Tulsi said it best.
The American attitude toward the world is “f*** you.” We make the rules. We don’t have to abide by the rules ourselves. We should be able to do whatever we want. Damn the consequences.
“The center is not holding, things are falling apart. We have moved on from mass psychosis over vaccines to mass psychosis over the urgent need to go to war with Russia.
The sanctions are bad enough; the early economic fallout from them is already causing pain for working and middle-class Americans. But we did sanctions last week, the public demands more. Do something, even if that thing is horrifying in its implications. Two years of pent-up dissociated rage is being channeled and redirected at an external target by the same people responsible for the response to COVID-19, among the worst atrocities in American history …
Throughout Vladimir Putin’s political career he has watched as American foreign policy has run amuck in the world like a bull in a china shop. He has learned how our leaders operate and understands the treachery of which they are capable. Libya is a good example. Colonel Gaddafi had been cooperating with the United States. He shut down his nuclear program, gave up his weapons of mass destruction, and began opening his country and economy to the world. By 2008, U.S. military leaders were calling Libya a top U.S. ally in combating transnational terrorism. Gaddafi allowed an American embassy to open, and before the paint had even dried the diplomats and spooks posted there were already working on his overthrow. They worked with U.S. and transnational NGOs and foundations to train “pro-democracy” activists and seed an opposition movement.
When the Arab Spring dawned in 2011, violent protests broke out in Libya, spearheaded by radical groups covertly armed by the United States and its allies, and the government tried to quell the rebellion and restore order. The restoration of order was deemed heavy-handed by the United States and NATO and thus the pretext for intervention was established. NATO began intervention by establishing a no-fly zone over Libya, which quickly turned into a bombing and cruise missile campaign against military installations and civilian infrastructure.
Colonel Gaddafi’s reward for cooperating with the American government was to be sodomized with a bayonet on the way to his mob execution. Rather than expressing regret or even responding with a modicum of discretion, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton crowed, “We came, we saw, he died.” Vice President Joe Biden echoed her sentiments, “Whether he’s alive or dead, he’s gone. The people of Libya have gotten rid of a dictator. NATO got it right.” In the wake of Gaddafi’s murder, Libya devolved into utter anarchy with slave markets where you could buy a human being for $40 and a civil war that lasted until 2020. The country became a seedbed of terrorists. Gaddafi’s regime had stood between Italy and Subsaharan Africa. With him out of the picture, Italy and the rest of the EU quickly became overrun with illegal immigrants.
The message the Libya episode sent to governments around the world was clear: You can do everything the Americans ask but there is still an excellent chance that they will put a knife in your back. …
The operation achieved its objective. On February 21 Yanukovych, in a last-ditch attempt to prevent more violence, signed a French-German-Polish brokered plan to accept reduced powers and called for early elections so he could be removed from power. On February 22, Right Sektor and neo-Nazi militias stormed government buildings and forced Yanukovych and many officials to flee Kyiv. Nuland arranged for an unconstitutional procedure in the parliament to strip the presidency from Yanukovych. Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Nuland’s “guy” was named prime minister and the U.S.-led Western powers immediately declared him legitimate. America’s 80th coup attempt since 1953 was a success. …
The successful overthrow of the Trump presidency returned to power the same cast of characters that had carried out the color revolution in Ukraine in 2014. Joe Biden, who as vice president had shepherded the deal to set up a puppet regime in Ukraine is now president. Victoria Nuland has returned as undersecretary of State for political affairs. Jen Psaki, who served as propaganda mouthpiece for the State Department during the Obama Administration, is now the propaganda mouthpiece for the Biden White House. Biden declared upon taking office, “America’s back,” which is only true if you define America as a government run by insane kleptocratic clowns whose problem-solving abilities amount to those of a farmer who sets fire to his cotton fields to drive out the boll weevils.
These are people who think they’re clever enough to deal with powerful foreign countries run by sane people. They’re not, and those foreign powers have taken note of that fact. The kind of Americans the world fears or respects have been put out of government and military leadership and replaced by a menagerie of nursing home patients, human resources ladies, affirmative action hires, sexual degenerates, and obese four-star generals angling for board seats on the next Theranos start-up. The day of reckoning has arrived. Leaders like Putin, Xi, and Mohammed bin Salman are no longer amenable to being pushed around and morally browbeaten by the circus freaks that constitute the United States Government. …”
Iran is another example of this.
When Trump came to power, he unilaterally tore up the Iran nuclear deal. He also assassinated General Soleimani because he needed the support of Republican senators in his impeachment trial. Even though Iran had abided by its commitments, Trump tried to crush the country with sanctions and topple its government anyway. Iran concluded it was foolish to give up on nuclear weapons.
“Russia and Ukraine are at war. Despite the warm words flooding forth from the West for Kiev, allied policy has been anything but pro-Ukraine. Indeed, America’s approach can best be described as fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian.
Most cynical has been the West’s Big Lie that Ukraine would enjoy eventual NATO membership. In 2008, at Washington’s behest, the transatlantic alliance told Georgia and Ukraine that someday they would be inducted. Western officials spent the last 14 years repeating that promise. …
One of those unhappy Russians was Vladimir Putin. Nor was the issue just NATO expansion. The aggressive war against and dismantlement of Serbia angered the Russian people as well as government. So did Western support for “color revolutions” in Tbilisi and Kiev. Too accurately for comfort, Putin complained to the 2007 Munich security forum that Washington had “overstepped its national borders in every way,” whose “almost uncontained hyper use of force” was “plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflicts.” …
Some outside observers recognized the danger created by this perception. State added: “[Dmitri] Trenin, Deputy Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, expressed concern that Ukraine was, in the long-term, the most potentially destabilizing factor in U.S.-Russian relations, given the level of emotion and neuralgia triggered by its quest for NATO membership. The letter requesting MAP consideration had come as a ‘bad surprise’ to Russian officials, who calculated that Ukraine’s NATO aspirations were safely on the backburner.”
None of this justifies Russia’s attack on Ukraine, of course. However, the problem is not that the allies ignored East European demands that Washington garrison states of little relevance to its own security. Rather, it is that the U.S. and its allies ruthlessly ran roughshod over Russian security interests in expanding NATO up to Russia’s border—just 100 miles away from St. Petersburg. Moreover, Washington repeatedly demonstrated its willingness to aggressively promote regime change, through financial and diplomatic support as well as military force.
Washington sought to impose its will not just in its own sphere of influence, the Western hemisphere, but in countries once part of the Russian Empire and Soviet Union. Allied claims to be surprised and shocked by Moscow’s complaints are careless at best, dishonest at worst. The West thought there was nothing Russia could do. Alas, the U.S. and its allies were wrong.”
We have a bipartisan foreign policy.
No one gets any input or choice in the matter.
The Kosher Sandwich in Washington is always to continue to expanding NATO regardless of the consequences and who is in power. Then send in Javelin anti-tank missiles. Then send in billions of dollars of foreign aid and MiGs and Stingers and high tech drones and anti-aircraft systems.
What will it be next? Will we start sending aircraft carriers to Ukraine? How about nuclear submarines? We’re steadily escalating from funding a proxy war in Donbas to the edge of World War III.
The murder of Soleimani after inviting him to a peace conference was sickening.
“We make the rules. We don’t have to abide by the rules ourselves.”
So very kosher.
And now Biden has done the same to Saudi Arabia. Saudis had been convinced to “westernize” their country during the Trump admin. Most likely they were also convinced to stop funding radical wahhabists all over the place, too, which is why Islamic terrorism dropped off so hard during that same time period. We went from seeing terrorist attacks in Europe nearly every week, to very few now. The mass execution the other day was probably sending a message that their westernization phase is over.
The truth is the Ukrainians blew up the bridge, and then took photos of their people struggling to get across it. What a Judeo-Catholic move.
“What a Judeo-Catholic move”:
Also Khazarian – following in the footsteps of the Khazars, the “name stealers,” who were renowned from the Black Sea to China for their unmatched skill of duplicity, and “culture” of murder and theft by trickery.
The region from the Black Sea to Western China was inhabited by the warlike Scythians, no?
Long Marching fellow travelers using demoralization are the architects of demise.
Don’t get demoralized under Anarcho-Tyranny.
I received this while chatting on a site. Just a week before the Russian liberation of Ukraine, Zelensky imposed antisemitism laws on the people of Ukraine and is shuttling the jew out via our tax money.
>Per a congressional staffer I know:
All Ukrainian JEWS being airlifted into Israel, with ALL THEIR POSSESSIONS, are slated for movement either into the new Golon Heights settlements or West Bank new housing projects. Bennet is trying to pack more JEWS into these areas to justify numbers and increased funding for them.
The aid package for Ukraine, being approved by the US government, has loads of cash for incidental expenses. These moves are being paid for by US gentile taxpayers100%. These ARE NOT emergency, humanitarian moves. They are permanent relocation moves; all expenses paid plus a healthy stipend to carry the new immigrant over until an employment position can be accomplished.
The entire Ukraine / Russia issue is ONE BIG SCAM for money. AND…Every FUCKING US Congressperson and Senator knows this FULL WELL !!!<
So Jewish Lightning strikes Country 404 on a big scale (They’ve been steadily strip-mining the place since 1991 so this is their exit for now) and the retarded Murikan goys get to pay the “insurance claims” through inflation, taxation, etc. Vote Moar Harder, retards!!
“They’ve been steadily strip-mining the place since 1991”:
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic was once the most densely populated, advanced, and productive member state of the U.S.S.R., with its own seat at the U.N. along with the Belarussian SSR and the USSR itself. But since 1991 it has devolved to one of the poorest places in Eurasia, and it has been severely de-populated. Millions have fled Khazarkraine, mostly to Russia, some to Europe. About one third of the remaining population are pensioners, too old and poor to emigrate, so they are stuck inside Khazarkraine.
Ticks on a plane. All fully bloated with blood.
Jews have unique talent to srew up anything they take over and this has lead to their own expulsion or slaughter many times. This time is different because this is the last time. Anglosphere is the last Jew friendly territory on the planet earth.
When Jews lose Anglospere, they have no more places to run. Even the Soros lamented that Putin and Xi can destroy their civilization.
Words have also changed. Instead of their democracy or as they say ” our democracy”, now they lamenting about their civilization.
Those coded language articles are not meant to us but messages to their supporters worldwide.
This unique talent for screwing up is a curse placed on them by God for killing his only son.
jews and their shabazz goy control what we see and what we can do. WE have been invaded by a foreign enemy and they’re not Russian.
Shortly after the war started Zelinsky blew up all the bridges leading in and out of Kiev. That old lady in the picture had to cross the river on a board because of that kyke genius.
Trump and the Clintons were raping underage Slavic Girls on Jeffrey Epstien’s Carribean Rape Paradise….
Who caused it?
Answer:Kharzaria….DNA evidence proves it…
Kicking the shit out of the Russians once in awhile is about all they are good for – the Brits, the Japs, the Turks, the Afghans, the Germans, the Swedes – everybody takes a turn.
Bergoglio does the evil work of the Straussians.
The Straussians seek to turn Ukrainian conflict into religious war
On the sidelines of the China-US summit in Rome on 15 March 2022, the United States exerted heavy pressure on the Holy See, in their intent to transform the conflict in Ukraine into a religious war.
In association with Bernard Lewis, under the George Bush Sr. administration, the Straussians [1] had dreamt of mobilizing Muslims against Russia. This deliberate strategy was later taken up by Lewis’s assistant, Samuel Huntington, who promoted it as an inevitable scenario : the clash of civilizations.
However, this strategy which was implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina, then in Chechnya, is ineffectual in Ukraine where both camps are Christian. The Straussians, therefore, want to fan the flames of the Catholic/Orthodox divide. To this end, they intend to revive the theology evolved from the visions of Fatima.
What is Bergoglio up to?
If a ritual of consecration is necessary to disperse the errors which threaten the stability of the moral order, Bergoglio would do better to reformat the event he has scheduled for March 25. He should forget Russia and the Ukraine and, if he must, make the collective West, including the European Union and NATO, the object of his error busting consecration.
I had linked that same Voltaire.net article here a few weeks ago. Quite good for that site. But we know more than just Straussians are involved and the war began long before them.
Re: Bergoglio: His will be the SIXTH TIME that Russia has been consecrated to “God’s Mother” since 1917. Somehow Russia has survived each of the “miracles” of consecration such as Operation Barbarossa, the sudden removal of Stalin (also claimed as a Purim miracle) and the breakup of the U.S.S.R. What will happen to Russia THIS time? Incidentally, Purim 2022 has come and gone, and contrary to my prediction (I’m glad) there was no big false flag or other anti-Russian “miracle” happening in Khazarkraine. Could it be that Zionists are being coy, laying low, and the date would be incriminating? There have been many small false flags in Khazarkraine in recent weeks, and I still expect a MAJOR false flag to occur, probably chemical.
Mainstream media’s constant drumbeat that “Russia is losing the war” is the prelude to the big, chemical, False Flag:
I don’t know if anyone has already pointed this out, but what happens when the DPR and the LPR are looking to finance their reconstruction and might be looking for buyers for all of the neat western military equipment that we are flooding in and they are picking up all over the place? … “Never fired and only dropped once” LOL … Who has so much US dollars cash that they have to count it by weighing it? I’ll take Mexican drug cartels for $500. Might be real interesting in the coming years when DEA planes are being shot out of the sky and CBP/TX ARNG vehicles are getting javelined along the murican southern border … with the equipment that ZOG give to the ukies for what (((they))) hoped was going to be the russian afghan 2.0 “fight for freedumb”. Looks like we are fated to live in interesting time, and we will all look back in horror at the “terrible twenties”. Cheers!
Has ZOG done anything so far that has actually helped the Ukrainians? Have they made the country safer? Have they brought food, medicine, peace…..anything? It looks to me as if Washington is trying to worsen the situation in every way they can think of.
I hadn’t really thought of it until now but it appears as if the Khazars literally want their own “homeland”. And the land they want to build it on is the Ukraine. Kiev is going to be their Jerusalem. Millions of Ukrainians will have to be eliminated one way or another so that the Khazars can move in and replace them, just like large numbers of Palestinians were forced off their own land by the Zionists in 1947-48.
Of course a certain number of Ukrainians will be permitted to remain in the newly established Khazar Khanate as menial laborers, human shields (so that neighboring slav countries don’t attack Khazarstan) and for the purposes of sex trafficking and organ harvesting. Palestinians and other non jews are kept in Israel for the same reasons.
And when their numbers become too large the Khazars will simply accuse the Ukrainians of having launched some clumsy terrorist attack and start bombing them indiscriminately in their ghettos or send in their Ukrainian mercenaries (“nazi” goon squads) to do the dirty work.
Only one man stands in the way of the Khazars and their monstrous plans: VLADIMIR VLADIMIROVICH. And that’s why he is being demonized by them in their global media. That’s why Russia is being economically blockaded by Khazar run banks and corporate monopolies. That’s why gentile stooges like Shitpants Joe are being ordered to threaten military violence against Moscow.
Fr. John is going to have to engage in an extraordinary amount of prayer and supplication to help prevent all this from happening. May Heaven hear his pleas!