worked up about that, just at Putin or Joe Biden not doing enough for the brave Zelensky. Try and tell any od them otherwise they will treat you like you are wearing klan robes. And again, THESE ARE SELF PROCLAIMED CONSERVATIVES. As much as we should feel for the innocent civilians being hurt in this, we have enough casualties on our own doorstep to worry about
CONservantives are worthless lumps of flesh, especially the old ones. They just want to live out their remaining years in comfort. Politics for them is just another team sport, and the only time they get worked up to the point of aggression is over far-away events that have nothing to do with the interests of ‘Murcans. They like to watch those wars on televitz from the cozy safety of their recliners like they do niggerball games. Both spice up their slide into decrepitude & oblivion.
It is young White men where the only hope for change lies.
The Base guy, the hooked nosed bagel eating, faux white supremacist/ FBI flunky Rinaldo Nazzaro who has ties to Russia just got a mention in the Washington Post the other day.
There is your CIA/FBI created connection between the evil Putin and and the bad bad American white supremacists. How stupid are these Irish FBI retards? Can’t you get that kyke a nose job for Pete sake.
Hunter, I’m glad that you’re interested in learning the history, but please read accurate history. Beware of Serhii Plokhy (his book that you’re reading), and Henry Abramson, and the rest of the history-twisting Khazarkrainian propaganda team at Harvard University. I’ve read enough of their material to understand how they can convince those who do not make the effort to research earlier, primary sources, and do not see their objective. It would be better to know nothing at all than to be convinced by those Talmudists.
I’m fully aware
This is just the first book I came across
@Brad: Back to basics. Putin in a devout Russian Christian. Zelensky(y) is a greasy bearded Jewish cross dresser who plays the piano on TV with his penis.
What else do you need to know? LOL.
Both desert religions. As is Islam.
That’s enough for me.
and the god of christianity is a jew “god-man” a kin to Akhenaten who claimed the same bullshit … what a long con we Europeans have fallen into … his progeny, the “Patriarchy” of Moses … see who carries that “bi” triangular star on thier buildings …
Re: “just the first book I came across”:
You will also easily come across Snyder, the Khazarkrainian history propagandist of Yale University, contributor to the NYT, author of the best-seller “Bloodlands,” who rails against this “invasion” and against “Russian imperialism” (Russia’s struggle for national survival) but never against the U.S.’s hybrid war against Russia and the U.S.’s REAL imperialism.
I’ve written about him before.
I have not explained this before, but when I use the term “Khazarkrainian.” it doesn’t mean I subscribe to the theory that most East European Jews are descendants of the Gentile converts of Khazaria (the “Name Stealers”) though there may be a few such descendants among them.
The whole Khazar thing is a joke. Made up.
This was posted on Quora, but I don’t want to post the name of the writer.
“No such khazars ever never converted to judaism. its just a myth it’s not real actual durable events which can be proven. Also no documentary nothing in Netflix regarding this story.
It’s merely a philosophical story, which by the way was written originally in Arabic in Spain by Rebbi Yehuda Halevi, during the Muslim domination in Spanish at that period during the Andalusia Arab monarchy, Spain was like New York now days. Beautiful architectures of colorful giant impressive Masques were erected, museums, culture bloomed and people from around the world came to visit Spain.
Nevertheless, many Ashkenazy Jews from Europe migrated to the peninsula as they were oppressed by Christians in the areas of Germany, France and east Europe.
The Reabbi which was foremost a poet had written about it from a different perspective.
Again no khazars and no such real stories all fake bullshit. Nothing else. Just crups.”
If Globohomo is supporting one side then I’m going to support the other side. Simple as.
Wasn’t the Ukraine once inhabited by Scythians and by the Celts before them?
My understanding is the Celts were in or near this area (Steppe region) before migrating on to central Europe were they began the Halstaat culture, where Austria now roughly sits. Being mostly Celtic myself, I feel a bit of a distant connection to this area.
My position is the same as it is on every other issue: Death to America, the Great Satan, the portal through which evil enters the world. May we all be blessed enough to witness the end of the USA as a political, cultural, and economic entity.
I think of the Seinfeld episode where Newman and Kramer are playing Risk, and are fanatical about it; so much so that they can’t trust each other, and play the board game on the subway. Kramer is winning, and he cackles. “I have the Ukraine. I own the Ukraine. The Ukraine is the key to victory, and it’s all mine.”
A burly, scowling man holding onto a strap above them is angry. “I am from Ukraine! Ukraine belong to no one! Leave Ukraine alone!” when Kramer tries to tell the man to get lost, the man rages. “Go away from Ukraine!” He knocks over the board game, sending pieces flying, and Kramer and Newman flee the car.
Kind of sums up my feelings. A couple of jews playing war over a piece of land they have no stake in.
The Ukrainian recalls a lot of posts I’ve seen of Ukrainians who shout and cry about their country, and rant against Putin, but mindlessly support a puppet shit like Zelensky, but they have it in fir Russia.
Ukraine always seemed like a no man’s land. A lot of German settlers were brought in to cultivate it, especially by Catherine the Great (who was a German princess from Mecklenburg) to work the land, and they did very well…but after WWII, Stalin had them trucked off to Siberia.
It always seemed like another kind of debatable lands, going from Russia to Lithuania to Poland, and back, until Catherine settled things. I liked seeing the USSR break up, but at the time I thought letting the Ukraine loose was a mistake that would bite after a while. I’m reminded more of the Wild West, with the jews and the US as some cattle barons and their gunslingers moving in to grab land.
Not that I think Putin is a knight. Maybe he’s kind of like Clint Eastwood’s man with no name…not a shining or thoughtful defender, but he’s all we’ve got.
Sort of like Trump. Trump was hardly a great leader, but as I said five years ago, he was all our corrupt, mediocre system could offer in terms of an outside threat to the system.
Now where are the honest Yeomen who will shout “America belong to no one! Leave America alone!”
Same with the Taliban in Afghanistan. If their thing is to dress in rags and chop off hands or heads for minor offences, then just leave them to it. It’s not our place to change people’s or cultures, so long as it’s not in our backyard.
If Africans reside in mud huts and live in tribal systems of society, they can knock themselves out. We don’t want them coming here and changing us, so we shouldn’t be imposing change on them either, so long as it’s within their own borders. Who am I to tell a Kenyan that he must live like me. And this extends to how they treat each other. We shouldn’t be the police, and shouldn’t want to be.
Isolationism has one big downside. When you are in trouble and need allies then you are….isolated.
Putin is winning thanks to wide alliance with China Iran and other nations.
A lot of wisdom in Hunter’s viewpoint
Even if we do come to a learned conclusion, that one side in a conflict is one we morally approve, it is far from clear we should intervene military or financially
Here we see white Slavs tragically killing each other – whites who have been manipulated by a combination of their own traitorous plutocratic elites, and foreign-linked tribes seeking advantage, a situation we know well … plus some Eastern EU people are a bit too deranged with historical Russia animus, seeing this as a chance to get final revenge for the USSR
The moral nutshell I see is that, tho Putin had a right to defend his fellow ethnic Russian separatists … he shamefully delayed full-scale help to them for 8 years, whilst 13,000 of them were killed … and now Putin has gone extreme the other way, mounting ugly full-scale invasion of a rival ethnicity, when Putin should have just limited himself to protecting his own … Putin’s actions play into the hands of the globalists & traitors he is claiming to fight
The Putin strategy of unleashing millions of migrants on Europe is noteworthy … not just Ukrainians, but huge numbers of Muslims and Africans now being funnelled thru Ukraine. Arrivals in the EU are already 3 million, when it gets to 10 million the EU might fold, just like they did to Turkey’s Erdogan, paying him billions just to not send migrants LOL
A full 30% of the “Ukrainian refugees” are not even white. They consist of Middle-eastern and African “students” (military-age males) imported into Country 404 by Globopedo. Many of these, funded by UN Globopedo NGOs, were likely sent there to invade the EUSSR via the Polish border. Welcome to the Jew-world Order, goyim.
Putin has no choice but to take out Country 404 now. He might have been able to sufficiently weaken Globopedo’s forward base in 2015 if he would have taken the two breakaway republics back then – but that’s debatable. Because of Globopedo’s massive buildup since 2014, the only way he gets the devil off his own doorstep now is to take out 404 altogether. One good point was destroying the NATO “foreign legion” base 12 miles from the Polish border. Looks like there were about 200 Darwin prizes awarded with that one attack. Gen. Raytheon Silverback and his high-heeled officer-staff were evidently caught off guard with that one.
A few years after the 2014 “Maidan” CIA-MI6 coup in Ukraine, “Pride” parades were being held in Kiev. The G.A.Z.E. was already pushing globohomo and installing a jewish president and prime minister (only Israel has two jews in such high positions).
Therefore, this video is what NATO, all the vassal nations of ZOG, and the state jewsmedia are promoting and defending.
This is a quarrel that needs to be settled by eastern Slavs involved in this conflct and them only. It should not concern us more than what subset of Bantus controls a dung heap in the middle of central Africa. It’s the only sane position to adopt. Otherwise why be so concerned about the Dumbass and not the billion other border issues around the globe? If neocon warmongers and pro-war libtards what to fight and die for South Ossetia they can do so by moving there.
The central argument that everyone on our side is making is that Russia is doing this thing because its in their vital national interests. That Nato bad, so Ukraine has to be invaded. This point has been made here also.
Couple observations.
1) It was in the vital national interest of the United States to obliterate the confederacy that was seeking independence, not unlike how Ukraine did almost a generation ago, after which Russia and recently Nato had been trying to keep it under control as a puppet satellite state ever since. The argument that Russia is justified in doing what its doing is pretty damn thin.
2) If the position american dissidents should be taking is to stay out of it (a position I whole heartedly endorse), why is the entire dissident right carrying water for putin by making this argument to begin with? We have real problems at home. So… why are we allowing the subject to be changed to Ukraine, at just the right moment to help our useless government distract from its failure to address any of the looming crises here?
The sheer autism of the thing. Folks look stupid allowing themselves to be cast as apologists for a hostile foreign power for absolutely no gain for Whitey’s interests here, all while making retarded arguments that don’t even square with our own goals.
If Putin and his muh vital national interest is the hill folks want to die on, don’t expect me to be there. I’d rather be Turkey hunting.
THE only argument that should being made by anybody who is a White dissident here in the U.S. is “Fuck Russia, but who cares about Ukraine anyway?”
This whole thing is a red herring and its so obviously so that I don’t understand why everybody is being so quick to get distracted…
If we don’t push back against the Russia hysteria and war fever now, it could soon be too late. That’s why
I don’t disagree we need to push back so we don’t go to war. But the way to do that isn’t by trying to make a sympathetic argument for Russia. Fuck them.
We do it by pointing out that we have zero interest there, and lots of things to do here. Thats all the more complicated it needs to be.
No more foreign entanglements. Thats the talking point.
Well said Hunter. Well said!
I recommend Sniper on the Eastern Front, by Josef Allerberger. It’s an edifying read.
Considering large parts of the events depicted in his memoires occur in the Ukraine, it shows just how insignificant the “nation” Ukraine really is in the grand scheme of geopolitics when Russia & a western power are at war. It also helps give an idea just how far Russia might be prepared to go to get what they want, i.e. if they’re following just 10% of the same determined “win at all costs” approach they had in the early 1940’s.
Ukraine doesn’t matter, basically, i.e. for Russia it’s their backyard & they’ll hold onto it at all costs when they sense a western intrusion (whether it was the Third Reich in WW2 or the total polar opposite globo-homos in 2022, i.e. both are treated the same by Russia).
Ukrainian “nationalism” is an impossible mirage from the moment the Russians don’t want it & the Ukrainians themselves are incapable of standing on their own.