The Russian World

Aside from NATO expansion all the other issues that we know are driving this conflict, it is clear that Vladimir Putin sees Ukraine as a fake country and Russians and Ukrainians as being the same people. Putin’s goal is to prevent Ukraine from leaving Russia’s sphere of influence.

“The aggression of 2014, backed by the ideology of the “Russian World,” offers Ukrainians today a throwback in comparison with Soviet practices. Nation building as conceived in a future New Russia makes no provision for a separate Ukrainian ethnicity within a broader Russian nation. This is hardly an oversight or an excess born of the heat of battle. Less than a year before the annexation of the Crimea, Vladimir Putin himself went on record claiming that Russians and Ukrainians were one and the same people. He repeated that statement in a speech delivered on March 18, 2015, to mark the first anniversary of the annexation of the Crimea …

The ideology of the “Russian World,” which combines Russian nationalism with Russian Orthodoxy and which Moscow and Russian-backed insurgents have promoted as an alternative to the pro-European choice of the Maidan protesters, has helped strengthen them Ukrainian-Jewish pro-European alliance developing in Ukraine since 1991. “I have said for a long time that an alliance between Ukrainians and Jews is a pledge of our common future,” posted a pro-Maidan activist on his Facebook account.”

Serhi Plokhy, The Gates of Europe: History of Ukraine, p. 361-363

Is Ukraine part of Europe or the Russian World?

What does this conflict have to do with us? The European Union might have a dog in this fight given that the war is on its eastern border, but why are we getting involved?

If you are an Anglo-American who lives a safe and comfortable life in North America, this border dispute between East Slavs should be of utterly no interest or concern to you. It is none of our business. It is also not a threat to us. Unlike communism, Putin’s “Russian World” ideology is only concerned with his civilization space. It has boundaries. He isn’t interested in conquering Tennessee. If Putin’s Russia is struggling to exert influence over Ukraine, why should we be so worried about him?

The problem here is that our leaders are drunk on imperialism and militarism. They are incapable of minding their own business. They believe that every conflict on earth no matter how irrelevant to the interests of the average American is our problem and our responsibility. They neglect our problems at home. We have no vital interest at stake in Donbas. The Empire is always perpetually expanding into new remote areas – Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan – and triggering these bloody conflicts.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The problem here is that our leaders are drunk on imperialism and militarism. They are incapable of minding their own business.

    If the South had of beaten the Yankee Empire 160 years ago all this “imperialism and militarism” for the past 160 years by these self-righteous busy-bodies in other people’s affairs “Puritans” would have been cut back tremendously because we would have helped to keep them in check.

    If Robert E. Lee had prevailed this “2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine” would have never occurred.

    “The consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it.”
    — Robert E. Lee, in reply letter to Lord Acton, 12-15-1866.

    • …and they are lost and in the dark without Christ. We are nothing more than witnesses to Gods eternal judgment of those chosen to be damned. The circle is complete the light is appearing and all are seeing the awesome power of God. Our enemies and the enemies of human kind are being dealt with, in Gods own way.

  2. Ukraine and Georgia are historical Jew/neanderthal areas and that is why there is fighting over these particular areas. Americans decline spells doom for the kyke state and, where are they going to go after they destroy America well who else wants them? May be the Irish?

    “I may be Irish, but I am not stupid”.

      • China already told them “no”. Rothschild descendant Zuckerberg married a Chinese and produced a child which he offered to name after Xi, who said hell no. There was a meeting of big jews in Wye MD circa 2006 where they planned out a move to China once they were finished sucking the life out of North America. As evidenced by Soros’ latest remarks about China, that plan has been abandoned for now.

    • Robert, there are always outliers and exceptions! James Connolly, the EX-Catholic, martyred leader of the Irish Socialist Party, was NOT stupid like Biden and all the other Irish and Catholic capitalist politicians you reference. Connolly said: “Governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs of the capitalist class,” and “If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin Castle, unless you set about the organization of a Socialist Republic your efforts would be in vain. England would still rule you. She would rule you through her capitalists, through her landlords, through her financiers, through the whole array of commercial and individualist institutions she has planted in this country and watered with the tears of our mothers and the blood of our martyrs.“

      “We must fight The Bankers, and their greasy hands!” So They shot him in a chair:

      • @Merthyr Rising, 1831——I am talking about the blood and the only way to over come the sinful ways born in the blood is through Christ. And The Irish have turned their back on Christ and got in bed with the Christ killers. What hope do they have?

  3. “If you are an Anglo-American who lives a safe and comfortable life in North America, this border dispute between East Slavs should be of utterly no interest or concern to you.”

    If you’re an Anglo-American who lives a safe and comfortable life in North America, then you’re in the crosshairs, just as Russia is.

  4. With the right economic system (real socialism) many of these inter-ethnic conflicts would never happen. Pan-Slavic brotherhood would spring up on its own, by the natural force of ethnocentrism, if the working class were not being pulled apart and set at each others’ throats constantly, diviso et impera, by capitalist interests.

    Under feudalism and capitalism, greed ruled instead of love. I think Putin the capitalist still has in his heart the old vision of a pan-Slavic UNION of brotherly ethnic republics. In that sense I think he means Belarussians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Cossacks, Tatars and other ethnicities who have different customs, and speak languages or dialects different from the Great Russians’ are really all the same people.

  5. Sorry you still see this as a border dispute between East Slavs, Hunter. You still do not get it. But you are trying.

    • It not a border dispute between East Slavs. That’s very inaccurate. The war was started by the empire in 2014 with the shelling of the Dombas region in the wake of the installation of the empire’s puppet-regime in Kiev. Putin, who has his own very serious problem with a fifth-column in Russia itself, held off responding intervening in the war for 8 years, which gave the empire time to bring in arms and train the Jewkro-Nazis who occupy all key posts in Country 404 military. Keep in mind that the Russian central bank is not really controlled by the Russian government but by the (((IMF))). In the past year some 600 tons of gold mined in Russia was sold on the (((City of London))) exchange, thanks to a treasonous banker. With the bio-weapons labs and threat of nuking up, Putin was left with no choice but to intervene.

      The “elections” held in Country 404 are every bit as fake as those held in Wokeunduh. The empire has not only bio-warfare labs but many other operations going on in 404 – especially human-trafficking and money laundering, all arranged by the (((Ukrainian))) oligarchs, all now safely removed to the empire’s territory. The war is basically a defensive one on Russia’s part against the empire’s ongoing offensive to destroy them. Note how even the “opposition” parties in the “free” west are all cheering to support a fake-country used as a forward base to destroy Russia, while their own borders are wide open to invasion.

      • Good comment worth reading as always.

        Re: “the Russian central bank is not really controlled by the Russian government but by the (((IMF))). In the past year some 600 tons of gold mined in Russia was sold on the (((City of London))) exchange, thanks to a treasonous banker”:

        That’s an anti-national bank.

  6. The Russian Ukraine conflict has nothing to do with the US but as Americans we don’t have any say in the matter. It used to be the people ruled the govt, now it’s the other way around. We are pawns in the same game.

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