Washington Post: How Putin Is Weaponizing Traditional Values To Defend Russian Aggression In Ukraine

Of course.

As liberals lead Americans down the primrose path into World War III with Russia, it is worth recalling what liberals did with their victory over Nazi Germany and how that redefined our national identity.

In the post-World War II era, Adolf Hitler became the evil dictator. Hitler became evil incarnate. Hitler became Satan. Satan, however, went mainstream. American war propaganda drove massive changes in public opinion and anything that “journalists” could associate with the Third Reich including things that had always long been associated with America like a non-interventionist foreign policy became stigmatized and marginalized. American identity has been haunted by Hitler’s ghost ever since. Hitler’s shadow looms over the West and drives insane cultural changes like Wokeism to this day. No Western country can have borders or argue in favor of its own self preservation … because, Hitler.

Leaping into a war with Russia is the most foolish mistake that conservatives can make. Be careful what you wish for. You better think twice before empowering liberals to wage World War III.

Washington Post:

“In the dark recesses of Gab.com, a social-media site popular with the far right in the United States, Russian President Vladimir Putin is glorified as a conservative lion.

Users post under names such as “Rutin 4 Putin” and “Call of Putin: Slavic Warfare.” One of them who identifies himself as “an unvaccinated, pure blooded, non-complying, God fearing, gun owning, and liberty defending patriotic man” who believes in “2 genders and only one God” wrote that “there is more truth coming from Putin than from all of the leaders of western world countries combined.”

That rightist strain of support is built on one of the Russian leader’s lesser-known war tactics: His casting of a Christian catchall — “traditional values” — as a weapon. To defend Russian aggression in Ukraine, he has lobbed disproved claims of U.S.-funded bioweapons labs and a neo-Nazi takeover of the government in Kyiv (both of which have found homes on gab.com as well). But even as Russian bombs kill scores of civilians, Putin has also sought to portray his war as righteous — describing Ukraine as a microcosm of the greater global tug of war between liberal and conservative thought.

His parlance speaks to the rise of Putin as a global touchstone of the far right. Building for years, his crafted image as a right-wing Christian leader is finding its most potent outlet in the horrific war in Ukraine. For the Christian right in the United States and Europe, Putin’s messaging is not so much a dog whistle as a blaring siren. …”

Just set aside for the moment the concern that a war with Russia will lead to a nuclear holocaust. What are the cultural consequences of a war with Russia?

New York Times:

“After President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia claimed that action against Ukraine was taken in self-defense, the Fox News host Tucker Carlson and the conservative commentator Candace Owens repeated the assertion. When Mr. Putin insisted he was trying to “denazify” Ukraine, Joe Oltmann, a far-right podcaster, and Lara Logan, another right-wing commentator, mirrored the idea.

The echoing went the other way, too. Some far-right American news sites, like Infowars, stoked a longtime, unfounded Russian claim that the United States funded biological weapons labs in Ukraine. Russian officials seized on the chatter, with the Kremlin contending it had documentation of bioweapons programs that justified its “special military operation” in Ukraine.

As war has raged, the Kremlin’s talking points and some right-wing discourse in the United States — fueled by those on the far right — have coalesced. On social media, podcasts and television, falsehoods about the invasion of Ukraine have flowed both ways, with Americans amplifying lies from Russians and the Kremlin spreading fabrications that festered in American forums online.

By reinforcing and feeding each other’s messaging, some right-wing Americans have given credibility to Russia’s assertions and vice versa. Together, they have created an alternate reality, recasting the Western bloc of allies as provokers, blunderers and liars, which has bolstered Mr. Putin. …”

Think about it.

Eugenics became taboo after World War II.

Nationalism became stigmatized after World War II.

White identity was proscribed for being like Nazism after World War II.

The obsession with “antiracism” goes back to World War II.

It became taboo to criticize Jews about anything after World War II.

The “authoritarian personality” of “proto-fascism” was stigmatized after World War II.

It is difficult to exaggerate the psychological and cultural impact that World War II had on the West. It was the watershed and turning point in Western cultural decline.

This is what liberals are aiming to do again by inciting World War III with Russia. A war with Russia will inevitably devolve into a war inside the West against the “far right” and traditional values and Christianity. Putin will replace Hitler as the demon in the American imagination.

Note: Liberals are currently taking a break from cancelling us to incite World War III with Russia. Make no mistake. They will eagerly resume their ongoing project in a climate of war hysteria.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. America has got to go, for Europe and the world’s sake. If America dies so that Europe can live I’m fine with that, even if I live inside of the clown empire!!!

      • No. Liberaism is genetical and because of that we can never live with those people. They may change names like Ukraine Antifa became Azov batallion but their madness remains. We must separate from those genetic degenerates.

    • Dirt “America dies so that Europe can live I’m fine with that hat”, well, you are intitled too your opinion, I myself, do not share your viewpoint, perhaps, you should rethink that notion………

      • No need to rethink it. Europe is our ancient homeland and served as the forge where we were made.

    • Go sign up for the Azov company (they seem to have been substantially reduced in size), or Regiment 404 of the Foreign Legion. A shiny Darwin award awaits you.

      • I wonder what lucky son of a gun won the Darwin Award distribution contract for all the maroons who volunteered to fight in Ukraine.

        “You get an award, and you get an award, and there’s one for you…”

        • Well the guy who shot up an APC with a AK is surely a candidate for the highest order of the award

          BTW i´m quite sure that guy was American living in a video game world

  2. “Eugenics became taboo after World War II.”

    Even though California had stricter racial laws than the Nuremberg Laws. How they twist history to subvert our civilization.

  3. Yes, this. Putin was no ‘true nationalist’, Russian ‘civilisation’ is multi-cultural … but Putin was the symbolic lead white-country bulwark regarding restrictions on LGBT, and the notion of supporting traditional religion and traditional family and gender identity

    In line with what Hunter says above, Hungary and Poland will soon be crushed by the EU regarding their holding out on LGBT, trad family and religion … cuz they will be ‘like Putin’

    It is now mainstream news in Europe – see below – that Poland has 10,000 troops ready to go into western Ukraine where there is some Polish population, around what once had been a Polish city, Lviv also called Lvov

    These Polish troops are waiting on ‘approval’ from Biden and from Zelensky … Zelensky seeming clearly to be in Poland, his official photos showing rooms with 3-prong Polish-style electric outlets, not the 2-prong ones of Ukraine

    Polish troops inside Ukraine … soon hit by Russians, with maybe claims Russia struck inside Poland … Nato Article 5 and the big war


  4. I don’t disagree with any of this. But if we are to stay out of this Ukraine thing, then I don’t really want to carry water for putin if he wants to be the next historical boogie man.

    Invading Ukraine was as much about his legacy and hurt feelz as about how rough Russia has had it since they screwed themselves over with the soviet project. Its no different than China’s century of humiliation. Its literally just revanchist politics in both cases.

    I can’t even find a violin small enough to play a sad sad song just for history’s communists.

    Whats Trad in Russia and China isn’t whats Trad in Central Appalachia where this White boy lives.

    We here would be in much better shape if China and Russia hadn’t given political and financial support to their fifth column fellow travelers here in the U.S. over the last two generations, who have recently achieved absolute power here.

    This East vs. West dichotomy is fake and gay, and I won’t buy into it.

  5. The Democratic Party

    The Homosexual Pederast Gay Wedding Party

    Bill and Hillary Clinton Family Values Party

  6. Building new Orthodox churches everywhere – and there are YOUNG people, not just old people, filling them up as they appear – I suppose that is called “weaponizing traditional values.” But it is really “the Russian soul” that is re-appearing, the spirit of Orthodox Russia. The church is the conscience of the Russian people, who will be lost and die without it. I’m sorry for posting so many links to Russian folk music videos, but this one that brings tears to my eyes I would very much like to share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM9Rtdy5JSU

  7. Hitler gave the predator, the wolves, the Jew, the mask of victimhood. And the wolves adore their sheeps clothing. “Unfortunately” it is wearing out and a new garment is need for the wolves. The better to devour you with, my dear pretty.

  8. The liberals cheered when the “Nazis were defeated by the US and their communists allies, the Soviet Union in WW2. Now the liberals are cheering on the “Nazis” to defeat Russia which is not the same as their Soviet counterparts. Strange times we live in.

  9. “Unfounded”…. “Disproved US bioweapons labs”???

    The US just proved them and they did it by their own lonesome from the highest seat in the land to the ears of it´s pleebs

  10. No one will ever replace Hitler as the great evil god of our overlords. Putin is just his latest incarnation.

  11. The National Socialists borrowed the eugenics thing from America. A fact that is now conviently forgotten.

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