If you oppose this, you are a “Putin stooge.”
Note: In the early 20th century, America’s liberal elites decisively turned their backs on their own heritage, which was a continental vision of development based on rejecting the empire we had recently broken away from, and set us on the road to emulating and eventually taking over the British Empire. Now, American troops are sent to places like Latvia to act as imperial tripwires. It is a great deal for Latvia.
Don’t forget Chuck Todd is a Jew.
The Kikes have really started to bang the drums for war with Russia. I was listening to a “conservative” Jew on the car radio who says that he unabashedly believes that the US is and should be the world’s policeman!
Whenever the Catholics like Biden and Pelosi weaken the Jews stir the pot.
Btw, let’s remember that nine members of Biden’s cabinet are Catholics, plus there are other Catholics with top level jobs in the Biden Administration.
So, if the Catholics don’t get you, the Jews will. Something to consider on Good Friday.
Latvia is a globopedo stooge. Shame that. Finland too. Finland fought bravely against Bolshivism 1.0 just to totally suck Shlomoshlong on 2.0.
“Finland fought bravely against Bolshivism 1.0”:
No. You need to study the history of the Finnish people’s revolution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xygUXauKEY0&list=PLbnLysSug0vTIfeavdM9cqWfLdZOl1IIo
“Finland fought bravely against Bolshivism”:
I forgot to add: The Finnish revolution actually preceded the Bolshevik revolution and the two peoples’ republics never fought or even differed. It was only the reactionary forces that overthrew (with German, U.S. and other outside support) democratically-elected socialism in Finland that fought (“bravely”) against Russia. If both were socialist, the Finnish and Russian peoples would never have fought one another. But Finland returned to capitalism and handed out some populist welfare “treats” (like the U.S. did with FDR’s New Deal reforms) to confuse and placate the workers.
Estonia was calling for troops days ago. Iceland, Switzerland, Lichtenstein, San Marino, and more little U.S.-led countries are in on the act, while helicopters keep crashing in a desperate effort to rescue some VERY important person or persons from the Azov steelworks in Mariupol. It reminds me of how the U.S. always comes in at the last minute and rescues certain top-level “ISIS commanders” with helicopters when lower-level ISIS/AlQaeda cannon fodder troops are about to be slaughtered for show (because the U.S. PRETENDS to be fighting ISIS).
There are also reports of Khazarkrainians castrating Russian prisoners, as well as shooting through their knees or groins to make them crippled for life. The Khazarkrainian “Nazis” are doing everything that ISIS/AlQaeda does, except the head chopping, so far. Both wars are Talmudo-Catholic crusades against real Orthodoxy that is independent of Rome and Israel: The Russian Orthodox church has been relentlessly attacked, and finally, it is being banned by the new law, that threatens it with extinction in Khazarkraine – just like the Syrian Orthodox church was singled out for destruction by the U.S.’s and Israel’s proxies ISIS/AlQaeda, and now it is nearing extinction in Syria. Armenian Orthodoxy is also marked for extinction: While Russia is occupied in Khazarkraine, Israel is pressuring Azerbaijan and Turkey to attack the rump state of mostly genocided Armenia. Armenia should follow the example of Crimea, and now South Ossetia, by holding a referendum to re-join Russia.
Chechens are beginning to attack the main Azov stronghold in the abandoned steelworks in Mariupol today: https://niqnaq.wordpress.com/2022/04/02/south-front-232/ Chechens are fierce fighters but not barbaric like the Khazarkrainians, who the Chechens call “Shaitans.”
A good piece on Khazarkrainian Zio-Nazism published on The Saker yesterday: https://thesaker.is/the-ukrainian-rabbit-hole-of-radicalism/
Here is an interesting panel discussion from a different source:
It’s bad enough simping for the Snow Niggers in Russia but now you’re simping for the even bigger shitbag Muslim Chechens.
I said the Chechens are fierce fighters but not beastly like the “Shaitans” (Nudelmanistas) you say you support. Remember, the U.S. created an anti-Russian Muslim insurgency in Chechnya in the 1990’s, bringing in Jihadis and other proxies and mercenaries from over 50 countries to kill Russians. But the current Chechen leadership rejects “radical Islam” and opposes the U.S. and Israel. Furthermore, Chechens are not “niggers.” They are a White ethnic group, like the Georgians, Armenians and most of the Caucasian ethnicities.
Must be hard to realize that your favorite Gay Disco in Country 404 will be shut down soon. You’ll have to get used to the thought though. Make you should take a trip to Disneyworld instead. I heard that Epstein’s Island will be for sale soon, so maybe you and Greg can raise some funds from the Hugo Boss boys for a new glitzy party place.
I think we can all agree that Chechens are scum, and should not be set loose on other people.
Not only Chechens but all the ethnic groups of the Caucasus are traditionally very martial. You are confusing that tendency with the U.S./CIA-Mossad operation that established a Wahhabi insurgency in Chechnya with fighters imported from over 50 countries. When that operation was defeated (at the cost of many Russian soldiers) and all teaching and practice of Wahhabism was forbidden, Chechnya has been quite peaceful and safe.
Chechen fighters are reported to have discovered “billions” (billions?) in cash being transported in ambulances in Mariupol. Their final attack on the “Shaitans” in the steelworks has begun. Some very important person or persons are in there waiting to be rescued, if a helicopter can manage to slip through.
They are Caucasoid (White) indigenous inhabitants of the northern Caucasus mountains. Some are still Orthodox, more recently almost all Muslim. They were not Muslim until the last century. Paganism was predominant until the Russian conquest.
That guy from Wuhan, funding eco health alliance, he’s a Ukrainian ethnic.
Odd, I wonder how many labs he funded in Ukraine?
Anyway the lady makes a good point about how Covid19 was a way to get us to be on a war footing.
Reducing tensions LOL:
“Poland should consider obtaining nuclear weapons, said Jaros?aw Kaczy?ski, Poland’s deputy prime minister and the leader of the ruling party Law and Justice (PiS), in an interview”
America’s $14 Billion “aid” package included over a billion dollars to expand US military bases in central and eastern Europe.
Another vassal country of ZOG
My late friend (and LOS member) had a Russian mail order bride The marriage ended in divorce. She once said I looked like a Balt. I guess because of my Nordic features…Well, there goes the Estonian ethnostate.
I guess the Balts are still mad at how poorly they were treated by the Russian-dominated USSR for all those decades. But they should realize that being a vassal state of ZOG USA would be even worse. At least the Soviets didn’t bring in millions of Africans, Orientals, Latin Americans and Middle Easterners to replace ’em!
Most of the Cheka trigger-men for the Bolshevik regime in the early era (1918-1925) were Balts, while most of the high-level commissars were Jews. One of the big Jew lies about the revolution is their description of the Lenin era as some sort of budding utopia. There was slaughter aplenty. The civil war was going on in the early part of the era, with the usual suspects in the west supporting both sides so more Russians would be killed. Poland broke free under Pilsudski after he kicked Trotsky’s ass in a serious battle for Warsaw (1920) while the civil war raged. Pilsudski started out as a socialist, interestingly.