A chilling image which reflects reality. pic.twitter.com/VI4PoYLzs9
— Peter MacKay (@PeterMacKay) March 17, 2022
CENSORED: YouTube/Google are offended by my criticism of the Military Industrial Complex and my advocacy for negotiated settlement in Ukraine, because they are the social media arm of that warmongering Power Elite/MIC. pic.twitter.com/tYe714y7cj
— Tulsi Gabbard ? (@TulsiGabbard) March 16, 2022
I’m posting this here solely for you can see the dishonest liberal war propaganda that is circulating here in the United States. Pay attention to what ISN’T in the documentary.
If it wasn’t for independent media, you would have no understanding of the relevant issues that have sparked this war – NATO expansion, the geopolitics of gas pipelines, the proxy war in Donbas which has dragged on for eight years, the color revolution in Ukraine in 2004, U.S. senators and NGOs fomenting a coup in Ukraine in 2014, the U.S. Congress flooding Ukraine with weapons, the dam which was constructed to deprive Crimea of water, the history of tensions between Ukrainian nationalists and Russian speakers, the geography of Ukraine and how that is a national security threat to Russia, the biolabs in Ukraine, how Russiagate has informed the Biden administration’s foreign policy, and so on.
“Putin’s war” in Ukraine also started three weeks ago. This ISN’T a war which has been raging for eight years since people like Jake Sullivan and Victoria Nuland set all of these dominos in motion in the Obama administration when they toppled the Ukrainian government.
“If it wasn’t for independent media, you would have no understanding of the relevant issues that have sparked this war – NATO expansion, the geopolitics of gas pipelines, the proxy war in Donbas which has dragged on for eight years, the color revolution in Ukraine in 2004, U.S. senators and NGOs fomenting a coup in Ukraine in 2014, the U.S. Congress flooding Ukraine with weapons, the dam which was constructed to deprive Crimea of water, the history of tensions between Ukrainian nationalists and Russian speakers, the geography of Ukraine and how that is a national security threat to Russia, the biolabs in Ukraine, how Russiagate has informed the Biden administration’s foreign policy, and so on.”
Don’t forget the other salient details that independent media has offered for explanations of whats going on such as Neo Khazarian Revanchism, the White girls in wheat fields, Muh Duganism and 15 dimensional Orthodox Christian chess games by Darth Putin to bring about the last battle and break the wheel of time so we can retake Constantinople, Gog and the emergence of the heretofore nascent Muh Gog, and the other dumb shit on Unz review and Russia Insider.
The whole thing is one big genre smashing clickbait fest. This will be without a doubt the gayest world war in the long history of world wars. We have to stop it now.
If there people saying that stuff, I haven’t seen it because I don’t read those websites
I’m not going to watch that PBS hit-piece on Vladimir Vladimirovitch. But I’ve watched so many Frontline documentaries that I feel like I’ve already seen this one anyway.
Who cares about the jewy libtard propaganda? You yourself are very consistently missing the obvious main point: The Ukrainians are fight for their folk against invaders. Not for the Jews.
What is this Puto-philia, and this false dichotomy that Russian Federation is good because Jew-hegemony is bad?
1. Made “Anti-Semitism” a capital crime.
2. Murdered at least five million Ukrainians for the Jews.
3. Betrayed their non-aggression treaty with Germany by preparing operation Thunderbolt (an attempt to subjugate all of Europe under their evil tyranny by stabbing Germany in the back while she was busy fighting the British / Americans), thus forcing Germany to pre-empt with operation Barbarrosa (Saving half of Europe from evil Commie rule – we should be grateful).
4. Murdered 90 percent of german POWs, at least.
6. Perpetrated yet another genocide after the war by murdering at least five and maybe seven million or more civilians mostly ethnic German.
7. By official policy (Solzhenitzen said it was “practically a mark of military distinction” Raping Russians raped, gang raped, usually to the death, all German women they could get their hands on — Women, little girls, grandmas.
8. Helped the jews fabricate the prime weapon in the genocide of the white race: The Holy Hoax.
9. Allie themselves with Jews and Israel in hostile and traitorous and murderous actions against the Western folk all through the “cold war”.
To watch them lie as if they were fighting for truth and justice and god and white folk and Russian apple pie is a very sick joke.
The only good guys in Ukraine are those fighting the Russian swine invading their land and murdering their people.
Go talk your talk to one of those white warriors who just buried his kids, or just burned an APC full of Russian invaders to hell — go tell them that Russians are okay by you and they are just stupidly fighting for ZOG — peddle them your false dichotomy and get an education.
I agree with you on that.
No one can blame ordinary people in Ukraine who are fighting for their country. We haven’t done so either. The same is true of Russians though. Neither Russians or Ukrainians have anymore control over their governments than we do here.
We’ve only discussed elites here because they are the ones who caused this situation. Putin has 100% control over Russia’s foreign policy. We have zero input in our foreign policy The Russian troops who were sent into Ukraine had no idea that was what they were about to be ordered to do.
The question is why Putin chose to do this.
“No one can blame ordinary people in Ukraine who are fighting for their country”:
I never said there were NO Ukrainians, formerly known as Galicians, or Ruthenians, whose native language is Ukrainian, write Cryllic with some differences from Russian, have unique folklore and customs, belong to the Pope’s Uniate church etc. – living mostly in Ukraine proper, formerly known as Galicia (and Podolia) and Ruthenia. No doubt some of these real Ukrainians really are “fighting for their country,” but I have read that more Galicians flee from the forced conscription (draft dodgers) than the Russians and other groups being drafted in Khazarkraine. Most Khazarkrainian soldiers are probably forced to fight by the U.S.’s terrorist proxies the brainwashed Russia-hating Banderites who are embedded in, or in command of every single unit.
“The question is why Putin chose to do this”:
I thought the question was: Why didn’t he do it, or why did it take him so long (all those years of delay) to finally do it? I think one reason is that Russia was not ready (not strong enough), secondly the U.S. was not quite weak enough, and thirdly, that the U.S. had not yet crossed the last red lines clearly enough, blatantly, for all the world to see.
“Murdered at least five million Ukrainians for the Jews”:
That Holy Holodomor hoax again!
“Solzhenitzyn said”:
That pest did not understand or he lied about communism. He spread a lot of falsehoods (gross exaggerations) like 60 million killed, 15 million in gulag, 10% of population imprisoned…
“the Russian swine”
betrays your bias
Hitler is the one responsible for war on the Eastern Front, not Stalin. The “wignats” will go to absurd lengths to justify Hitler’s numerous blunders. I suspect they regard him as being the ideal father they always wanted but never had. Their real fathers were in and out of jail or living with another woman in Florida. Then they come up with absurd Soviet atrocity figures that are supposed to make Barbarossa look like it was a humanitarian mission. For the wignat the world began in Germany in 1933 and ended there 12 years later. Nothing of importance ever happened before that time or since.
It’s all so stupid and tiresome.
Hitler didn’t have that choice. The USSR had its sights set on Europe. Hitler had to make a move and take that risk. Europe was going to go to the dogs anyway. Just ask the Ukrainians, Romanians, Balts, Finns, Poles, and even the Chechens who were almost genocided by Stalin.
Time was not a luxury that Hitler, or Europe, had. Bolshevism was mass murdering people to the East at breakneck speed and on the move West. Hitler struck preemptively and devastatingly, and he almost destroyed the USSR. If he waited for the Stalin’s forces, already massed on near the German border, to strike first, they would have had the advantage, and probably made it all the way to Portugual with little trouble, just as Stalin originally intended. Consider what Europe would look like if that happened. Hitler acted correctly.
“. The USSR had its sights set on Europe. ”
Germans had continuous aerial reconnaissance of Western Russian, by the Rowehl group.
They had photographic proof of Russia building forward airbases and massing troops on the Western frontier. Hitler caught Stalin on his back foot, before he could strike Europe.
Effectively, Hitler broke the legs of Marxism, before it could dominate the world.
If not for Hitler’s action, the world would be worshipping Marx and Lenin.
” Neither Russians or Ukrainians have anymore control over their governments than we do here.”
We, the common folk of nations, are pawns being moved by malevolent hands.
We’re just spectators.
Ukrainians are not fighting for “their folk.” If they were, they would have fought against the US state department puppet government that controlled their country for years, but they never did. They are fighting to hand their sovereignty over to the USA and destroy their nation through mass immigration and faggotry. Both of which were already well underway under American control, as we can plainly see by the masses of African-Ukrainian “refugees” that fled. They deserve zero respect.
And every crime you listed of Russia in the 20th century was even more true of the USA.
Part of it is no doubt the aspiration to get into NATO and have Article 5 protection and therefore a platform to antagonize Russia like Latvia and Poland. The desire to join NATO is written into their constitution.
Yes, that and EU membership, so they could all move west for money. As you say, just like Poles, whose entire modern ethnic identity is rooted in Western envy. Ukrops want to sell away what little heritage they have to go scrub toilets in Poland, while the Poles are all away scrubbing toilets in Germany.
At least Germans, Japanese, and worst Koreans had to be beaten into submission before they accepted American domination. Poles and Ukrainians willingly beg to be controlled by America and pray to icons of Ronald Reagan on their bedroom walls for nothing. Both are pathetic and deserve all of the mockery and scorn they can get.
When you make it clear that your nation is already up for sale to the highest bidder, you forfeit any right to appeal to self-determination or “muh folk.”
Wait, I thought the Pollacks went to the UK to work as plumbers, no?
It is the U.S.’s war against Russia, not “Putin’s war.” The U.S. was on the road to war for many years and paved the road for its Ukrainian terrorist proxies long before Russia began to defend itself.
The Empire cries out as it strikes its victim.
Vlad needs to nationalize the “Russian” central bank pronto.
Absolutely. Also Russia’s energy and mineral resources must be fully nationalised. Bans or limits on exports of some commodities were enacted two weeks ago to prevent the U.S. and its allies from robbing Russia blind again for pennies on the dollar after they had crashed the ruble. But the ruble has mostly recovered, in record time! I think these bans and limits on exports of palladium, rare earths, etc. should be maintained and prices raised as forced reparations, because Russia was raped for decades, and must now stand up to the serial rapists.
” Russia was raped for decades, ”
By ((( whom ))) ?
The US govt is losing the propaganda war so they are spinning the lies faster than they can make them up.
Only ZOG, the Twitterati and Globohomo Corporation support Jewkraine. The rest of the world is on Team Putin™.
B. Smith’s comments remind me of many on other sites who denounce Russia, scream for Ukraine to triumph, one (a supposedly furious Ukrainian, but you never know) even bragged Ukraine will occupy Russia. One site for gun lovers included screeds of how to ambush and kill Russians soldiers, use mines, claymores, kill, kill, kill…and portray all of this as a triumph of the second amendment. I’d say this: don’t let your hatred or emotions cloud your judgement. This war is not our fight, and the Ukraine is a soiled lady if you defend her honor. All of this was a provocation against Russia. The war fever is sickening and dangerous, and we could easily be led into somewhere we don’t want to go. If Zelensky had demanded a declaration of war from Congress and enough fools cheered for it, then what? That senile clown Biden called Putin a war criminal openly. That’s almost a declaration of war. And it appears he was almost told to do it by someone, since he went back to a reporter who asked that question.
I’m reminded of the war fever Prussia had in fighting Napoleon in 1806. They were crushed at Jena, and the fabled Prussian reputation was shattered for awhile.
I also recall that scene in Moscow where a Russian TV employee flashed an antiwar sign behind the newsreader. Odd that it said “no war” in English. The reporter is being imprisoned. Yes, terrible, but it did s show a freedom and rage you wouldn’t see here. Could you even conceive of someone doing that at CBS, CNN, Fox, or anywhere else? we’re much too controlled.
As for other comments about Hitler and Russia, yes, Hitler (whom I do admire in parts) began the war. He caused immense suffering for the Russians, and on purpose. And believe me, the Russians remember it. A Russian woman told me how, when we have Memorial Day…one day…in Russia they have two weeks of remembering the great patriotic war.
Like Hunter, I’m not a great champion of Putin as being a white nationalist, but he is fighting our fight, and as I’ve said before, all our leaders are flawed, but the triumph of this corporate/ZOG world we live in would be a disaster.
Prussia was defeated in 1806, but from it the state reformed and improved itself and its military. Solzhenitzyn said a nation needs defeats as much as it needs victories. ZOG definitely needs a good whipping.
“don’t let your hatred or emotions cloud your judgement”
That would only solve 90% of humanities self-inflicted problems./s
As other posters have mentioned, Hitler had to strike, before Stalin’s massed invasion of Europe.